Albumine of the person

Producer: Federal state unitary enterprise NPO Mikrogen Russia
Code of automatic telephone exchange: B05AA01
Release form: Liquid dosage forms. Solution for infusions.
General characteristics. Structure:
Active ingredient: 5%, 10% or 20% of the albumine received from plasma for fractionation.
Excipients: sodium caprylate, sodium chloride, water for injections.
The plasma substituting means received by fractionation of plasma, serum from healthy donors.
Indications to use:
Shock (traumatic, operational, toxic); the burns which are followed by dehydration and "condensation" of blood; acute blood loss; it is purulent - septic states; liver diseases (with disturbance of the albuminsynthesizing function); damages of kidneys (nephrites, nephrotic syndrome).
The hypoproteinemia, hypoalbuminemia of various genesis developing at a nutritional dystrophy, decrease in content of albumine in plasma is lower than 30 g/l, or the level of colloid and oncotic pressure below 15 mm of mercury., or at decrease in crude protein it is lower than 50 g/l; damage of a GIT with disturbance of absorption or passability.
At operations with use of artificial circulation; medical plasma exchange; a hemolitic disease of newborns during exchange hemotransfusion.
During the carrying out preoperative hemodilution and preparation of components of an autoblood; at wet brain.
Route of administration and doses:
Solution of albumine of 10% and 20% – intravenously kapelno with a speed no more than 40-50 drops a minute, a single dose is defined individually with age and weight of a condition of the patient; solution of albumine of 5% – with a speed no more than 50-60 drops a minute.
In pediatric practice solution of albumine of 10% is appointed in a dose of 3 ml/kg of body weight. At elderly people it is necessary to avoid use of strong solutions of albumine of 20% and bystry administration of solutions of albumine 5 and 10 of % as it can lead to an overload of cardiovascular system.
Jet administration of solution of albumine is admissible at shocks of various genesis for bystry increase in arterial pressure.
Features of use:
Before use it is necessary to make direct vision of drug and packaging: solution has to be transparent, not containing any inclusions, glass packaging has to be tight, without cracks.
In the history of a disease it is necessary to register these labels (the name of drug, manufacturer, number of a series).
Administration of drug at dehydration is possible only after preliminary ensuring sufficient intake of liquid (inside and parenterally). Data on use of albumine in the period of a lactation are absent.
When using the medicines prepared from human plasma it is impossible to exclude completely risk of transfer of the known and still unknown viral infections.
With care appoint at oppression of function of heart (owing to possible developing of an acute heart failure).
Use at pregnancy and during breastfeeding. Solution of albumine should be applied during pregnancy and during breastfeeding only if the potential advantage for mother exceeds possible risk for a fruit or the child.
Side effects:
Administration of solution of albumine, as a rule, is not followed by side reactions and complications. At certain, earlier sensibilized patients, emergence of allergic reactions of varying severity is possible. Possibility (extremely seldom) side reactions and complications is not excluded at the patients belonging to risk group, i.e. having in the anamnesis the instruction on intolerance of intravenous injections of proteinaceous drugs and other plasma substitutes, medicines, serums, vaccines.
In case of reactions or complications, it is necessary to stop immediately transfusion of solution of albumine and, without taking out a needle from a vein, to enter antihistaminic, cardiotonic means, glucocorticosteroids, angiotonic drugs (in the presence of indications).
Interaction with other medicines:
For injection of solution of albumine use separate system. In cases of big blood losses it is possible to combine use of solution of albumine with hemotransfusion.
The increased individual sensitivity, hypervolemia, heart failure of IIB-III of degree, fluid lungs, heavy anemia.
With care: renal failure, bleeding, thrombosis, arterial hypertension.
Storage conditions:
At a temperature of 2-10 °C. To store in the place, unavailable to children. A period of validity - 5 years.
Issue conditions:
According to the recipe
Solution for infusions of 5%, 10%, 20% on 50, 100, 200 and 400 ml in glass bottles (bottles) for blood, transfusion and infusional drugs. On 1 bottle (bottle) in a pack cardboard together with the application instruction.