
Producer: RUP of Belmedpreparata Republic of Belarus
Code of automatic telephone exchange: C05CX, C01EB
Release form: Liquid dosage forms. Solution for injections.
General characteristics. Structure:
Active ingredient: 30 mg of an emoksipin in 1 ml of solution.
Pharmacological properties:
Pharmacodynamics. Emoksipin reduces permeability of a vascular wall, viscosity and coagulability of blood, ability of erythrocytes to pasting. Strengthens process of a fibrinolysis. Improves microcirculation.
Effectively inhibits free radical oxidation of lipids of biomembranes, increases activity of antioxidant enzymes. Stabilizes R-450 cytochrome, possesses anti-toxic action. In the extreme situations which are followed by strengthening of peroxide oxidation of lipids and a hypoxia optimizes biopower processes.
Drug protects an eye retina from the damaging effect of light of high intensity, promotes a rassasyvaniye of intraocular hemorrhages.
Emoksipin reduces symptoms of cerebral haemo dysfunction. Increases resistance of a brain to a hypoxia and ischemia. At disturbances of cerebral circulation (ischemic and hemorrhagic) promotes correction of vegetative dysfunctions, fits recovery of integrative activity of a brain, improves mnestichesky functions.
Has hypolipidemic effect, reduces synthesis of triglycerides.
Drug possesses the expressed cardioprotective action. Expands coronary vessels, reduces ischemic injury of a myocardium. At a myocardial infarction limits necrosis center size, accelerates reparative processes, contributes to normalization of metabolism of a myocardium. Exerts beneficial effect on the clinical course of a myocardial infarction, reducing the frequency of development of an acute heart failure. Promotes regulation of oxidation-reduction system at a circulatory unefficiency.
It is effective at the states which are followed by strengthening of peroxide oxidation of lipids (including skin diseases, glaucoma, etc.).
Pharmacokinetics. At intravenous administration in a dose of 10 mg/ml the low period of semi-elimination is noted (T1/2 — 18 min. that testifies to the high speed of elimination of drug from blood. Elimination constant size —
0,041 min.; the general clearance of Cl — 214,8 ml/min.; the seeming volume of distribution of Vkazh. — 5,2 l. Drug quickly gets into bodies and fabrics where there is its deposition and metabolism. 5 metabolites of an emoksipin presented by the dialkylated and conjugated products of its transformation are revealed. Metabolites of an emoksipin are excreted by kidneys. In significant amounts in a liver 2-ethyl-6-methyl-3-oxypyridine-phosphate is found.
Indications to use:
In ophthalmology: the central chorioretinal dystrophies, dystrophic changes of a retina at a myopia of high degree, a diabetic retinopathy, occlusions of the central vein of a retina and its branches, glaucoma, optikoneyropatiya of various genesis, hemophthalmias, hyphemas, a keratitis, a keratoconus, uveites.
In neurology and neurosurgery: a hemorrhagic stroke, an ischemic stroke in the pool of an internal carotid artery and in vertebrobazillyarny system, passing disturbances of cerebral circulation, chronic insufficiency of cerebral circulation, the craniocereberal injury which is followed by brain bruises; the postoperative period at the patients with a craniocereberal injury operated concerning Epi - the subdural and intracerebral hematomas which are combined with brain bruises; before - and the postoperative period at patients with arterial aneurisms and arteriovenous malformation of vessels of a brain.
In cardiology: acute myocardial infarction, prevention of "reperfusion syndrome", unstable stenocardia.
In surgery: acute and chronic pancreatitis, pseudo-tumorous pancreatitis, peritonitis, before - and the postoperative period at patients with chronic pancreatitis.
Route of administration and doses:
Doses, duration of a course of treatment are defined individually.
In neurology and neurosurgery эмоксипин apply intravenously kapelno in a daily dose 5-10 mg/kg within 10-12 days. Before introduction эмоксипин part in 200 ml of solution of sodium of chloride isotonic. Enter with a speed of 20 - 30 thaws a minute. In the acute period (the first 3 - 1 2 hours) of an ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke enter vnutriarterialno (vnutrikarotidno) 1 time a day slowly bolyusno in a dose 150 - 300 mg (5 - 10 ml of 3% of solution of an emoksipin for 10 ml of solution of sodium of chloride isotonic) within the first three days. Introduction of 20 - 30 ml of 3% of solution of an emoksipin (600 - 900 mg) to 200 ml of solution of sodium of chloride isotonic 1-3 once a day within 5-15 days is in case of need allowed intravenous drop (20 - 40 drops a minute). In the subsequent 2-3 times a day within 10-30 days pass to intramuscular introduction 2 - 10 ml of 3% of solution (60 - 300 mg).
In cardiology begin with intravenous drop (20 - 40 drops a minute) introduction of 20 - 30 ml of 3% of solution - an emoksipin (600-900 mg) in 200 ml of solution of sodium of chloride isotonic 1-3 once a day within 5-15 days depending on the course of a disease, with the subsequent transition to intramuscular introduction of 2 - 10 ml of 3% of solution (60-300 mg) 2 - 3 times a day within 10-30 days.
In surgery at patients with acute and chronic pancreatitis in an aggravation stage, at peritonitises, before and after a deep roentgenotherapy at pseudo-tumorous pancreatitis, at mechanical jaundice of various genesis; in before - and the postoperative period at the patients operated on bodies of a gepatopankreatoduodenalny zone appoint 2 times a day within 10-15 days in a dose of 150 mg intravenously kapelno (5 ml of 3% of solution of an emoksipin part in 200 ml of solution of sodium of chloride isotonic and enter with a speed of 20-30 thaws a minute).
At acute necrotizing pancreatitis enter into a celiac trunk, in a dose of 150 - 300 mg within 4 - 5 days (5 - 10 ml of 3% of solution of an emoksipin part in 50-100 ml of solution of sodium of chloride isotonic and enter with a speed of 1 - 2 ml a minute). At patients with acute pancreatitis when performing low-invasive interventions under OUSE by control and laparoscopies apply as follows: 3 ml of 3% of solution of an emoksipin part in the syringe from 10 ml of solution of sodium of chloride isotonic and evenly infiltrut parapancreatic cellulose and an omental bursa, and also enter into cavities after aspiration of pancreatic accumulation of liquid. Treatment emoksipiny, in case of its intravenous, intra arterial and intramuscular administration, should be carried out under control of arterial pressure and a functional condition of coagulant and anticoagulative systems of blood.
Features of use:
It is necessary to control constantly during treatment the level of arterial pressure and indicators of coagulability of blood.
Side effects:
At retrobulbar (parabulbar) and subconjunctival introduction in an injection site pain, a burning sensation, an itch, reddening, the consolidation of paraorbital fabrics resolving independently are possible; at intravenous administration — a burning sensation on the vein course; increase in arterial pressure, excitement or drowsiness can be noted. At predisposition to allergic reactions emergence of an itch and erubescence is in rare instances observed.
Interaction with other medicines:
α-tocopherol acetate exponentiates antioxidant effect of an emoksipin.
Emoksipin is not recommended to mix with other injection means in one syringe.
Use of drug is contraindicated at individual intolerance, pregnancy.
Issue conditions:
According to the recipe
Solution for injections of 3% in ampoules of 10 ml in packaging No. 10, No. 40. Solution for injections of 3% in ampoules of 5 ml in planimetric cell-like packaging No. 5х1, No. 5х2.