
Producer: CJSC FP Tekhnomedservice, Russia
Code of automatic telephone exchange: J05AX
Release form: Liquid dosage forms. Solution for injections.
General characteristics. Structure:
Active agent: 1 ml of solution contains sodium of a dezoksiribonukleat 0,015 g and 0,000048 g of iron oxide chloride.
Excipient: water for injections.
Pharmacological properties:
Pharmacodynamics. Ferrovir represents biologically active agent — an extract from milts sturgeon or salmons (the purified and standardized complex salt of a dezoksiribonukleat of sodium with iron). Drug has antiviral and immunomodulatory effect, activates antiviral, antifungal and antimicrobic immunities. Shows antiviral action in the relation of various RNA - and the DNA-containing viruses. Clinical experience of use of drug showed its high activity, good tolerance, lack of toxicity (IC50> 4000mkg/ml), and undesirable side effects. At therapy of AIDS/HIV infection 14 day course use of Ferrovir increase the CD4+ level of lymphocytes in blood. This increase continues within 1-1,5 months after the termination of a course of treatment. At the same time the virus loading in an organism which is expressed in decrease in concentration of HIV RNA in comparison with initial level decreases. At a recurrent herpes infection weight and duration of a recurrence is reduced, there occurs bystry and long remission after 10 day course treatments. Ferrovir's use in complex treatment of patients with chronic hepatitis C promotes improvement of portability of treatment (reduction of dizziness, nausea, etc.), to decrease in replikativny activity of all genotypes of the HCV virus, convertion of process in a latent phase with recovery of cells of a liver and lack of virus replication. Drug is characterized by a high degree of activity at joint presence of viruses of the main and opportunistic diseases. A chemotherapeutic index of drug - more than 20 that is characteristic of highly active medicines.
Pharmacokinetics. At intramuscular introduction of the recommended dose, drug is quickly soaked up and distributed in bodies and fabrics with participation of an endolymphatic way of transport; possesses a high tropnost to bodies of the hemopoietic system; takes active part in cellular metabolism, being built in cellular structures. In the course of daily course use has property to kumulirovatsya in bodies and fabrics. Time of achievement of the maximum concentration at one-time introduction - 0,5 hours then the decrease in concentration of drug in blood connected with its distribution in bodies and fabrics begins. At repeated administration of drug each 24 hours within 4 days, its greatest accumulation in a spleen, lymph nodes and marrow is observed. After the 5th introduction concentration of drug at the subsequent introductions in all bodies and fabrics does not raise, observed its gradual decrease.
Metabolism and removal. Drug is excreted from an organism (in the form of metabolites), partially with a stake and more - with urine. The average time of deduction of drug in bodies and fabrics - 72 hours. Semi-removal time - 36 hours.
Indications to use:
Ferrovir is applied in a combination therapy of HIV-positive patients and patients with AIDS, HIV-positive patients with hepatitis C, HIV-positive patients with a recurrent herpes infection. At treatment of patients with a tick-borne encephalitis, hepatitis C, herpes.
Route of administration and doses:
At treatment of HIV infection or AIDS, the adult drug is appointed intramusculary: 5 ml (15 mg/ml) of solution for intramuscular introduction (75 mg in terms of dry matter) 2 times a day (150 mg), within 14 days. If necessary in 1-1,5 months the repeated course of therapy is appointed.
At treatment of herpes - 5 ml (15 mg/ml) of solution for intramuscular introduction 2 times a day, within 10 days.
At treatment of hepatitis C Ferrovir is entered intramusculary 2 times a day on 5 ml (15 mg/ml) of solution for intramuscular introduction within 14 days. In the next 14 days the drug is administered in the same daily dose every other day.
At a tick-borne encephalitis the drug is administered 2 times a day on 5 ml (15 mg/ml) of solution for intramuscular introduction within 5-10 days.
When using intramuscular solution on 2 ml to make recalculation before achievement of a course dose of 750 - 2100 mg.
Features of use:
For morbidity reduction Ferrovir enter intramusculary slowly, within 1-2 min.
Solution for injections should be used completely right after opening of a bottle, storage of open bottles is not allowed.
Intravenous administration of drug is not allowed!
Side effects:
Perhaps short-term fervescence (to 38 °C), a hyperemia and moderate morbidity in the place of an injection.
Interaction with other medicines:
Moderately exponentiates effect of anticoagulants.
In complex therapy reduces toxicity and negative impact of the used drugs (a headache, nausea, etc.).
- Individual intolerance.
- Pregnancy and period of a lactation, children's age.
The negative phenomena from overdose are not revealed.
Storage conditions:
In the place protected from light at a temperature from +4 °C to +20 °C. To store in places unavailable to children.
Issue conditions:
According to the recipe
Solution for intramuscular introduction of 15 mg/ml in bottles on 2 ml, 5 ml from neutral or dark glass.
Original packaging on 5 bottles on 5 ml or on 10 bottles on 2 ml in the pallet blister with the instruction in a cardboard box.