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The pyloric stenosis (also called pylorostenosis) is narrowing of the gatekeeper - the pass conducting from a stomach in a small intestine. At a pyloric stenosis of a muscle of the gatekeeper so are thickened and increase that food or milk have no opportunity to pass from a stomach in a small intestine. It usually occurs in the first six weeks after the birth.

Pylorostenosis reasons:

So far it is authentically not known what causes a thickening and expansion of muscles of the gatekeeper.
The pyloric stenosis arises more often at  boys, than at girls (85:15) and family cases of this pathology are, as a rule, noted.

Pylorostenosis symptoms:

1. Vomiting:
- Persistent vomiting the eaten food, as a rule, within 30 minutes after food.
- Vomiting is quite often observed by "fountain".
- Vomiting, as a rule, has an appearance of stvorozhenny milk.
- Sometimes in emetic masses blood impurity are found.
- Despite vomiting, children have, as a rule, a good appetite.
2. Concern:
- As the child remains hungry.
- Overall health is broken also by spasms in a stomach which can be painful.
3. Inability to gain weight or loss of weight.
4. Reduction of volume and quantity of a chair.
5. Dehydration:
- Dryness in a mouth.
- Reduction of quantity of wet diapers (reduction of a diuresis).
- The increased drowsiness.
- The sunk-down eyes.
- The soft place on an upper part of the head (fontanel) is more involved, than usually.
You can sometimes see "waves" on a stomach after feeding is muscular contractions (peristaltics) in attempts of a stomach to pass food through the stenosed gatekeeper.  

The pyloric stenosis demands immediate treatment.

Parents have to address the local pediatrician if the child has symptoms indicating a pyloric stenosis. You should not postpone a visit to the doctor as the condition of the small children suffering from a pylorostenosis progressively worsens.

Синдром песочных часов при пилоростенозе

Syndrome of hourglasses at a pylorostenosis


For diagnosis information on feeding of the child, the nature of vomiting, loss of weight by the child can be required by the doctor. At a palpation of a stomach it is possible to find a thickening (gatekeeper) in a stomach.

If necessary carry out the following diagnostic tests:
- the food test - the child receives small food and then is observed within several hours;
- Ultrasonography of abdominal organs can indicate a thickening of muscles of the gatekeeper;
- a X-ray analysis with baric mix. At this research any obstacle in a way of a food lump, including a pyloric stenosis is visible;
- blood test - if vomiting was heavy and long, in blood symptoms of dehydration and loss of electrolytes can be found.

Рентгенограмма органов брюшной полости при пилоростенозе

The roentgenogram of abdominal organs at a pylorostenosis

Treatment of the Pylorostenosis:

For treatment of a pyloric stenosis operation under  the name a pyloromyotomy is performed. The children's surgeon and the children's anesthesiologist in that case shall be a part of operational crew.

The pyloromyotomy can be executed by means of one of three methods:
- open operation – is made a small cut directly over the place where is the gatekeeper;
- umbilical approach - a section through a navel;
- laparoscopic operation – through three small  sections.  
At all types of operation the surgeon cuts the thickened and increased gatekeeper's muscle, as removes obstruction.

After operation it is necessary to watch a postoperative wound carefully. It is necessary to see a doctor if you noticed any symptoms of an infection:
- reddening around a wound increased;
- there were purulent discharges from a wound;
- temperature increased;
- there was a puffiness around a wound.

Drugs, drugs, tablets for treatment of the Pylorostenosis:

  • Препарат Метоклопрамид.


    Antiemetic — dopamine receptors the antagonist central.

    CJSC Pharmfirma Soteks Russia

  • Сайт детского здоровья