Prevention of migraine
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It is necessary to carry out preventive treatment of migraine only at rather often repeating attacks (more than quarterly). Ergotamine is not suitable for systematic treatment because of danger of development of complications up to a necrosis of fabrics. However its small doses (0,0003 g) in combination with belladonna alkaloids (0,0001 g) and sedatives, in particular with phenobarbital mini-doses (0,0001 g) — bellataminal (Belloidum, белласпон), are safe and are quite often used as a component of complex treatment both vegetative dystonia, and the migraine. Digidriro-bathing alkaloids of an ergot — 0,2% dihydroergotamine solution on 20 drops вщтрь or tablets of a gidergin (redergin) on 0,0015 g 2-3 times a day well work and are safe for prolonged use or vazobrat (and-digidroergokriptinmezilat + caffeine) on 1 tablet or in solution on 2 ml 2-3 times a day. Drugs are used for a long time — not less than half a year. Abroad antagonists of a sertonin were considered as not so long ago main — dezerit (метисергид) and сандомигран (пизотифен). Treatment is begun with small doses, the daily dose is selected individually and averages 4,5 mg of a dizeril or 1,5-3 mg of a sandomigran.
At many patients use at migraine of beta adrenoblockers is effective — an anaprilina (propranolol, Obsidanum) in doses of 60-120 mg/days, and also beta adrenoblocker of new generation — an atenolola in a dose of 50-100 mg/days. The course of treatment usually makes 6 months. Antidepressants — amitriptyline, Melipraminum or Azaphenum in doses of 50 — 100 mg/days are rather efficient in some cases and, in particular, the antidepressants of new generation blocking the return capture of a serotonik — fluoxetine (Prozac) of 20-40 mg/days in the morning, koaksit before food on 1 tablet (12,5 mg) 2-3 times a day, etc. Also messages on efficiency of antagonists of calcium channels — verapamil on 20-40 mg 3-4 times a day, a nimodipina on 100-120 mg/days are published. Recently lay great hopes on сум^триптан in a dose of 100 — 200 mg/days. A contraindication to its use is the heavy arterial hypertension, the expressed coronary heart disease.
Summarizing, it should be noted what at all variety of potentially effective drugs is considered the most efficient суматриптан (имигран). The combination of antidepressants from a digidrirovanny-ma alkaloids of an ergot and R-adrenoblockers is alternative.
Frequent type of a disease is menstrual migraine at which attacks have the expressed confinedness to periods. In premenstrual days appoint the drugs eliminating an imbalance of prostaglandins — Naproxenum on 550 mg inside or a metindol on 0,025 mg 2-3 times a day. For the purpose of optimization of a ratio estrogen/progesterone Pregninum tablets can be applied 0,01 g under language 2-3 times a day, and also Tamoxifenum operating on estrogenic receptors in a dose of 5 — 15 mg/days with 9th on the 14th days of a menstrual cycle.
At a so-called basilar form of migraine the effect in one cases is reached by use of derivatives of an ergot and beta adrenoblockers, in others — dipheninum or a hexamidine.
Patients with migraine need to avoid a psychoemotional and physical overstrain, alcohol intake, cocoa, chocolate, nuts, a citrus.

Anatomic structure of a brain