
Producer: Italfarmaco (Italfarmako) Italy
Code of automatic telephone exchange: D01AC03
Release form: Soft dosage forms. Cream.
General characteristics. Structure:
Active agent: an ekonazola nitrate - 1,0 g.
Excipients: the benzoic acid, solid fats, butylated hydroxyanisole, liquid paraffin, polyoxyethylene glycol palmitate stearate, the water purified.
Description: white or almost white homogeneous cream.
Pharmacological properties:
Ekonazol – synthetic derivative an imidazole. Has local pritivogribkovy and antibacterial effect.
Slows down biosynthesis of the ergosterol regulating permeability of a cell wall of microorganisms. It is easily dissolved in lipids and well gets into fabrics.
It is active concerning dermatophytes of Trichophyton, Microsporum, Epidermophyton, drozhzhepodobny mushrooms of the sort Candida, and also Malassezia furfur (Pityrosporum orbiculare) causing a chromophytosis and Corinebacterium minutissimum, some gram-positive bacteria (streptococci, staphylococcus).
Pharmacokinetics. When drawing on skin system absorption is insignificant.
Indications to use:
Fungal infections of skin, mucous membranes and a pilar part of the head, multi-colored deprive, an erythrasma.
Route of administration and doses:
Cream is applied on affected areas of skin and slightly rubbed. The procedure is carried out once a day at mycosis of feet, brushes and trunks; multi-colored herpes 2 times a day (in the morning and in the evening).
For prevention of a recurrence of mycosis of feet after permission of clinical manifestations treatment should be continued within 2 weeks.
Features of use:
Only for external use. In the absence of effect in the specified terms of therapy it is necessary to stop treatment and to revise the diagnosis.
At emergence of the first symptoms testimonial of hypersensitivity or irritation, drug needs to be cancelled. It is necessary to avoid hit of drug in eyes.
Side effects:
Usually Ifenek is had well, even in case of sensitive skin. The irritation, a burning sensation and an itch, erubescence, rash is in rare instances possible.
At prolonged use – a hyperpegmentation and atrophic changes of skin. If after use of drug there are side effects which are not specified in this information, then it is necessary to report about them to the doctor.
Interaction with other medicines:
Clinical tests and use of drug in medical practice did not reveal incompatibility or interaction with other drugs. It is recommended to inform the doctor on simultaneous treatment by other medicines.
Hypersensitivity to one of drug components.
Use of drug at pregnancy is possible only when the potential advantage for mother exceeds possible risk for a fruit.
In need of use of drug in the period of a lactation it is necessary to resolve an issue of the breastfeeding termination.
Storage conditions:
Period of validity: 3 years. Not to use after the period of validity specified on packaging. At a temperature not over 25 ºС. To store in the place, unavailable to children.
Issue conditions:
Without recipe
Cream for external use of 1%. On 30 g of drug in the aluminum tuba from within covered with epoxyphenolic protective pitch, with an aluminum blanket of the first opening, corked by a cap from PVD.
On 1 tuba together with the application instruction in a cardboard pack.