Niacin таб. No. 50

Producer: CJSC Lekhim-Kharkiv Ukraine
Code of automatic telephone exchange: C04A C01
Release form: Firm dosage forms. Tablets.
General characteristics. Structure:
Active ingredient: 1 tablet contains niacin - 50 mg; excipients: glucose, stearic acid.
Pharmacological properties:
Niacin is specific antipellagric means of the symptom complex developing owing to deficit of niacin at food and also at the persons suffering from an alcoholism, various genesis sprues, a carcinoid syndrome, cirrhosis, a heavy diabetes mellitus and the cachexia caused by malignant tumors.
Niacin promotes increase in fibrinolitic properties of blood, has the expressed short vasodilating effect, in particular on small vessels, improves microcirculation, has weak anticoagulating effect.
Niacin normalizes secretory and motor functions of a stomach and intestines, increases education and biliation and bile acids.
Under the influence of niacin disintoxication function of a liver in this connection it is applied to treatment of professional and accidental poisonings even such high-toxic substances as aniline derivatives, and also to prevention and elimination of toxic effect of medicines amplifies (barbiturates, antituberculous remedies, streptocides and others).
Indications to use:
Prevention and treatment of a pellagra (RR avitaminosis); gipoatsidny gastritis, vasospasms (a brain, kidneys, extremities), atherosclerosis, neuritis of a facial nerve, long not healing ulcers and wounds of various localization and genesis.
Route of administration and doses:
Inside, after food. At a pellagra the adult appoint 100 mg 2-4 times a day for 15 - 20 days; to children since 12 years – on 50 mg 2 - 3 times a day. At other diseases of the adult appoint 25 - 50 mg (to 100 mg), to children from 12 years – on 25 mg 2 - 3 times a day.
The highest doses for adults: one-time – 100 mg, daily – 500 mg. At atherosclerosis and other disturbances of lipid metabolism (and in the absence of side effects) it is possible to increase a single dose gradually to 500 mg - 1 g, and daily – to 2 - 3 g.
The highest doses for children: one-time – 50 mg, daily – 200 mg.
Features of use:
Prolonged use of Niacin can lead to fatty dystrophy of a liver, for its prevention include products rich with methionine in a diet of patients or appoint methionine and other lipotropic means.
In the course of treatment by Niacin (especially high doses) it is necessary to control function of a liver.
With care it is necessary to use drug at hyperacid gastritis.
Use of high doses is contraindicated at hepatitis, a diabetes mellitus.
It is inexpedient to apply Niacin to correction of a dislipidemiya at patients with a diabetes mellitus.
During pregnancy and feeding by a breast use of the doses of Niacin exceeding recommended contraindicated.
Side effects:
Allergic reactions, paresthesias, dizziness, feeling of rush of blood to the head, a dermahemia of the person and an upper half of a trunk, hypotension, an abnormal liver function, stomach ulcer, arrhythmias, a hyperuricemia are possible.
At prolonged use there can be diarrhea, anorexia, fatty dystrophy of a liver.
Interaction with other medicines:
Peroral contraceptives and isoniazid reduce transformation of tryptophane to niacin, and, thus, can increase the need for Niacin. Drug reduces toxicity of Neomycinum, barbiturates, antituberculous remedies, streptocides. It is necessary to appoint with care Niacin in a combination with hypotensive drugs, anticoagulants, acetylsalicylic acid. Antibiotics can strengthen the erubescence caused by Niacin.
Hypersensitivity to niacin, stomach ulcer and a 12-perstny gut in aggravation stages, the expressed abnormal liver function, gout. Children up to 12 years.
High doses of Niacin can cause a peripheral vazodilatation, erubescence, nausea, vomiting, heartburn, diarrhea, increase in activity of enzymes of a liver, a brown xanthopathy, is more rare - a hyperuricemia, an itch, a headache, skin paresthesias (a pricking, a burning sensation, feeling of crawling of goosebumps), glucose exchange disturbance, a vision disorder, cholestatic jaundice.
In all cases of overdose it is necessary to stop administration of drug, therapy - symptomatic
Storage conditions:
It is not necessary to use drug after the termination of the period of validity specified on packaging. To store in the dry, protected from light place at a temperature from 15 °C to 25 °C. To store in the place, unavailable to children!
Period of validity - 4 years.
Issue conditions:
Without recipe
On 50 tablets in containers polymeric.