Big Bittnera® Balm

Producer: Richard Bittner (Richard Bittner) Austria
Code of automatic telephone exchange: A13A
Pharm group: a href="javascript:if(confirm( \n\nThis file was not retrieved by Teleport Pro, because it is linked too far away from its Starting Address. If you increase the in-domain depth setting for the Starting Address, this file will be queued for retrieval. \n\nDo you want to open it from the server?%27))" tppabs="">All-tonic drugs
Release form: Soft dosage forms. Balm.
General characteristics. Structure:
Active ingredients: 0,136 g of an ash-tree white juice (Fraxinus ornus L., this. Oleaceae), 0,138 g of the Turmeric long rhizomes (Curcuma longa L., this. Zingiberaceae), 0,136 g of the Angelica medicinal roots (Angelica archangelica L., this. Apiaceae), 0,05 g of the Gentian yellow roots (Gentiana lutea L., this. Gentianaceae), 0,028 g of Nutmeg fruits (Myristica fragrans Houtt., this. Myristicaceae), 0, 068 g of Kolyuchnik acaulescent roots (Carlina acaulis L., this. Asteraceae), 0,017 g of the Glycyrrhiza naked roots ( Glycyrrhiza glabra L., this. Fabaceae), 0,002 g of the Inula of a high rhizome and roots (Inula helenium L., this. Asteraceae), 0,0013 g of the Centaury ordinary grass (Centaurium erythrata Rafn., this. Gentianaceae), 0, 003 g of the Clove tree flowers (Caryophyllus aromaticus L., this. Myrtaceae), 0,0014 g of Kalgan of the real rhizome (Alpinia officinarum Hance, this. Zingiberaceae), 0,0015 g of Ginger of the real rhizome (Zingeber officinale Roscoe, this. Zingiberaceae), 0,0015 g of Volchets curly grass (Cnicus benedictus L., this. Asteraceae), 0,0006 g of the Yarrow muscat grass (Ivae moschatae L., this. Asteraceae), 0,0005 g of the Iris of the German rhizome (Iris germanica L., this. Iridaceae), 0,0014 g of the Feltwort ordinary flowers (Verbascum thapsus L., this. Scrophulariaceae), 0,0031 g of the Wild orange bitter fruits peel (Citrus aurantium ssp. Amara L., this. Rutaceae), 0,0047 g of the Acorus of a marsh rhizome (Acorus calamus L., this. Araceae), 0, 0035 g of the Wormwood bitter grass (Artemisia absinthium L., this. Asteraceae), 0,0038 g of Curacao Orange of fruits peel (Citrus aurantium L. var. Curacao, this. Rutaceae), 0,0017 g of Pepper of a cubeb fruits (Piper cubebae L., this. Piperacea), 0,0046 g of the Anisetree of the present fruits ( Illicium verum Hook. f., this. Illiciaceae), 0,0011 g of Orange of sweet of fruits peel (Pericarpium Aurantii dulcis L., this. Rutaceae), 0,012 g of Watch trifoliate leaves (Menyanthes trifoliata L., this. Menyanthaceae), 0,07 g Myrrha gum resinous dried up (Commiphora Molmol Eng., this. Burseraceae), 0,097 g of Teriak, 0,095 g of Camphor of racemic (Camphora racemica).
Excipients: alcohol of 96% 32,320 g, a food dye (Е 150 and) 0,4599 g, the water purified to 100 ml.
Pharmacological properties:
Pharmacodynamics. The fortifying, raising nonspecific resistance of an organism, the spasmolytic, cholagogue, diuretic, antiinflammatory, antiseptic, local anesthetic at outside injuries contributing to normalization of a metabolism possesses the easy calming action.
Indications to use:
Intake. As a calmative at the increased nervous irritability and sleep disorders.
As fortifying means during recovery after the postponed diseases, operations, the raised exercise and intellectual stresses, injuries, stresses.
As a part of complex therapy of diseases of digestive tract: a peptic ulcer of a stomach and a 12-perstny gut, chronic gastritis out of a stage of an aggravation, dyskinesia of biliary tract; tendencies to locks.
As a part of complex therapy during rehabilitation at patients with diseases of cardiovascular system.
In complex therapy of disturbances of lipidic exchange, lipidemias.
As the means increasing nonspecific resistance of an organism at patients with secondary immunological insufficiency, including at the patients receiving radiotheraphy.
Topical administration. As local anti-inflammatory drug with easy analgesic effect for treatment of posttraumatic pains.
For removal of an inflammation and an itch in places of stings of insects.
For treatment and prevention of exacerbations of inflammatory diseases of a throat and oral cavity.
Route of administration and doses:
Inside. At digestive tract pathology – on 1-2 teaspoons (5-10 ml) undiluted or divorced in 50-100 ml of water or tea of drug for half an hour to food 3 times a day at the normal or lowered acidity of a gastric juice. At a hyperoxemia 2-3 times a day in an hour after meal. Course of treatment one month.
Diseases of cardiovascular system during recovery – on 2 teaspoons in 30 minutes prior to food 3 times a day within one month.
As fortifying means after the postponed infectious diseases, operations, injuries – on 10 ml 3-4 times a day within 21-28 days.
In the recovery period after radiation therapy – since first day after radiation, in a divorced look (100 ml of water or weak tea) on 10 ml 3 times a day to food within 2,5-3 months.
Topical administration. As local anti-inflammatory drug at acute or exacerbations of chronic inflammatory diseases of an oral cavity and throat – to dilute 3 teaspoons of drug in enough water and to rinse a mouth or a throat three times a day within 1-3 minutes.
At joint pains and the closed traumatic damage of soft tissues – to apply necessary amount of balm on skin on the painful site and to pound before full absorption then it is possible to impose the dry warming compress or wrapping.
At stings of insects, inflammatory diseases of skin (without secondary damage of integuments) and mucous – to moisten with necessary amount of drug of the place of defeats.
Features of use:
At the high level of basal secretion of a gastric juice administration of drug on an empty stomach can be followed by slight heartburn or discomfort. In this case it is recommended to accept drug in an hour after meal.
Alcohol (ethanol) of 96% is a part of drug. The maximum single dose (10 ml) of drug contains 3,15 g of alcohol (ethanol), in the maximum daily dose (30-40 ml) of drug – 9,46-12,6 of alcohol (ethanol).
It is not recommended to apply undiluted drug on open wounds in connection with the possible local cauterizing effect of alcohol.
Influence on ability to drive mekhamizm and the car. During use of drug it is necessary to refrain from performance of potentially dangerous types of activity requiring special attention and bystry reactions (control of motor transport, work with moving mechanisms).
Side effects:
Allergic reactions are possible.
Interaction with other medicines:
Clinically significant interaction of drug with other medicines is not established. It is not necessary to appoint at the same time drug with medicines when which using alcohol intake is prohibited.
Hypersensitivity to separate components of drug;
Renal failure;
Cirrhosis, liver failure, obturatsionny diseases of biliary tract;
Pancreatitis, craniocereberal injury, brain diseases;
Pregnancy, breastfeeding period;
Children's age up to 18 years;
At topical administration – dermatological diseases, damages, irritations of skin opened and the bleeding wounds in the field of alleged putting drug.
Overdose cases were not registered so far.
Storage conditions:
At a temperature not above 25 °C, in the place protected from light. To store in the place, unavailable to children. Period of storage of 5 years. Not to apply after the period of validity specified on packaging.
Issue conditions:
Without recipe
Balm for intake and external use. On 50, 100 or 250 ml in the bottles from brown glass corked by the metal screw-on covers with control of the first opening. Each bottle together with the application instruction is placed in a cardboard box.