
Producer: Russia LLC Geropharm group of companies
Code of automatic telephone exchange: S01XA
Release form: Liquid dosage forms. Lyophilisate for solution preparation.
General characteristics. Structure:
Active agent – Retinalamin of 5 mg (a complex of water-soluble polypeptide fractions), excipient - glycine 17 mg (stabilizer)
Pharmacological properties:
Retinalamin – a complex of water-soluble polypeptide fractions with a molecular weight no more than 10 000 Yes. Drug has a promoting effect on photoreceptors and cellular elements of a retina, promotes improvement of functional interaction of a pigmental epithelium and outside segments of photoreceptors at dystrophic changes, accelerates recovery of light sensitivity of a retina. Normalizes permeability of vessels, reduces manifestations of local inflammatory reaction, stimulates reparative processes at diseases and injuries of a retina of an eye.
Indications to use:
The compensated primary open angle glaucoma, diabetic retinopathy, the central dystrophy of a retina of inflammatory and traumatic genesis, the central dystrophy of a retina, miopichesky disease (as a part of complex therapy), the central and peripheral tapetoretinalny abiotrophy.
Route of administration and doses:
Adult. At a diabetic retinopathy, the central dystrophy of a retina of inflammatory and traumatic genesis, the central and peripheral tapetoretinalny abiotrophy — parabulbarno or 1 time, in oil on 5–10 mg, a day. A course of treatment — 5–10 days; if necessary repeat in 3–6 months.
At the compensated primary open angle glaucoma — parabulbarno or 1 time, in oil on 5 mg, a day. A course of treatment — 10 days; if necessary repeat in 3–6 months.
At a miopichesky disease — parabulbarno on 5 mg of 1 times a day. A course of treatment — 10 days. It is recommended in combination with angioprotektorny means and vitamins of group B.
Drug is dissolved in 1–2 ml of water for injections, by 0,9% of solution of sodium of chloride or 0,5% of solution of Procainum (novocaine), directing a needle to a bottle wall in order to avoid pricing.
To children at the age of 1–5 years. At the central dystrophy of a retina of inflammatory and traumatic genesis, the central and peripheral tapetoretinalny abiotrophy — parabulbarno or 1 time, in oil on 2,5 mg, a day.
To children at the age of 6–18 years. At the central dystrophy of a retina of inflammatory and traumatic genesis, the central and peripheral tapetoretinalny abiotrophy — parabulbarno or 1 time, in oil on 2,5–5 mg, a day. Drug dissolve 0,9% of solution of sodium of chloride in 1–2 ml, directing a needle to a bottle wall in order to avoid foaming. A course of treatment — 10 days; if necessary repeat in 3–6 months.
Features of use:
Use in pediatrics. There is an experience of use of Retinalamin in pediatric ophthalmology in vedushchikhklinik of Moscow and St. Petersburg, clinical trials continue.
Lactation period. There are no data on use of drug in the period of a lactation.
Features of influence of medicine on ability to manage the vehicle or potentially dangerous mechanisms. Use of drug does not exert impact on способностьуправлять the vehicle or potentially dangerous mechanisms.
Side effects:
Data on side effects did not arrive.
Allergic reactions in case of individual hypersensitivity to drug components are possible.
Interaction with other medicines:
Medicinal interaction of drug Retinalamin is not described.
Individual hypersensitivity to drug components, age up to 18 years — at the glaucoma compensated primary открытоуголыюй, a diabetic retinopathy, a miopichesky disease (due to the lack of data on efficiency and safety), age till 1 year — at the central dystrophy of a retina of inflammatory and traumatic genesis, the central and peripheral tapetoretinalny abiotrophy.
Drug is contraindicated at pregnancy (there are no data on efficiency and safety). In need of purpose of drug in the period of a lactation breastfeeding should be stopped.
Now about drug overdose cases Retinalamin it was not reported.
Storage conditions:
In the place protected from light, at a temperature of 2-20 °C.
To store in the place, unavailable to children.
Issue conditions:
According to the recipe
Lyophilisate in bottles on 5 mg. On 5 or 10 bottles вместес the application instruction in a cardboard pack.