
Producer: RUP of Belmedpreparata Republic of Belarus
Code of automatic telephone exchange: S01XA
Release form: Liquid dosage forms. Drops are eye.
General characteristics. Structure:
Active ingredient: 10 mg of an emoksipin in 1 ml of solution of eye drops.
Pharmacological properties:
Pharmacodynamics. The vasoprotective, reduces permeability of a vascular wall, is inhibitor of free radical processes, anti-hypoxanthomas and antioxidant, reduces viscosity of blood and aggregation of thrombocytes. Has retinoprotektorny properties, protects a retina from the damaging effect of light of high intensity, promotes a rassasyvaniye of intraocular hemorrhages, improves microcirculation of an eye.
Pharmacokinetics. At use of eye drops of an emoksipin active agent in biologically active concentration does not come to a system blood stream. Therapeutic concentration in tissues of an eye is reached at a single instillation. Emoksipin does not collect in bodies and fabrics. Within the first two hours after use concentration of an emoksipin in blood quickly decreases, in 24 hours drug in blood is absent. In eye tissues concentration of an emoksipin is higher, than in blood.
Indications to use:
Drug is used for treatment and prevention of inflammations and burns of a cornea, treatment of hemorrhages in an anterior chamber of an eye; at dystrophic changes of a retina in case of a myopia of high degree, at a diabetic retinopathy; for protection of a cornea when carrying contact lenses; for protection of a mesh cover of an eye at influence of light of high intensity (laser and sunblisters, a lazerokoagulyation).
Route of administration and doses:
Drug is used in the form of instillations in a conjunctival sac on 1-2 drops by 2-3 times a day. Duration of a course of treatment depends on the course of a disease (usually makes 3-30 days) and is defined by the doctor. In the presence of indications and good tolerance duration of a course of treatment can make up to 6 months. If necessary repeated courses of treatment are carried out with an interval of 4-6 months.
Features of use:
Use of drug in the period of a lactation (breastfeeding) according to indications is possible.
Drug does not influence ability to manage vehicles and the machine equipment.
Precautionary measures. At use of eye drops of an emoksipin of special precautionary measures it is not required.
Side effects:
As a rule, adverse effects at use of drug are not observed.
The burning sensation, itch, short-term reddening of a conjunctiva which, as a rule, do not demand drug withdrawal is in rare instances possible.
Interaction with other medicines:
Negative manifestations at use of an emoksipin against the background of therapy by other medicines are not described.
In need of simultaneous use of other ophthalmologic medicines (eye drops, etc.) эмоксипин apply the last, after full absorption of the previous drug (not less than in 10-15 minutes).
The increased individual sensitivity to an emoksipin, pregnancy.
The overdose phenomena at use of eye drops of an emoksipin are not described.
Issue conditions:
According to the recipe
Solution (drops eye) 10 mg/ml in bottles of 5 ml.