
Producer: Minskinterkaps Unitary Enterprise Republic of Belarus
Code of automatic telephone exchange: G04CX02
Release form: Firm dosage forms. Capsules.
General characteristics. Structure:
Active ingredient: 320 mg сабаля melkopilchaty lipidosterolovy extract.
Structure of a cover of the capsule: gelatin pharmaceutical, глицерол, нипагин, the water purified titanium dioxide, dyes - iron oxide red (E172), black iron oxide (E172), charming red (E129), carmoisin (E122).
Protivospalitelny, anti-exudative and anti-androgenic means.
Pharmacological properties:
Pharmacodynamics. Унопрост – the drug containing fitosterolovy extract of fruits Serenoa repens, an undersized fan-leaved palm tree a palmetto. The main active ingredients of extract are phytosterols, fatty acids and fatty alcohols.
Protivospalitelny, anti-exudative and anti-androgenic means. Suppresses dihydrotestosterone synthesis (due to blockade 5 alpha of reductase like I and II) and its fixings to cytosolic receptors that interferes with penetration of hormone into a kernel and leads to decrease in synthesis of protein. Reduces formation of dihydrotestosterone, a phospholipase of A2 and arachidonic acid, reduces synthesis of Pg which regulate a tone and a peristaltics of lower parts of urinary tract. Fitosterolovy extract interacts with cytosolic androgenic receptors of tissue of prostate by specific or competitive binding, interfering with linkng with these receptors of dihydrotestosterone. As a result protein synthesis by cells decreases and process of a further hyperplasia of elements of connecting tissue of prostate is slowed down.
Carry inhibition of growth of a prostate by means of linkng of prolactin with receptors in a prostate to possible additional mechanisms of action, anti-oestrogenic effect, suppression of proliferation of epithelial cells, suppression of a basal growth factor.
Antiinflammatory and antiedematous effect of drug is carried out owing to inhibition of synthesis of prostaglandins, metabolites 5 oxygenases and arachidonic acid in a prostate and active acid radicals in neutrophils of the person.
Pharmacokinetics. After oral administration the maximum concentration of active agents of extract in a blood plasma is reached approximately in 1,5 h.
The elimination half-life made 1,9 hours. Experiments on rats on studying of distribution of drug in fabrics showed that in a prostate its big concentration, than in a liver or in fabrics of bodies of urinogenital system was reached.
Effect of drug of Unoprost is cumulative action of components of extract of fruits of Serenoa repens therefore carrying out kinetic researches is not possible; everything together components cannot be tracked by means of markers or bioresearches. For the same reason it is impossible to find also metabolites of drug.
Indications to use:
Унопрост apply at treatment of patients with a benign hyperplasia of a prostate.
Route of administration and doses:
Унопрост apply inside along with meal. At a benign hyperplasia with slight symptoms or moderately severe symptoms - 320 mg of 1 times a day (evening). At more expressed symptomatology or at desire to receive more bystry action - 320 mg 2 times a day. Treatment duration not less than 30 days, a course it is necessary to repeat periodically.
Features of use:
Achievement of lasting therapeutic effect demands long administration of drug, even after reduction of expressiveness of symptoms of a disease. With increase in duration of administration of drug efficiency of treatment increases.
Does not vliyant on a possibility of driving of the car, work with the equipment.
Side effects:
Allergic reactions, nausea at reception on an empty stomach are possible, complaints in rare instances can take place from a stomach.
Interaction with other medicines:
Let's combine with antibiotics, uroantiseptika, antiinflammatory medicines.
Individual intolerance of drug.
Now about cases of overdose of drug of Unoprost it was not reported.
Storage conditions:
Drug should be stored in the unavailable to children, protected from moisture and light place at a temperature from 15 °C to 25 °C. A period of validity - 2 years.
Issue conditions:
Without recipe
On 10 pieces of capsules in blister strip packagings, on 3 or 6 strip packagings in a cardboard box.