Радевит® Asset

Producer: CJSC FNPP Retinoidy Rossiya
Code of automatic telephone exchange: D02AX
Release form: Soft dosage forms. Ointment.
General characteristics. Structure:
Active ingredients: 10 mg of Retinolum of palmitate (vitamin A), 5 mg of alpha tocopherol of acetate (vitamin E), 0,05 mg of a kolekaltsiferol (D3 vitamin) э
Excipients: butyl hydroxytoluene, butylhydroxyanisole, wax emulsion, a liquid paraffin, глицерол (glycerin), ethanol (alcohol of ethyl 95%), water cleared.
Pharmacological properties:
Pharmacodynamics. Possesses reparative, antiinflammatory and antipruritic action, normalizes keratinization processes, strengthens protective function of skin.
Indications to use:
Complex therapy of the adults and children sick with an ichthyosis and an ikhtioziformny dermatosis, seborrheal dermatitis, cracks, erosion and burns of skin, not contaminated wounds and ulcers, eczema, atopic dermatitis, neurodermatitis, allergic contact dermatitis (out of an aggravation stage), psoriasis, a xeroderma.
Prevention of a recurrence of chronic inflammatory and allergic diseases of skin, after the treatment termination by glucocorticosteroids (the vpodostry period), at easily razdrazhimy skin, including with hypersensitivity to cosmetics.
Route of administration and doses:
Outwardly. Ointment is applied on affected areas of skin a thin layer by 2 times a day. At a strong peeling of skin use of an occlusive bandage is possible. Before putting ointment on cracks and other defects of skin they are previously processed antiseptic agents.
Duration of treatment depends on localization and weight of process and can make several weeks.
Features of use:
Pregnancy and period of a lactation. It is not recommended to apply on extensive sites of skin at pregnancy and in the period of a lactation.
Side effects:
When using in the acute period – strengthening of an itch and an erythema (at the same time drug needs to be cancelled temporarily before decrease in sharpness of process). Allergic reactions. In order to avoid overdose and development of a hypervitaminosis it is not recommended to apply drug on the extensive surfaces of skin (over 80%) more than 6 weeks.
Interaction with other medicines:
It is not necessary to apply in combination with other drugs containing retinoids, vitamins A, E and D (risk of emergence of hypervitaminoses And, E, D).
Effect of ointment is weakened at co-administration of glucocorticosteroids.
Purpose of salicylates and glucocorticosteroids reduces by-effects.
Hypersensitivity to drug components. Hypervitaminoses of A, D, E, reception of retinoids.
Storage conditions:
At a temperature from 4 to 10 °C, in the place, unavailable to children. Not to allow freezing. A period of validity - 4 years. Not to apply after the period of validity specified on packaging.
Issue conditions:
Without recipe
Ointment for external use. Aluminum tubas on 10, 15, 20 or 35 g. Together with the application instruction place in a pack from a cardboard.