Vinoksin of MV

Producer: LLC Pharm Start Ukraine
Code of automatic telephone exchange: C04AX07
Release form: Firm dosage forms. Tablets.
General characteristics. Structure:
Active agent: Vincaminum of 30 mg
Other ingredients: lactoses monohydrate, gipromelloz, коповидон, silicon hydroxide (colloid hydrophobic), silicon dioxide colloid water, magnesium stearate.
Pharmacological properties:
Pharmacodynamics. Vincaminum renders the selection vazoreguliruyushchy effect on cerebral circulation, promoting adaptation of cerebral circulation to metabolic requirements of a brain. Drug improves metabolism of a brain due to glucose oxidation strengthening, increasing thereby development of energy and promoting increase in the general activity of an organism. Vincaminum increases supply with oxygen of the neurons which are in a condition of a hypoxia. Drug reduces and stabilizes the peripheric resistance of vessels of a brain. Vincaminum has unique ability to normalization of cerebral circulation and improvement of supply with oxygen of neurons. It is proved that Vincaminum is well transferred by patients, does not render biological, hematologic toxicity and side effect on kidneys and a liver. Vincaminum, having versatile influence, improves activity of a brain, is perspective drug for use as stimulator of mental abilities.
Pharmacokinetics. It is quickly absorbed in a GIT, T½ — 60–90 min., linkng with proteins of a blood plasma — 64%. Vincaminum is completely metabolized in a liver, only 4-6% are removed with urine in not changed look.
Indications to use:
For normalization and adaptation of cerebral circulation to metabolic requirements of a brain, improvement, regulation and maintenance of functions of a brain at such states:
• memory impairment;
• disturbance of concentration of attention;
• diabetic angiopatiya;
• atherosclerotic defeat of vessels of a brain;
• posttraumatic craniocereberal disturbances;
• after an acute disorder of cerebral circulation;
• cerebral disturbances after brain ischemia;
• hypertensive encephalopathy;
• hearing disorder and sight of vascular genesis;
• disturbance of orientation in space and time, the emotional disturbances which are effects of various mental disturbances.
Route of administration and doses:
The adult appoint inside 1 tablet 2 times a day. The term of treatment is defined by the doctor individually depending on the course of a disease.
Features of use:
Not to exceed the recommended doses. With care to apply at patients with AG and dysfunction of heart. Not to apply at the extended interval of Q-T and at a hypopotassemia.
Drug contains lactose therefore patients should not appoint it with rare hereditary forms of intolerance of a galactose, deficit of lactase or a syndrome of glyukozo-galaktozny malabsorption.
Use during pregnancy or feeding by a breast. Contraindicated.
Children. Tablets Vinoksin the MV is not recommended to be applied at children.
Ability to influence speed of response at control of vehicles or work with other mechanisms. There are no messages, but it is necessary to consider the general state, especially a condition of TsNS.
Side effects:
At use of drug in the recommended doses of side effects it was not observed, however allergic reactions in the form of allergic dermatitis, a small tortoiseshell, an itch, papular rashes, and also a headache, dizziness are in rare instances possible.
Interaction with other medicines:
Strengthens action of antiagregant and antihypertensives.
Hypersensitivity to components of drug, a brain tumor, a hypopotassemia, lengthening of an interval of Q-T.
About cases of overdose it was not reported.
Storage conditions:
In original packaging at a temperature not above 25 °C.
Issue conditions:
According to the recipe
Tab. pro-longum. дейст. 30 mg blister, No. 20, No. 60.