- Description
- Hepatomegalia reasons
- Hepatomegalia symptoms
- Diagnosis
- Treatment of a hepatomegalia
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The hepatomegalia is the pathological increase in the sizes of a liver most often coming at poisonings with poisons and toxins of various origin. Scientists do not carry a hepatomegalia to independent diseases, and define it in the form of the syndrome testimonial of the general unsatisfactory condition of body and need of urgent treatment.

Hepatomegalia on the right
Hepatomegalia reasons:
All reasons of a hepatomegalia can be divided into three main groups in dependence about what disease caused increase in a liver: liver diseases, disbolism, cardiovascular diseases.
At diseases of a liver there is a direct injury of its cells that causes or flowing off of fabrics, or starts regeneration process. If with the first case everything is clear and removal the inflammation allows to return body to a normality, then with the second everything is much more difficult. The matter is that formation of new connecting fabrics happens quicker than destruction old therefore only a part of the died hepatocytes is replaced, and the liver increases in volume, getting a hilly form.
The following diseases of a liver can cause a hepatomegalia: various viral and autoimmune hepatitis, fibrosis and cirrhosis, эхиноккокоз, oncological diseases, chronic infectious diseases, liver polycystosis, toxic poisoning, and also medicamentous or drunkenness.
Owing to disbolism in a liver there is an accumulation of various metabolic products (fats, carbohydrates, iron, a glycogen, etc.) which lead to its increase. Such diseases are called still accumulation diseases. Carry to them: hemochromatosis, fatty hepatosis, amyloidosis and hepatolenticular degeneration. Part of these of a disease are hereditary and practically do not depend on a way of life of the person. For example, at hemochromatosis the organism incorrectly absorbs iron that brings to its deposits on various internals including a liver. However the main causes of infringement of a metabolism and, as a result, a hepatomegalia directly depend on the person. Generally such problems arise at obesity, and also at the people abusing alcohol and medicines.
The circulatory unefficiency and chronic cardial compression give to застоям blood, to decrease in oxygen food and, as a result, hypostases of bodies. In particular the liver as hypostasis is resulted by squeezing and destruction of hepatocytes which place is taken by connecting fabric that leads to a hepatomegalia suffers from it.
The last stage of any chronic disease causing a hepatomegalia is cirrhosis. At the same time tissues of a liver are not able to be recovered any more, and their gradual destruction leads to reduction of the sizes of body.
Hepatomegalia symptoms:
The main signs of a hepatomegalia come down to any manifestations of increase in a liver. The patient can observe at himself as external changes of a body, and to feel as if something disturbs it in the right side. Quite often this sign does not cause any discomfort until the disease gets an acute form. During further damage of a liver symptoms of a hepatomegalia become more explicit and unpleasant. Nausea, heartburn, an unpleasant smell from a mouth, yellowness of skin, a skin itch, petekhialny rash is added to them. One of consequences of increase in a liver is development of ascites at which in a cavity of a stomach begins to accumulate the liquids which acted from vessels.
The diffusion hepatomegalia at the first address of the patient by a palpation is diagnosed. At this stage the doctor determines density, borders and extent of increase in a liver, establishes existence of pains. As the hepatomegalia is a symptom of other disease, during inspection detailed survey and inspection of the patient which will allow to make primary anamnesis is surely performed and to assume the reasons of increase in a liver.
Depending on an alleged cause of a hepatomegalia to the patient a number of laboratory inspections is appointed. They include: biochemical and serologic assay of blood, X-ray analysis, ultrasonography, KT or MPT of an abdominal cavity, analysis of functions of a liver, tests for a blood coagulation. The diagnostic laparoscopy is in certain cases carried out.
Treatment of a hepatomegalia:
At a hepatomegalia treatment is complex and is made only under observation of the doctor. It is necessary to understand that increase in a liver is only display of other disease therefore purpose of these or those medicines is made only after identification of the etiological reason. Medicamentous therapy is intended to remove this cause and to suppress pathological processes. The matter is that increase in a liver is, as a rule, irreversible therefore it is desirable to slow down it in time.
In addition treatment of a hepatomegalia includes itself observance of a special diet. It is designed to lower load of a liver, to support its main functions or, at least, not to aggravate situation. The dietotherapy includes the balanced and balanced diet at which it is necessary to reduce the use of carbohydrates and fats. If disbolism is the reason of a hepatomegalia, then the corresponding products which are not capable to be acquired by an organism correctly are excluded from a diet.
At checkmate of a liver organ transplantation is made.