Valerian tincture

Producer: LLC Begrif Russia
Code of automatic telephone exchange: N05CM09
Release form: Liquid dosage forms. Tincture.
General characteristics. Structure:
Active agent: a rhizome valerian – 200 g.
Excipient: alcohol of ethyl 70% (ethanol).
Pharmacological properties:
Tinctura Valerianae shows moderately expressed sedation. An effective agent of drug are ester of baras camphor and isovaleric acid, free valerianic acid. Sedation occurs slowly, but is rather stable. Besides, drug has spasmolytic effect on smooth muscles of digestive tract.
Indications to use:
The increased nervous irritability, sleeplessness, functional frustration of cardiovascular system, digestive tract spasms.
Route of administration and doses:
Accept inside, to food, parting in a small amount of water. The adult till 20-30 of drops on reception 3-4 times a day, to children – are so much drops on reception how many to the child of years.
Features of use:
At prolonged use in high doses decrease in psychomotor reactions is possible that should be considered during the driving of transport, work with mechanisms, etc.
Side effects:
Slackness, weakness, drowsiness, decrease in working capacity (are possible especially at use in high doses), at prolonged use – locks. Development of allergic reactions is in some cases possible.
Interaction with other medicines:
Drug strengthens action of the hypnagogues and other medicines oppressing the central nervous system and also spasmolysants.
Hypersensitivity to drug components, pregnancy, the lactation period, children's age till 1 year.
With care – a chronic coloenteritis.
Symptoms: headache, dizzinesses, drowsiness, general weakness, abdominal pain, nausea, decrease in auditory acuity and sight, heartbeat.
Treatment: drug withdrawal, gastric lavage, reception of absorbent carbon, symptomatic therapy.
Storage conditions:
In the cool, protected from light place.
To store in the place, unavailable to children.
Issue conditions:
According to the recipe
Tincture. On 15 ml in bottles droppers of orange glass. On 15, 25, 30 and 50 ml in bottles of orange glass. Each bottle, a bottle dropper together with the application instruction place in a pack from a cardboard. It is allowed to apply the text of the application instruction on a pack. Bottles, bottles droppers with the equal number of application instructions place in a box or a box from a cardboard or in a film polyethylene thermoshrinkable.