Prevention of a herpes infection
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The most efficient way of prevention — refusal of any close contact with the infected person, especially at an aggravation stage. The main thing — not to touch the opened herpetic bubbles. A reliable way of prevention of transfer of a virus sexually — maintenance of the sexual monogamous relations with not infected partner and use of methods of barrier contraception (for example, condoms) which at the same time protect also from STD infection. In such a way it is possible to be protected from infection with a herpes virus from the asymptomatic carrier of an infection. The infected woman can minimize further spread of an infection, abstaining from sexual contacts at a stage of an aggravation and using condoms at the sexual intercourse with the healthy partner not to infect it with herpes. If both partners maintaining the monogamous relations are already infected with a herpes virus, in such precautionary measures there is no need.
The probability of transfer of a virus of herpes at the sexual intercourse decreases approximately twice if daily to accept валацикловир. Recently in the USA officially approved Valtreks's use for the purpose of the prevention of transfer of a virus of herpes.
If the pregnant woman shortly before childbirth has new herpetic rashes or the prodromal stage begins, she should inform of it the obstetrician that that could be prepared for Cesarean section if that is required.

Localization of a herpes infection