Gepatrombin With

Producer: Hemofarm, A.D. (A.D. Hemofarm) Serbia
Code of automatic telephone exchange: C05BA53
Release form: Soft dosage forms. Gel.
General characteristics. Structure:
Active agent: heparin sodium heparin sodium 500 ME 1 ME - the anticoagulating activity corresponding to activity of 0.0077 mg of the II International standard of heparin (WHO); dimethyl sulfoxide of 150 mg; декспантенол 25 mg
Excipients: isopropanol of 353.3 mg, carbomer 940 10 of mg, a macrogoal глицерилгидроксистеарат 10 mg, троламин 5 mg, oil of a pine of mountain 2.5 mg, oil of rosemary of 2 mg, oil of a lemon of 0.5 mg, the water purified 438.6 mg.
Pharmacological properties:
The combined drug for external use. Effect of drug is caused by the active agents which are its part.
Heparin sodium - anticoagulant of direct action; thanks to an inactivation of biogenic amines and blocking of lizosomalny enzymes in fabrics, shows antiinflammatory action; accelerates dissolution of microblood clots in the field of hypodermic capillaries; improves a local blood stream; promotes regeneration of connecting fabric due to oppression of activity of hyaluronidase. At topical administration has also antiedematous effect.
Dekspantenol (B5 provitamin) shows antiinflammatory and dermatoprotektorny action; improving exchange processes, stimulates regeneration processes. Due to improvement of processes of epithelization and granulation promotes regeneration of the damaged fabrics.
The dimethyl sulfoxide renders antiinflammatory, mestnoanesteziruyushchy, analgeziruyushchy and antimicrobic action; has moderate fibrinolitic activity. Gets through skin, mucous, biological membranes, promotes deeper penetration into fabrics of other components of drug.
Pharmacokinetics. Heparin sodium at external use quickly gets into skin: in 1 h after putting gel on skin concentration in the subject fabrics is comparable to concentration which is observed later in/in 5000 ME heparins. Heparin does not get through a placental barrier and is not emitted with breast milk.
Dekspantenol - after a resorption in skin turns into pantothenic acid (B5 vitamin) which, being a coenzyme A component, participates in numerous processes of a metabolism.
The dimethyl sulfoxide quickly gets through skin, mucous membranes, biological membranes (including through covers of microbic cells). After drawing on Cmax skin in plasma it is reached in 4-8 h. It is evenly distributed in an organism, except for a brain where its concentration is minimum. It is allocated generally with urine (30% of a dose in the form of not changed drug and methyl sulphone); in insignificant degree - through lungs and intestines. The metabolite methyl thiomethane causes a characteristic garlick smell from a mouth at some patients.
Indications to use:
— hematomas, an inflammation of soft tissues, muscles, sinews, tendinous vaginas, sheaves after bruises, prelums, injuries (including sports);
— humeroscapular periarthritis;
— shoulder epicondylitis ("tennis player's elbow");
— tendinitis, tendovaginitis;
— bursitis;
— the deforming osteoarthrosis (in the presence of defeat of periartikulyarny fabrics);
— neuralgia.
Route of administration and doses:
Gel is applied with a thin layer on affected areas of skin or skin over a painful zone, trying to avoid putting drug directly on wounds and grazes. After putting gel it is not necessary to apply a bandage. Before drawing skin has to be pure and dry.
The procedure is repeated by 1-2 times a day within 7-10 days or before disappearance of symptoms of a disease (pain, hypostasis, an inflammation). If within 10 days of use of gel there does not occur clear improvement, it is recommended to see a doctor.
Features of use:
It is not recommended to apply gel on open wounds.
At emergence of skin allergic reactions it is necessary to stop treatment.
Side effects:
Hyperemia, itch and burning of skin in the field of application; allergic reactions (small tortoiseshell, Quincke's disease); a garlic smell from a mouth; change of flavoring feelings.
Interaction with other medicines:
The dimethyl sulfoxide which is a part of gel considerably strengthens penetration of other medicines through skin. For prevention of undesirable effects of these substances, it is not necessary to apply on skin other drugs to or after Gepatrombin S. drawing.
— hypersensitivity to heparin, a dimethyl sulfoxide, a dekspantenol and other components of drug;
— bronchial asthma;
— pregnancy;
— lactation period;
— heavy liver and/or renal failure;
— the expressed disturbances from cardiovascular system (including heavy stenocardia, a myocardial infarction, a stroke, the expressed general atherosclerosis);
— lupus erythematosus;
— open wounds in a drug site of application;
— children's age up to 5 years.
Use at pregnancy and feeding by a breast
Gepatrombin About gel is contraindicated to use at pregnancy and in the period of a lactation.
Use at abnormal liver functions
Contraindication: heavy liver failure;
Use at renal failures
Contraindication: heavy renal failure;
Use for children
Contraindication: children's age up to 5 years.
So far drug overdose cases Gepatrombin With are not described. At the correct use of gel the overdose is improbable.
Storage conditions:
Drug should be stored in the place, unavailable to children, at a temperature from 15 °C to 25 °C.
Issue conditions:
Without recipe
Gel for наружн. comment 500 ME+150 of mg +25 mg/g: tuba of 40 g.