Solkoseril gel

Producer: MEDA Manufacturing GmbH (MEDA MANUFAKCHURING Gmbh) Germany
Code of automatic telephone exchange: S01XA
Pharm group: Drugs for treatment of diseases of eyes
Release form: Soft dosage forms. Gel.
General characteristics. Structure:
Active component:
Solkoseril (deproteined dialyzate from blood of milk calfs),
in terms of dry matter of 8,3 mg
Auxiliary components: a benzalkoniya chloride - 0,1 mg; a karmelloza of sodium -
13,0 mg; dinatrium of an edetat a dihydrate - 1,0 mg; sorbitol of 70% (crystallized) - 50,0 mg; water for injections - to 1,0 g.
Colourless or inodorous slightly yellowish poorly opalescent fluid gel or with a slight specific smell.
Pharmacological properties:
Active component of drug SOLKOSERIL represents chemically and biologically standardized dialyzate containing a wide range of low-molecular components of cellular weight and blood serum of milk calfs with a molecular weight up to 5000D (glycoproteins, nucleosides and nucleotides, oligopeptida, amino acids).
Solkoseril gel eye increases resistance of fabrics to a hypoxia. Activates cellular metabolism by increase in transport and accumulation of glucose and oxygen, strengthening of intracellular utilization. Thus, ATP metabolism accelerates, energy resources of a cell raise.
The healing Solkoseril's effect is shown in strengthening of a reepitelization of a cornea after the postponed corrosive burns (alkali), inflammatory processes, injuries.
Karmelloza of sodium who is Solkoseril's part of gel eye as excipient provides a uniform and long-term covering of a cornea owing to what active agent continuously comes to the struck fabric.
Pharmacokinetics. Pharmacokinetic characteristics (absorption, distribution, removal) cannot be studied by means of standard pharmacokinetic methods as Solkoseril contains in the structure components of blood and substance, physiologic for an organism.
Indications to use:
1. Mechanical damages of a cornea and conjunctiva (an erosion, an injury), for acceleration of process of healing of a postoperative hem of a cornea and a conjunctiva in the postoperative period (after a keratoplasty, extraction of a cataract, antiglaukomatozny operations).
2. Cornea burns: chemical (influence of acids and alkalis), thermal, beam (influence of UF, x-ray, etc. radiations).
3. Helcomas, a keratitis (a bacterial, virus, fungal etiology), including neuroparalytic, in an epithelization stage in combination with antibiotics, antiviral, antifungal drugs.
4. Dystrophies of a cornea of various genesis (including violent keratopathy).
5. A cornea xerosis at a lagophthalmia.
6. Sukhoi keratoconjunctivitis.
7. For reduction of terms of adaptation to rigid and soft contact lenses and improvement of their portability.
Route of administration and doses:
If the attending physician it was not recommended differently, to dig in 3-4 times a day on 1 drop of Solkoseril of gel eye in a conjunctival sac before total disappearance of symptoms of a disease.
In hard cases it is possible to dig in Solkoseril gel eye 1 once an hour. At simultaneous use of eye drops and Solkoseril of eye gel, gel is applied by the last and not earlier than in 15 min. after drops.
For adaptation to rigid contact lenses it is necessary to dig in Solkoseril gel eye directly in a conjunctival sac before installation and after removal of a lens.
At an instillation it is not necessary to touch with hands a nose pipette.
It is recommended to close a tuba at once after drug use.
Features of use:
Solkoseril gel eye contains preservative a benzalkoniya chloride and trace amounts of p-hydroxybenzoates (Е 216 and E 218) and free benzoic acid (E210), used in the course of production. This fact should be considered at treatment of the patients predisposed to allergic reaction to the specified components.
Directly after drug use Solkoseril gel eye can arise short-term decrease in clearness of visual perception therefore, within 20-30 minutes after Solkoseril's use of gel eye patients should abstain from occupations potentially dangerous types of activity (driving of the car, work with mechanisms etc.).
Side effects:
Local reactions are possible: seldom - short-term weak burning which is not the reason for drug withdrawal; individual allergic reactions.
Interaction with other medicines:
Solkoseril eye it is possible to use gel in a combination with the majority of ophthalmologic drugs.
Natural metabolites of drug Solkoseril gel eye can reduce efficiency of locally applied antinukleozidny derivatives with virostatichesky action, such as, for example, acyclovir or идоксуридин.
1. Hypersensitivity to drug components.
2. Pregnancy (due to the lack of these researches of efficiency and safety).
3. Age till 1 year (due to the lack of these researches of efficiency and safety).
Manifestations of toxic action in case of drug overdose Solkoseril gel eye were not noted.
Storage conditions:
At a temperature from 15 to 25 °C. To store in the place, unavailable to children. Term godnosti5 years from the moment of production. Not to use drug after the period of validity specified on packaging. After opening of a tuba drug is good within a month.
Issue conditions:
According to the recipe
Gel eye in aluminum tubas on 5 g. The tuba together with the application instruction is placed in a cardboard pack.