DE   EN   ES   FR   IT   PT Psychiatry Intoksikatsionny psychosis

Intoksikatsionny psychosis


Acute intoksikatsionny psychosis — disturbance of mentality with dominance of symptoms of "floating" consciousness, hallucinosis (is more often visual and tactile), catatonic frustration.

Symptoms of Intoksikatsionny psychosis:

Acute intoksikatsionny psychoses which resulted from acute poisoning are most often shown by a loss of consciousness. And, depth and structure of this loss in many respects depends on drug from which there was poisoning, and also from specific features of an organism. In a case such type of psychosis is followed by devocalization and even a coma. There can be delirious stupefaction, and also hallucinations.
Protragirovanny psychosis, is most often shown in the asthenoneurotic phenomena. Much less often some change of the personality meets, up to weak-mindedness. Usually, protragirovanny psychosis is shown practically at once, after hit in a poison organism or after stage of latency comes to an end.

Reasons of Intoksikatsionny psychosis:

Intoksikatsionny psychoses can develop at the person as a result of the postponed serious acute or chronic poisoning various poisons – food or industrial, drugs, chemical means which we use in life, drugs. Acute and protragirovanny intoksikatsionny psychoses meet.

Treatment of Intoksikatsionny psychosis:

First of all the patient needs to carry out a drug test to exclude or confirm relationship of cause and effect between the use of this or that drug and the developed psychosis. The main treatment, especially during the first hours after poisoning, the strengthened desintoxication is. And only if the patient is in a condition of excitement, it is possible to give it psychotropic drugs.
Acute protragirovanny intoksikatsionny psychosis usually stops after it is terminated on a poison organism. But, in certain cases, psychosis can amplify, and then it is necessary to take more serious measures. In all cases the patient needs to give vitamins of group B and drugs which have metabolic action. In determined a situation by the patient tranquilizers register.

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