Prevention of a disbioz of a vagina
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Prevention of disturbance of microflora of a vagina at the woman - a question so important, as far as also difficult for the decision. If it is possible to find an explicit cause of infringement of microflora - an intestines disease, a sexually transmitted infection, instability of a hormonal background, then it has to be done everything possible that this cause was removed. But most often it is not possible to establish the accurate reason of a disbiozavlagalishch. Therefore everything that remains in this case - it is to make the general recommendations like "you do not sit on cold stones", "eat more fruit", "you spend more time in the fresh air", etc. It is desirable to visit to all patients who completed a course of recovery of microflora of a vagina the gynecologist each 3 months during 1 year after treatment. During these visits the woman tells about the state, inspection, in need of a berutsyaanaliza is performed. It allows to estimate a vagina microflora condition, to track changes in comparison with the okonchaniyalecheniye moment. If the tendency to disturbance of microflora is found, then the small preventive course of treatment is conducted. It is rather simple to recover vagina microflora at the initial stages of its disturbance. If within the first year after treatment no problems are noted, further observations are made less often, time in half a year-year. Such scheme allows to estimate and check tendencies to a recurrence of a disease and not to allow its development again.

Pathogeny of development of a disbioz of a vagina