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Gisterografiya (gisterosalpingografiya, GSG) is one of the modern methods of a research applied in gynecology to diagnosis of infertility and other diseases of a female genital. At a gisterografiya a small amount of a contrast agent which allows to receive a sharp image of a uterus and uterine tubes on a x-ray film is entered into a cavity of the uterus. Most often the gisterografiya is appointed at suspicion to polyps of a cavity of the uterus, myoma, uterus cancer, and also at clarification of the reasons of infertility.
Allocate two main types of a gisterografiya:
The x-ray gisterografiya - is carried out with use of X-ray equipment.
The ultrasonic gisterografiya (a sonografiya, an ekhografiya or эхоГСГ) - is carried out with use of the ultrazvukogy device (ultrasonography).
Gisterografiya is carried out on an empty stomach and, as a rule, without anesthesia (at hypersensitivity of a uterus use of a local anesthesia is possible). For implementation of a x-ray gisterografiya enter special substance into a cavity of the uterus (Verografinum, Urografinum, Urotrastum, etc.) which does not pass X-ray and allows to see contours of a cavity of the uterus and uterine tubes on a rentenogramma (if they are passable).
At an ultrasonic gisterografiya enter normal saline solution, solution of glucose or Furacilin then ultrasonography (ultrasonography) is conducted into a cavity of the uterus. All procedure takes about 15-30 minutes. During a gisterografiya the doctor estimates a condition of a cavity of the uterus, and also passability of uterine tubes. If uterine tubes are passable, they become visible on a x-ray film. On ultrasonography hit in uterine tubes of liquid is noticeable.
It is not recommended to carry out a gisterografiya to pregnant women, and also in the presence of inflammatory processes in the field of a basin (an endometritis – an inflammation of an inside layer of a uterus, an adnexitis – an inflammation of appendages of a uterus, etc.). If earlier during a gisterografiya the woman had any allergic reactions to a contrast agent, it is necessary to inform on it the doctor before holding a procedure.
To prevent hit of an infection in a cavity of the uterus from a vagina, before a gisterografiya it is recommended to investigate degree of purity of a vagina (studying of the smear taken from a mucous membrane of a vagina and from the channel of a neck of uterus).
Besides, before a gisterografiya it is recommended to eliminate any sources of an infection, especially diseases of a female genital (for example, a bacterial vaginosis, urogenital candidiasis (milkwoman), an adnexitis, etc.)
Gisterografiya is recommended to be seen off from 8 to 25 day of a menstrual cycle.
Complications after a gisterografiya meet seldom. In some cases after a gisterografiya the following symptoms and effects can be observed:
1. The pulling, aching abdominal pains are possible at a hyperexcitability of a nervous system, or at hit of an infection in a cavity of the uterus. The combination of pains in a stomach bottom with increase body temperature is a sign of an inflammation and is a reason for the immediate address to the doctor.
2. Allergic reaction can be caused by the substance entered into a cavity of the uterus at a gisterografiya. For the prevention of allergic reactions before the procedure introduction of special drugs which suppress overreaction of an organism to alien substances is possible. If during the procedure or right after it there are a severe itch, weakness, breath difficulty – it is necessary to report about it to the doctor as soon as possible.
3. The inflammation of an inside layer of a uterus (endometritis), appendages of a uterus (adnexitis), etc. meets at non-compliance with precautionary measures at a gisterografiya. These complications appear in several days after the procedure and are shown by fervescence, pains in the bottom of a stomach. In case of such symptoms it is necessary to see a doctor as soon as possible.

Type of a uterus at a gisterografiya