
Producer: SC Balkan Pharmaceuticals SRL (Balkans Pharmasyyutikals) Republic of Moldova
Code of automatic telephone exchange: A14AB
Release form: Liquid dosage forms. Solutio oleosa for injections.
General characteristics. Structure:
Active ingredient: 100 mg of trenbolone of a hexahydrobenzylcarbonate in 1 ml of solution.
Excipients: benzyl alcohol, benzyl benzoate, oil peach or peanut.
Pharmacological properties:
Pharmacodynamics. Stanozolol is steroid anabolic steroid. Being actually derivative of Nandrolonum, trenbolone strikingly differs from the last on properties. Owing to features of structure, trenbolone is not treated to action 5α-ароматазы, but in itself can show both oestrogenic, and progestagenny activity (the last is expressed in ability to activate progesterone receptors).
trenbolone is the most powerful of the anabolic steroids existing for today — trenbolone surpasses in time of stabilization of an androgenic receptor not only testosterone (more than three times), but also Nandrolonum.
Getting in a cellular kernel, activates the genetic device of a cell that leads to increase in synthesis of DNA, RNA and structural proteins, activation of enzymes of a chain of tissue respiration and strengthening of tissue respiration, oxidizing phosphorylation, synthesis of ATP and accumulation of makroerg in a cell. Stimulates anabolic and suppresses the catabolic processes caused by glucocorticoids. Leads to increase in muscle bulk, reduction of adiposities, improves a trophicity of fabrics, promotes adjournment of calcium in bones, detains in an organism nitrogen, phosphorus, sulfur, potassium, sodium and water.
Stimulates production of erythropoetin and activates anabolic processes in marrow that at co-administration of iron preparations is shown by antianemic action. Synthesis of gonadotrophins and endogenous testosterone oppresses. In high doses the spermatogenesis oppresses. Growth and sexual development of children can detain.
Indications to use:
Parabolan as drug with preferential anabolic action can be used as supportive application at states caused by disturbance of protein metabolism with negative nitrogenous balance (insufficient receipt, the increased requirements or losses): at a cachexia of various origin, at extensive burns; at prolonged use of glyukokortokoid; at hypo - and aplastic anemias; at muscular atrophies at patients with AIDS, at osteoporosis.
Route of administration and doses:
Intramusculary, deeply. The mode of dosing is selected individually.
Adult: 50-200 mg (to women – 50-100 mg) 1 time in 1-4 weeks. Duration Parabolan's use depends on the answer of the patient and on extent of manifestation of side effects.
Treatment is carried out against the background of a protein-rich diet.
Features of use:
At purpose of anabolic steroids patients have to be informed on possible side effects with the immediate address to the doctor at their emergence. At emergence of the first signs of virilescence in women (voice coarsening, a hirsutism, eels, a clitoromegaly), reception should be stopped not to allow irreversibility of changes.
Drug can cause suppression of plasma factors of coagulation of II, V, VII, X that demands careful observation, including at combined use with indirect anticoagulants.
In the course of treatment it is necessary to monitorizirovat liver parameters (transaminases, an alkaline phosphatase, bilirubin) and a lipidic range (cholesterol and lipoproteids of low density). At elderly people control of a prostate because of possible development of a hypertrophy and a carcinoma is necessary.
At patients, the using high doses of anabolic steroids need to be defined periodically hemoglobin and a hematocrit because of a possible polycythemia.
Side effects:
Women have virilescence symptoms, oppression of function of ovaries, frustration of a menstrual cycle, a hypercalcemia.
At men: in the prepubertatny period – virilescence symptoms, an idiopathic hyperpegmentation of skin, delay or the termination of growth (calcification of epiphyseal growth zones of tubular bones); in the post-pubertal period – irritation of a bladder, a gynecomastia, a priapism; at advanced age – a hypertrophy and/or a carcinoma of a prostate.
Men and women have a progressing of atherosclerosis, peripheral hypostases, dispeptic frustration, disturbance of functions of a liver with jaundice, changes in a leukocytic formula, long tubular bone pain, hypocoagulation with bent to bleedings.
Interaction with other medicines:
Glucocorticoids, mineralokortikoida, corticotropin, natriysoderzha-shchy drugs and the food rich with sodium exponentiate a liquid delay in an organism, increase risk of development of hypostases, increase expressiveness of acne rashes.
Strengthens effects of antiagregant, indirect anticoagulants, insulin and peroral antidiabetic means weakens – Somatotropinum and its derivatives.
Hypersensitivity to drug, cancer and adenoma of a prostate, a breast cancer at men, a carcinoma of a mammary gland at women with a hypercalcemia, ovarian cancer, an ischemic heart disease, the expressed atherosclerosis, nephrite, a nephrotic syndrome, a liver and renal failure, acute and chronic prostatitis, pregnancy, feeding by a breast, the period before puberty.
Cases of overdose are not registered.
Storage conditions:
To store at a temperature of 15-25 °C, in dry, protected from light and the place, unavailable to children. Period of validity 3 years. Not to use after the expiry date specified on packaging.
Issue conditions:
According to the recipe
Solution for injections of 100 mg/ml. On 1 ml and 2 ml in ampoules or on 2 ml, 5 ml and 10 ml in bottles.