
Producer: Federal State Unitary Enterprise Moscow Endocrine Plant Russia
Code of automatic telephone exchange: C05CX
Release form: Liquid dosage forms. Solution for injections.
General characteristics. Structure:
Active ingredient: 30 mg of a metiletilpiridinol of a hydrochloride (emoksipin) in 1 ml of solution.
Excipients: hydroxide sodium solution, water for injections.
Pharmacological properties:
Pharmacodynamics. The vasoprotective, reduces permeability of a vascular wall, is inhibitor of free radical processes, anti-hypoxanthomas and antioxidant. Reduces viscosity of blood and aggregation of thrombocytes, increases the maintenance of cyclic nucleotides (cyclic adenosinemonophosphate and cyclic guanozinmono-phosphate) in thrombocytes and tissue of a brain, has fibrinolitic activity, reduces a risk degree of development of hemorrhages, promotes their rassasyvaniye. Expands coronary vessels, in the acute period of a myocardial infarction limits necrosis center size, improves sokratitelny ability of heart and function of its carrying-out system.
With the increased arterial pressure renders hypotensive effect. At acute ischemic disorders of cerebral circulation reduces weight of neurologic symptomatology, increases resistance of fabric to a hypoxia and ischemia.
Pharmacokinetics. Distribution volume - 5,2 l. It is metabolized in a liver. An elimination half-life - 18 min. Clearance - 214,8 ml/min. It is removed by kidneys.
Indications to use:
In neurology and neurosurgery in complex therapy: a hemorrhagic stroke in the recovery period, an ischemic stroke, passing disturbances of cerebral circulation, chronic insufficiency of cerebral circulation, the craniocereberal injury (CI); the postoperative period at the patients with a craniocereberal injury operated concerning Epi - the subdural and intracerebral hematomas which are combined with a brain bruise.
In cardiology in complex therapy: acute myocardial infarction; prevention of a syndrome of reperfusion; unstable stenocardia.
Route of administration and doses:
In neurology and neurosurgery - drug Emoksipin is used intravenously kapelno with a speed of 20 - 30 thaws a minute in a daily dose by 10 mg/kg within 10-12 days. In the subsequent pass to intramuscular introduction 60-300 mg 2-3 times a day within 20 days. Before introduction the drug Emoksipin® is dissolved in 200 ml of solution of sodium of chloride isotonic.
In cardiology - intravenously kapelno with a speed of 20-40 thaws a minute in a dose of 600-900 mg of solution of drug Emoksipin in 200 ml of solution of sodium of chloride isotonic 1-3 once a day within 5-15 days depending on the course of a disease, with the subsequent transition to intramuscular introduction of 60-300 mg 2-3 times a day within 10-30 days.
Features of use:
Treatment should be carried out under control of arterial pressure and coagulability of blood.
Side effects:
Excitement, drowsiness, increase in arterial pressure, reaction in an injection site (pain, an itch, burning), a headache, pain in heart, allergic reactions, dyspepsia, blood coagulation disturbance.
Interaction with other medicines:
Pharmaceutical it is not compatible to other medicines.
- the increased individual sensitivity to drug Emoksipin;
- pregnancy, lactation period;
- children up to 18 years.
Data on overdose are absent.
Storage conditions:
List B. In the place protected from light, at a temperature not above 25 °C. To store in the places unavailable to children. A period of validity - 2 years. Drug cannot be used after expiry date.
Issue conditions:
According to the recipe
Solution for intravenous and intramuscular administration of 30 mg/ml on 1 or on 5 ml in ampoules of neutral glass of the NS-1 or NS-3 brand or import. On 5 ampoules in a blister strip packaging from a film polyvinyl chloride and a foil of the aluminum printing varnished or flexible packaging on the basis of aluminum foil, or without foil. On 1 or 2 blister strip packagings (with a foil or without foil) together with the application instruction of drug, a knife or the scarificator ampoule place in a pack from a cardboard. On 20, 50 or 100 blister strip packagings with a foil (for a hospital) together with 10, 25 or 50 application instructions of drug respectively, knives or scarificators ampoule place in a box from a cardboard or in a box from corrugated fibreboard. When packaging ampoules with rings or points of a break knives or scarificators ampoule do not put.