Diathermocoagulation of a neck of uterus
- Description
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Diathermocoagulation is the oldest method of destructive intervention on a neck of uterus. Diathermocoagulation is applied since 1926. The method is based on use of current of high frequency between two electrodes which causes fusion of tissues of neck of uterus owing to release of a large amount of heat. In tissues of a neck of uterus for a short period of influence there is an evaporation of an interintercellular lymph and coagulation of fabrics. Temperature in the center reaches 100 degrees Celsius. One of electrodes is called passive, it has the big sizes and is usually enclosed under the patient's sacrum. The second electrode is active, its tip is simulated variously: in the form of a ball, a loop or a needle.
There are two kinds of a method: directly diatermokagulyation (DEK) and diatermoekstsiziya (DEE).
Operative measures on a neck of uterus are carried out by method of diathermocoagulation right after end of periods, and sexual contacts before carrying out manipulation are excluded. The neck of uterus is bared in mirrors then local anesthesia is carried out and coagulation of the struck fabrics is carried out. Right there is a formation of a scab which is torn away by 7-12 day. At the same time, in the specified terms moderate bleeding can take place.
According to some information, it makes sense of carrying out diathermocoagulation just before periods for the purpose of prevention of endometriosis. Epithelization (healing) of the koagulirovanny site occurs within 1,5 - 2 months. At the same time sexual contacts for the specified term are excluded, and also it is not recommended to use tampons. Ekstsizionny interventions are directed to removal of pathological fabrics, however now the given method is practically not applied as there are more convenient and safe methods of treatment.
Indications for carrying out diathermocoagulation following:
* an ectopia of a neck of uterus (ferruterous and papillary pseudo-erosion) without rough deformations of a neck of uterus,
* dysplasia of easy and average degree,
* endometriosis of a neck of uterus,
* sharp-pointed condylomas of a neck of uterus and vagina.
Use of diathermocoagulation is limited now as the method has a large number of negative sides, in particular there is no possibility of control of destruction of deep layers of a neck of uterus. From complications it is worth allocating bleeding during operation, and also in the postoperative period, formation of a stenosis of the cervical channel, development of endometriosis, disturbance of a menstrual cycle, an aggravation of inflammatory processes and big percent of a recurrence.
Thus, the method of treatment now given is not recommended to be used in clinical practice.

Dysplasia of a neck of uterus - pokazinay for diathermocoagulation