
Producer: Arterium (Arterium) Ukraine
Code of automatic telephone exchange: D08AF01
Release form: Firm dosage forms. Tablets.
General characteristics. Structure:
Active ingredient: Nitrofurazonum; 1 tablet contains Nitrofurazonum (nitrofural) in recalculation for 100% substance of 20 mg;
excipient: sodium chloride, sodium of a kroskarmeloz, povidone, stearic acid.
Pharmacological properties:
Furacilin belongs to antibacterial agents. Affects gram-positive and gram-negative microorganisms - staphylococcus, streptococci, dysenteric and intestinal sticks, a salmonella, causative agents of gas gangrene.
Indications to use:
Purulent wounds, decubituses, cankers, burns of II and III degrees, osteomyelitis, pleura empyema, chronic purulent otitises, mephitic gangrenes; rinsing of a mouth and throat.
Route of administration and doses:
Furacilin is applied outwardly, in the form of water 0,02% by (1:5 000) solutions. For preparation of aqueous solution to dissolve 1 tablet in 100 ml of isotonic solution of sodium of chloride or the water distilled (for bystry dissolution to use the hot or boiling water). After that to cool solution to room temperature and to keep long time (sterilization within 30 min. at 100 °C). At purulent wounds, decubituses, cankers, burns of II and III degrees, for preparation of the granulating surface for skin transplantations and for a secondary seam irrigate a wound with aqueous solution of Furacilin and apply water dressings. After operation for osteomyelitis the cavity is washed out aqueous solution of Furacilin then apply water dressing. At a pleura epiyema pus is sucked away, the pleural cavity is washed out by the standard method. Then enter 20 - 100 ml of aqueous solution of drug into the last. At a mephitic gangrene, except standard surgical intervention, the wound is also processed Furacilin. Rinsing of a mouth and throat: To dissolve 20 mg (1 tablet) in 100 ml of water.
Side effects:
At external use of Furacilin, as a rule, it is well transferred. There can sometimes be dermatitis, when rinsing a throat - irritation of a mucous membrane of an oral cavity, in this case it is necessary to stop drug use. In case of any unusual reactions surely consult to the doctor of rather further use of drug!
Interaction with other medicines:
It is not known.
Hypersensitivity to drug, an allergic dermatosis. Cautions at use.
Before an initiation of treatment consult to the doctor! Drug is intended only for external use! Information on use of drug during pregnancy, feeding by a breast and at children's age is absent.
Storage conditions:
The period of validity of drug makes 5 years. Not to use drug after the termination of the period of validity specified on packaging. To store in with the dry place protected from light at temperature15 °C - 25 °C. To store in the place, unavailable to children. Ready solution can be stored within 14 days, in well corked banks from dark glass, in cool (8 – 15 ºС), the place protected from light.
Issue conditions:
According to the recipe
Tablets No. 10 in a strip; No. 10 in the blister; No. 10 in the blister, 2 blisters in a pack.