
Producer: Glaxo Operetaions UK Limited (Glakso Opereyshns YuK Limited) Great Britain
Code of automatic telephone exchange: P03AC04
Release form: Soft dosage forms. Cream.
General characteristics. Structure:
Cream for external use of light orange color, homogeneous, without foreign particles, with a characteristic smell.
Active ingredient: permethrin of 10 mg
Excipients: isopropanol, a stearalkoniya chloride, cetyl alcohol, a macrogoal stearate, a gietelloz, gelatin, methylparahydroxybenzoate, balm of a fir Canadian, fragrance 06.070, пропилпарагидроксибензоат, propylene glycol, dye a sunset yellow, citric acid anhydrous, the water purified.
Pharmacological properties:
The antiparasitic, has protivopedikulezny effect.
Breaks permeability of natrium channels of membranes of nervous cells of insects, slows down process of polarization (repolarization) of a nervous cell that results in the paralyzing effect. It is effective concerning nits, larvae and puberal individuals of head louses.
Pharmacokinetics. After cutaneous application absorption of permethrin makes less than 2% during the first 48 h. Therefore its toxic manifestations usually were not considered.
Permethrin is metabolized in skin by hydrolysis with participation of esterases to inactive metabolites which are generally brought out of an organism through kidneys.
The highest level of removal was noted during the first 48 h, but at some people very low maintenance of metabolites in urine within 21 days after cream use was revealed.
Indications to use:
— treatment of a pediculosis of a pilar part of the head (impact on louses and nits).
Route of administration and doses:
Only for external use.
Adults (including elderly)
1. Wash up hair usual shampoo, carefully rinse them with water and dry up a towel.
2. Before use stir up a bottle with cream of Niks and, actively rubbing, apply such amount of cream which is enough for full processing of hair and skin of a pilar part of the head on the head (the amount of the applied drug depends on length and thickness of hair). Special attention needs to be paid to area behind ears and a back part of the head.
3. Do not wash away cream of Niks within 10 min.
4. Carefully wash up hair water and dry up a towel.
5. For removal of dead louses and nits comb wet hair the enclosed hairbrush.
In 7-10 days check head skin for presence of nits and at detection of nits repeat use of drug of Niks.
To apply as at adults.
It is not recommended to use at children 6 months, excepting cases of purpose of drug the doctor given categories of children are younger.
Patients with a renal failure:
Correction of the mode of dosing is not required.
Patients with an abnormal liver function:
Correction of the mode of dosing is not required.
Features of use:
Cream of Niks is intended only for external use.
More than 90% of patients recovered after 1 use of drug.
Drug of Niks should be used only in case live individuals of louses or nits are found. Drug cannot be used regularly / with the preventive purposes.
It is necessary to inspect other family members and to treat at detection at them of louses or nits.
Permethrin does not cause irritation of eyes, nevertheless it is necessary to avoid its contact with eyes as other components of cream can cause irritation at hit in eyes.
At accidental hit of cream in eyes they need to be washed out a large amount of water or normal saline solution.
When using cream of Niks, including medical personnel, it is possible to protect skin of hands from irritation by means of gloves or to wash up hands after processing by water with soap. At emergence of symptoms of irritation of skin it is necessary to consult with the doctor.
In case of heavy and long signs and symptoms of irritation of skin of a pilar part of the head, unpleasant feelings on skin or other undesirable effects connected using cream of Niks it is necessary to report about it to the doctor or the druggist.
Influence on ability to driving of motor transport and to control of mechanisms
Does not exert impact on ability to manage vehicles and mechanisms.
Side effects:
From a nervous system: paresthesia.
From skin and a hypodermic fatty tissue: eczema, cutaneous dropsy, reddening, rash, itch, burning sensation, irritation and discomfort of skin, thermalgia, dermatalgia.
Allergic reactions are possible.
Interaction with other medicines:
It is not revealed.
— hypersensitivity to permethrin and other components of drug, and also other connections relating to pyrethroids and pyrethrins;
— acute dermatitis of a pilar part of the head.
With care: pregnancy; lactation period; children's age (up to 6 months).
Use of the drug NIKS® at pregnancy and feeding by a breast
Use of drug at pregnancy is possible only in that case when the estimated advantage for mother surpasses potential risk for a fruit.
In the period of a lactation use of drug is possible only after consultation with the doctor.
Use at abnormal liver functions
Patients with an abnormal liver function: correction of the mode of dosing is not required.
Use at renal failures
Patients with a renal failure: correction of the mode of dosing is not required.
Use for elderly patients
Use is possible according to the dosing mode.
Use for children
With care: children's age (up to 6 months). It is not recommended to use at children 6 months, excepting cases of purpose of drug the doctor given categories of children are younger.
It is improbable that even at the wrong use or excessive putting cream of Niks, clinically significant toxic effects can develop.
Owing to the content in drug of isopropyl alcohol, emergence of a drunkenness at an accidental proglatyvaniye of drug is theoretically possible by small children.
The most probable symptoms which can develop first of all at accidental administration of drug inside and in rare instances after drawing a large amount of cream on the surface of skin are dizziness, appetite loss, nausea, vomiting, a headache, weakness, spasms, a loss of consciousness.
Symptomatic therapy.
Immediately see a doctor.
Storage conditions:
Drug should be stored at a temperature not above 25 °C, in the place protected from light. To store in the place, unavailable to children.
Period of validity 2 years.
Not to use after a period of validity.
Issue conditions:
According to the recipe
59 ml - bottles plastic (1) complete with a hairbrush - packs cardboard.