Pilocarpinum hydrochloride

Producer: RUP of Belmedpreparata Republic of Belarus
Code of automatic telephone exchange: S01EB01
Release form: Liquid dosage forms. Drops are eye.
General characteristics. Structure:
Active ingredient: 10 mg of Pilocarpinum of a hydrochloride in 1 ml of sterile solution (eye drops).
Pharmacological properties:
Pharmacodynamics. Pilocarpinum stimulates muskarinovy receptors of smooth muscles, including an iris of the eye and glands — digestive, bronchial, external secretion (salivary, stalemate, etc.). Causes reduction circular (miosis) and tsiliarny (an accommodation spasm) muscles.
At closed-angle glaucoma narrows a pupil, causes the shift of an iris of the eye from a corner of an anterior chamber and promotes opening of shlemmovy channels and fontanovy spaces.
At patients with an open angle glaucoma also opens helmets the channel and trabecular cracks and raises a tone of a tsiliarny muscle.
At primary open angle glaucoma or eye hypertensia the single instillation of 1% of solution causes decrease in intraocular pressure by 25 — 26%. Action begins in 30 — 40 min., reaches a maximum in 1,5 — 2 h and continues 4 — 8 h.
Pharmacokinetics. At an instillation in a conjunctival sac in usual concentration Pilocarpinum is a little soaked up and has no the expressed systemic action.
Indications to use:
Glaucoma, including bad attack; disturbances of a trophicity of an eye at fibrinferment of the central vein of a retina or acute impassability of her arteries, an atrophy of an optic nerve, vitreous hemorrhages; elimination of mydriatic effect of atropine, homatropine, Scopolaminum.
Route of administration and doses:
Drug is dug in in a conjunctival sac on 1 — 2 drops by 2 — 3 — 4 times a day.
Features of use:
At use of Pilocarpinum decrease in visual acuity therefore drug is appointed with care to the drivers of motor transport and persons occupied with other potentially dangerous types of activity requiring visual acuity, special attention and high speed of response is possible.
Precautionary measures. Treatment needs to be carried out at regular control of intraocular pressure. For reduction of absorption after an instillation it is recommended to press the lacrimal channel for 1 — 2 min., pressing a finger at an internal corner of an eye.
Side effects:
Headache in temporal or periorbital areas, eye pain, a myopia, an accommodation spasm, a sight illegibility, disturbance of twilight sight, dacryagogue, a rhinorrhea, follicular conjunctivitis, a superficial keratitis, contact dermatitis a century (seldom).
Interaction with other medicines:
Antagonists of Pilocarpinum of a hydrochloride are atropine and other M-cholinolytic means.
Timololum the maleate and a phenylephine hydrochloride exponentiate decrease in intraocular pressure.
Strengthening of side effects of beta adrenoblockers is possible (the expressed bradycardia, disturbances of endocardiac conductivity).
M-cholinomimetic activity decreases the tricyclic antidepressants derivative of a fenotiazin, chlorprothixene, clozapine, amplifies antikholinesterazny means.
Development of bradycardia and hypotension is possible during a ftorotanovy anesthesia at the patients using Pilocarpinum in eye drops.
Iritis, iridocyclitis and other diseases of eyes at which the miosis is undesirable, hypersensitivity, an exacerbation of bronchial asthma, a state after ophthalmologic operations, a myopia of high degree with danger of amotio of a retina closed-angle glaucoma, pregnancy, a lactation (it is necessary to stop breastfeeding), children's, teenage and youthful age (up to 18 years).
At overdose and in case of hypersensitivity perhaps increased salivation, perspiration, bradycardia, a lowering of arterial pressure. At intake the poisoning which is shown considerable strengthening of m - cholinomimetic effects, including with development of heavy heart failure and a bronkhokonstriktion is possible.
Treatment: a gastric lavage, monitoring of ChSS, the ABP, respiratory function, administration of atropine (0,5 — 1,0 mg п / to or in/in), Epinephrinum (0,3 — 1,0 mg п / to or in oil), and also enough liquid.
Issue conditions:
According to the recipe
Solution (drops eye) 10 mg/ml in a tube droppers on 1 ml in packaging No. 10.