
Producer: RUP of Belmedpreparata Republic of Belarus
Code of automatic telephone exchange: S01XA
Release form: Liquid dosage forms. Drops are eye.
General characteristics. Structure:
Active ingredient: 50 mg or 100 mg of an emoksipin.
The combined medicine for topical administration in ophthalmology.
Pharmacological properties:
Pharmacodynamics. Лакэмокс is the lyubrikant (moistening with means), an epitelioprotektor of a cornea and a conjunctiva, inhibitor of free radical processes, anti-hypoxanthomas and antioxidant. Thanks to the mechanism of action and a wide range of the pharmacological effects based on the additive effect of an emoksipin and gipromelloza it exerts impact on the main links of a pathogeny of various diseases of a front segment of an eye connected with processes of free radical oxidation and kislorodzavisimy morbid conditions.
Emoksipin is the universal stabilizer of membrane structures of a mesh cover of an eye. It is capable to protect a retina from the damaging action of a stress, light of high intensity, hyperbaric oxygenation. Prevents emergence of disturbances of functional activity of a retina as a result of development of intraocular hemorrhages. Promotes a rassasyvaniye of intraocular hemorrhages. Effectively inhibits free radical oxidation of lipids of biomembranes, increases activity of antioxidant enzymes. In the extreme situations which are followed by strengthening of peroxide oxidation of lipids and a hypoxia optimizes biopower processes.
Gipromelloza who is a part of drug as the biopolymer carrier promotes improvement of bioadhesive action, owing to the expressed hydrophilic properties reduces the phenomena of hypostasis of tissues of eye. Promotes recovery, stability and reproduction of optical characteristics of the lacrimal film, strengthens cytoprotective action.
Pharmacokinetics. At use of eye drops of an emoksipin active agent in biologically active concentration does not come to a system blood stream. Therapeutic concentration in tissues of an eye is reached at a single instillation. Emoksipin does not collect in bodies and fabrics. Within the first two hours after use concentration of an emoksipin in blood quickly decreases, in 24 hours drug in blood is absent. In eye tissues concentration of an emoksipin is higher, than in blood.
Indications to use:
The states which are followed by development of epiteliopatiya of a cornea and conjunctiva:
- blepharites, conjunctivitis, cornea dystrophies, recurrent erosion of a cornea, keratoconus, pterygium, symblepharon, lagophthalmia, exophthalmos, pempigus;
- treatment and prevention of inflammations and burns of a cornea;
- "eye monitor" a syndrome, protection of a cornea when carrying contact lenses;
- dystrophic changes of a retina in case of a myopia of high degree;
- protection of a mesh cover of an eye at influence of light of high intensity (laser and sunblisters, a lazerokoagulyation).
Route of administration and doses:
Medicine is applied in the form of instillations in a conjunctival sac on 1-2 drops by 3 times a day. Frequency rate of instillations no more than 6 times a day. Duration of a course of treatment depends on the course of a disease (usually makes 3-30 days) and is defined by the doctor. In the presence of indications and good tolerance duration of a course of treatment can make up to 6 months. If necessary repeated courses of treatment are carried out with an interval of 4-6 months.
Recommendations about use of bottles with covers droppers. Before use of medicine to remove an aluminum cap from a bottle, to remove a rubber bung and to close a bottle the cover dropper which is previously exempted from packaging. Then to remove a cap from a cover dropper, to turn a bottle, to dig necessary quantity of drops of medicine. After use to return a bottle to vertical position and to put on a cap a cover dropper.
Features of use:
It is not recommended in an acute phase of a corrosive burn of a cornea and a conjunctiva before full removal of toxic substances.
Influence on ability to driving of motor transport and to control of mechanisms. Right after instillation the illegibility of visual perception is possible that it can cause difficulties in control of vehicles or during the work with mechanisms. Therefore to start performance of the work demanding sight clearness follows not earlier than 15 min. later after instillation.
Side effects:
- burning sensation, itch, allergic reactions,
- the short-term reddening of a conjunctiva, feeling of a foreign body in an eye, morbidity in the place of instillation which are not demanding medicine cancellation.
The increased individual sensitivity to an emoksipin and other components of medicine, allergic diseases, pregnancy.
The overdose phenomena at use of eye drops of Lakemoks are not described.
Issue conditions:
According to the recipe
Drops eye 50 mg / 5 and 100 mg / 10 mg in bottles on 5 and 10 ml respectively.