
Producer: Richard Bittner (Richard Bittner) Austria
Code of automatic telephone exchange: R01AX10
Pharm group: Nasal drugs
Release form: Liquid dosage forms. Spray.
General characteristics. Structure:
Active ingredients: 1 ml of Sinapis nigra (Mustard black) D2, 10 ml of Euphorbium (An euphorbia resiniferous, lacteal juice) D6, 10 ml of Pulsatilla (A lumbago meadow) D6, 10 ml of Luffa (Lyuff) of D12, 10 ml of Mercurius bijodatus (Mercury iodide) D12 in 100 ml of drug.
Excipients: benzalkony chloride of 0,01%, isotonic solution of sodium of chloride of 59 ml.
Pharmacological properties:
Pharmacodynamics. Delufen spray thanks to complex antiinflammatory, antiallergic, reparative and protective action on a mucous membrane of a nose and okolonosovy bosoms effectively treats rhinitis irrespective of the reason, it caused (virus, bacterial, vasculomotor or allergic). Quickly eliminates an inflammation and hypostasis, without causing irritations or feelings of dryness in a nasal cavity. Exempts the nasal courses and okolonosovy bosoms from slime, quickly recovers nasal breath and sense of smell. Reduces risk of development of purulent complications of an acute catarral rinosinusit.
Together with it drug has the expressed antiallergic effect: eliminates an itch, hypostasis, a congestion of a nose and a rhinorrhea of an allergic origin, including at pollinoses and hay fever. Drug reduces sensitivity of mucous membranes to various irritants (smells, tobacco smoke, changes of temperature of air, an exercise stress) and allergens (pollen of plants, household dust, wool, etc.).
Does not cause accustoming or easing of medical effect even at long use.
At patients with displays of chronic atrophic rhinitis (dryness in a nose, crusts, hypersensitivity and bleeding of a mucous membrane) drug recovers work of scyphoid cells, food and structure of a mucous membrane. Moistens a mucous membrane, reduces its dryness and reduces formation of crusts, accelerates processes of healing mucous a nose, recovers its protective function, normalizes nasal breath and sense of smell.
Drug has direct antimicrobic effect, increases local immunity and recovers a normal biocenosis of a mucous membrane of a nasopharynx.
Indications to use:
Topical treatment of rhinitis, rinosinusit of any etiology (infectious, virus or bacterial, allergic, vasculomotor) and forms (acute, chronic, catarral, hypertrophic, atrophic). Inflammation of an acoustical pipe (eustachitis). Allergic cold, including hay fever, pollinosis.
Route of administration and doses:
Adults and children are more senior than 12 years: on 2 injections in each nasal course 4 times a day.
Children from the birth up to 12 years: on 1 injection in each nasal course 4 times a day.
In an initiation of treatment during the first 2 days for the purpose of acceleration of recovery drug use everyone half an hour – is recommended hour: to adults and children 12 years — on 2 injections, to children from the birth up to 12 years — on 1 injection in each nasal course to 8 times a day are more senior then to apply 4 times a day.
Duration of a course of treatment: acute catarral rhinitis — 1 week; acute purulent rhinitis, sinusitis, an eustachitis — 2–4 weeks; chronic rhinitis — 4–8 weeks; allergic rhinitis, a pollinosis, hay fever — 1–4 weeks, depending on duration of action of a provocative factor (contact with allergen). In case of need the course of treatment can be repeated. Drug is not in a bottle under pressure therefore at use there is no need of observance of special security measures.
Route of administration. 1. To remove a protective lid. 2. Before use of drug by the 1st time it is necessary to press several times the sprayer before emergence of splashes of spray. 3. To enter the sprayer serially into each nostril and to inject. 4. Every time after use to wipe the sprayer and to close it.
Features of use:
Special instructions: as Delufen contains vegetable natural components, at storage insignificant opacification can be observed that does not lead to decrease in efficiency of drug.
In an initiation of treatment perhaps short-term insignificant strengthening of secretion in the form of serous and mucous allocations from a nose that demonstrates effect of drug, effective drainage of okolonosovy bosoms, a nasal cavity and release them from the collected slime. At emergence of these manifestations there is no need for cancellation or dose adjustment of drug.
Unlike means in aerosol cans, a dosage form of drug Delufen (spray in a bottle without gas) at use provides uniform drawing on a mucous membrane without any risk of increase in pressure in respiratory tracts in this connection Delufen is recommended for use even at newborns.
Use during pregnancy and feeding by a breast. Information concerning any risk for a fruit and the child as a result of administration of drug during pregnancy and feeding by a breast is not registered. Drug has exclusively local effect therefore it can be applied during pregnancy and feeding by a breast.
Ability to influence speed of response at control of vehicles and other mechanisms. Drug has no sedative effect and does not influence ability to manage vehicles or to work with other mechanisms.
Children. Drug can be used at children according to the instruction, since the neonatality period.
Side effects:
Side effect: there can seldom be an increased salivation. At emergence of other side effects it is necessary to see a doctor.
Interaction with other medicines:
Interaction with other medicines: clinically significant vzaimodeystvly drug with other medicines it is not established.
Contraindications: hypersensitivity to drug components. Diseases of a thyroid gland (hyperthyroidism).
Overdose cases were not registered so far.
Storage conditions:
Storage conditions: at a temperature not above 25 °C, in the place unavailable to children protected from light and strong electromagnetic fields. To use drug within 2 months after the first use. Period of storage of 5 years. Not to apply after the period of validity specified on packaging.
Issue conditions:
Without recipe
On 20 ml in a plastic bottle with the doser sprayer and a cover from polypropylene. Each bottle placed together with the application instruction is placed in a cardboard pack.