Diabetic angiopatiya
- Description
- Symptoms of the Diabetic angiopatiya
- Reasons of the Diabetic angiopatiya
- Treatment of the Diabetic angiopatiya
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Diabetic angiopatiya – the dangerous complication characteristic of a diabetes mellitus of the first and second type. This gradual disturbance of passability of the smallest arterial vessels located directly at the working cells. And, depending on the place of defeat, at a diabetes mellitus work of an organ of sight, a brain, heart, kidneys is initially broken, there is a threat of a gargrena standing, etc.
Symptoms of the Diabetic angiopatiya:
It is characterized by defeat both small (mikroangiopatiya), and large vessels (macrovascular disease). At a macrovascular disease in walls of the main arteries the changes characteristic of atherosclerosis are found. Against the background of a diabetes mellitus favorable conditions for development of atherosclerosis which affects younger contingent of patients and quickly progresses are created. Menkeberg's arteriosclerosis - calcification of an average cover of an artery is typical for diabetes.
At diabetes the frequency of multisegmented defeats of an arterial bed is high. Distinctive feature is damage of arteries of average and small caliber (subnodal, tibial, foot arteries).
Diabetic angiopatiya of the lower extremities. During angiopatiya there are some specific features:
* early accession of symptoms of neuropathy with loss of superficial and deep sensitivity and a polyneuritis of various degree of manifestation (from burning sensation and numbness of certain sites or all foot to the expressed pain syndrome);
* emergence of trophic ulcers and even gangrene of fingers of feet at the kept pulsation of peripheral arteries. Infection of feet can arise after an insignificant injury, cracks, a necrosis of skin and to be shown by cellulitis of a dorsal surface of foot, deep abscess of plantar space, osteomyelitis of bones of distal department of foot or gangrene of all foot;
* a combination of angiopatiya of the lower extremities with retino-and a nephropathy.
The clinical picture of diabetic angiopatiya consists of a combination of symptoms of polyneuropathy, a mikroangiopatiya and atherosclerosis of the main arteries. Among the last the popliteal artery and its branches are surprised more often. Unlike obliterating atherosclerosis the diabetic macrovascular disease of the lower extremities is characterized by heavier and progressing current which is quite often coming to an end with a gangrenosis. Due to the high exposure of patients with a diabetes mellitus to infectious diseases foot gangrene often happens wet.
Reasons of the Diabetic angiopatiya:
Develops at the persons suffering from a diabetes mellitus.
Treatment of the Diabetic angiopatiya:
The main conditions of successful treatment of diabetic angiopatiya are optimum compensation of a diabetes mellitus and normalization of the broken metabolism of carbohydrates, fats, proteins, mineral exchange. It is reached by purpose of an individual diet with restriction of digestible carbohydrates and animal fats, anabolic hormones, drugs of potassium, hypoglycemic means (use of a diabeton is preferable), and also adequate therapy with insulin and its analogs. Read detailed a href="javascript:if(confirm(%27diabet-med.com/diabet-2-tipa/ \n\nThis file was not retrieved by Teleport Pro, because it is addressed on a domain or path outside the boundaries set for its Starting Address. \n\nDo you want to open it from the server?%27))window.location=%27diabet-med.com/diabet-2-tipa/%27" tppabs="diabet-med.com/diabet-2-tipa/">article about treatment of diabetes 2 types. This or that vasoprotective (добезилат, Parmidinum, etc.) has to be one of obligatory components of complex therapy.
Existence of ulcer and necrotic changes is not a contraindication to purpose of conservative therapy which quite often leads to mummification of limited necrotic sites and their self-rejection. It is necessary to give preference in similar cases to intra arterial infusion of medicines. With the expressed ischemia of the lower extremities it is reasonable to patient to carry out also gravitational plasma exchange which promotes reduction of ischemic pains, to more bystry rejection it is purulent - necrotic sites and to healing of wounds.