Valerian tincture

Producer: "Vishpha" Ukraine
Code of automatic telephone exchange: N05C M09
Release form: Liquid dosage forms. Tincture.
General characteristics. Structure:
International name: Valerian.
Main physical and chemical properties: transparent liquid of red-brown color with a specific smell.
Structure: tincture of roots with valerian rhizomes in alcohol of ethyl 70% (1:5).
Pharmacological properties:
Roots and rhizomes of a valerian of medicinal (Valeriana officinalis) contain alkaloids валерин and шатынин, метилпирилкетон and essential oil which part are baras camphor (a natural analog of camphor), ethers of isovalerianic and acetoxyisovalerianic acids. Thanks to contents of this complex of biologically active agents, drugs reduce reflex irritability of the central nervous system, have soothing and spasmolytic action.
Indications to use:
Functional disturbances of activity of the central nervous system and cardiovascular systems (the increased emotional excitability, irritability, disturbances of backfilling and a dream, neurotic states, neurocirculatory dystonias), and also spasms of bodies of digestive tract.
Route of administration and doses:
Tinctura Valerianae is applied inside after food.
The adult appoint till 20-30 tincture drops 3–4 times a day, to children aged from 12 years and to teenagers — till 15-20 drops 2–3 times a day.
Duration of a course of treatment is determined individually for each patient taking into account character, severity and features of course of a disease, stability of the reached medical effect and portability of drug.
Features of use:
Influences ability to manage vehicles and to work with potentially dangerous mechanical devices.
During treatment by valerian drugs patients should refrain from control of vehicles and performance of other work which requires special attention, bystry mental and motor reactions.
Side effects:
Drowsiness, oppressions of emotional reactions, mental depression, decrease in intellectual and physical working capacity.
At individual hypersensitivity to drug possible development of local allergic reactions (rash, an itch, a hyperemia and a cutaneous dropsy).
At use of drugs of a valerian the headache, a hyperphrenia, decrease in auditory acuity and sight, disturbance of a cordial rhythm, digestion process oppression for an appreciable length of time can be observed.
Interaction with other medicines:
Tinctura Valerianae can potentsiirovat action sedative, somnolent, analgetic, spasmolytic and cardiacs.
Tinctura Valerianae is contraindicated to patients with a depression and other diseases which are followed by oppression of the central nervous system, to children aged up to 12 years, to women during pregnancy and feeding a breast, and also at individual intolerance of biologically active agents which contain in medicinal vegetable raw materials.
At exceeding of the recommended doses of drug development of the expressed side reactions is possible: headache, dizziness, drowsiness or hyperphrenia, general weakness, abdominal pain, nausea, tachycardia.
In case of overdose it is necessary to stop use of drug and to take measures of the emergency help (a gastric lavage, administrations of absorbent carbon), a symptomatic and maintenance therapy according to a clinical condition of the patient.
Storage conditions:
To store in unavailable to children, cool (8–15 °C), the place protected from light. A period of validity — 5 years. It is impossible to use drug after the date specified on packaging.
Issue conditions:
Without recipe
On 25 ml in bottles.