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The surgeries on a cornea directed to recovery of its form and functions, elimination of the inborn and acquired later injuries and diseases of defects and deformations are called a keratoplasty. This operation consists in replacement of sites of a cornea of an eye with a donor transplant. It can change in thickness of a cornea, be located on front layers of a cornea or to replace them.
The sight distortions caused by cornea pathologies, connected with disturbances of its transparency or a form have irreversible character and do not korregirutsya by standard optical means (points, contact lenses). The only exit in the solution of such problems are an operation — a keratoplasty (partial or full replacement of the damaged site of a cornea).
Treat the cornea pathologies demanding carrying out a keratoplasty:
* Keratoconus;
* Different cataracts of a cornea — burn and dystrophic;
* The inborn and acquired cornea dystrophies;
* Cornea hems, after injuries, operations and inflammations;
* Traumatic defects of a cornea.

Scheme of a structure of an eye