- Description
- Trachoma symptoms
- Trachoma reasons
- Treatment of Trachoma
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Trachoma (infectious keratokonjyuktivit) - an infectious disease of eyes which is caused by specific microorganisms.
Trachoma symptoms:
Displays of trachoma are similar to symptoms of viral conjunctivitis. It serves frequent the reason of diagnostic mistakes — the patient a long time and without results receives antiviral treatment, and then it becomes clear that the reason of his sufferings — a chlamydia. As well as in case of virus defeat, the symptom of "sand in eyes" which is quite often followed by dacryagogue is on the first place. Reddening of both the conjunctiva, and skin, as a rule, does not happen a century bright and is hardly noticeable. Puffiness is usually small a century too. Inflammatory contents which sometimes exude from an eye, transparent. The heavy course of Chlamidia process is noted by emergence of ulcers on a conjunctiva. Their emergence is preceded by small swelling of a mucous membrane, then emergence of an anguish and already then — formation of a deep hollow with raised edges (ulcer) reminding a volcano crater. The sizes of ulcers can be very small (several millimeters), however them it is well visible if to delay an eyelid. Ulcers can be moderately painful at palpation. As a rule, their healing lasts about a week and comes to an end with formation of a hem (the scar remains absolutely small and is in most cases imperceptible on the unbent century even at a careful research). Ulcers are a sign of aggression of a chlamydial infection that it is observed or in the conditions of the weakened immunity (after a serious illness, at chronic malnutrition, a vitamin deficiency etc.), or that the organism faced especially aggressive strain (look) of chlamydias. Essential difference of Chlamidia conjunctivitis from virus consists in duration of the first. If in the second case the disease stops in 3 — 4 days, then for a victory over chlamydias weeks quite often are required. In rare instances very unpleasant complications can develop. One of them beautifully is called симблефар. It in literal sense "an increment a century" to an eyeglobe. It occurs during scarring of ulcers if those have the considerable sizes or their quantity is high (such situations meet seldom and are observed at the heavy course of trachoma). As a result the eyelid ceases to move normally, the surface of an eye begins "to dry" gradually. Rather simple operative measure allows to save the person from this misfortune.
Pannus — even more rare complication. It is that opposite to an ulcer during a century the cornea begins to grow turbid. As a result sight worsens, formation of accurately outlined spot under review is possible.

Outward of an eye at trachoma
Trachoma reasons:
The causative agent of trachoma is Chlamydia Trachomatis opened in 1907. A way of transfer of a microbe — contact and household. It is enough to patient to touch eyes, and then any subject of general use (a towel, the receiver, the computer keyboard) that people around were under the threat of infection. For this purpose it is enough to them to touch it to a subject and to rub tired eyes.
Treatment of Trachoma:
Trachoma - it is long the current disease, but not heavy. Treat her certain types and different combinations of antibiotics. Most often they are applied the place in the form of ointment and a thaw, in hard cases - inside. Drugs from group of macroleads also well proved in fight against trachoma. Complications treat in the surgical way.