
Producer: AstraZeneca (Astrazenek) Sweden
Code of automatic telephone exchange: N05AH04
Release form: Firm dosage forms. Tablets.
General characteristics. Structure:
Active agent: tablet of 25 mg: 28,78 mg, equivalent to 25 mg of the free basis of a kvetiapin contain a kvetiapin of a fumarat;
tablet of 100 mg: 115,13 mg, equivalent to 100 mg of the free basis of a kvetiapin contain a kvetiapin of a fumarat;
tablet of 200 mg: 230,26 mg, equivalent to 200 mg of the free basis of a kvetiapin contain a kvetiapin of a fumarat.
Excipients: povidone, calcium hydrophosphate, cellulose microcrystallic, carboxymethylstarch of sodium, lactose monohydrate, magnesium stearate. The cover contains dye ferrous oxide red (tablets on 25 mg), dye ferrous oxide yellow (tablets on 25 mg and 100 mg), titanium dioxide, a gipromelloza, a macrogoal 400.
25 mg tablet: round, biconvex tablet of pink color, film coated; with SEROQUEL 25 engraving on one party;
100 mg tablet: round, biconvex tablet of yellow color, film coated; with SEROQUEL 100 engraving on one party;
200 mg tablet: round, biconvex tablet of white color, film coated; with SEROQUEL 200 engraving on one party.
Pharmacological properties:
Pharmacodynamics. Action mechanism
Kvetiapin is atypical antipsychotic drug. Kvetiapin and his active metabolite N-dezalkil кветиапин interact with neytrotransmitterny receptors of a brain. Kvetiapin and N-dezalkil кветиапин show high affinity to serotoninovy receptors of type 5HT2 and dopamine receptors of the D1 and D2 types of a brain. Higher selectivity to serotoninovy receptors of type 5HT2, than to dopamine receptors of the D2 type, causes the main clinical antipsychotic properties of Serokvel and low frequency of development of extrapyramidal side effects. Besides, N-dezalkil кветиапин shows high affinity to noradrenaline carrier. Kvetiapin and N-dezalkil кветиапин have high affinity to histamine and α1-адренорецепторам and smaller affinity in relation to α2-адренорецепторам and to serotoninovy receptors of type 5HT1.
Kvetiapin does not show appreciable affinity to cholinergic muskarinovy and benzodiazepine receptors. In standard tests кветиапин shows antipsychotic activity. The specific contribution of a metabolite of N-dezalkil of a kvetiapin to pharmacological activity of a kvetiapin is not established. Results of studying of extrapyramidal symptoms (EPS) at animals revealed that кветиапин causes a weak katalepsy in the doses which are effectively blocking D2 receptors. Kvetiapin causes the selection reduction of activity mesolimbic A10 of dofaminergichesky neurons in comparison with A9 the nigrostriatny neurons involved in motor function.
Serokvel is effective in the relation of both positive, and negative symptoms of schizophrenia.
Serokvel is effective as monotherapy at maniacal episodes from the expressed severity moderated to. Data on prolonged use of Serokvel for prevention of the subsequent maniacal and depressive episodes are absent. Data on Serokvel's use in a combination with
seven-sodium or drugs of lithium at maniacal episodes from the expressed severity moderated to are limited to Valproatum, however this combination therapy, in general, was well transferred. Besides, Serokvel in a dose of 300 mg and 600 mg is effective at patients with bipolar disorder of I and II types from the expressed severity moderated to. At the same time Serokvel's efficiency at reception in a dose of 300 mg and 600 mg a day is comparable.
Serokvel is effective at patients with schizophrenia and a mania at administration of drug 2 times a day in spite of the fact that the elimination half-life of a kvetiapin makes about 7 hours. Impact of a kvetiapin on receptors of type 5HT2 and D2 continues till 12 o'clock after administration of drug. Serokvel does not cause long increase in concentration of prolactin in a blood plasma. In researches with various fixed doses of drug distinctions in prolactin level during the using Serokvel's or placebo are not revealed. Prolactin level when using of various fixed Serokvel's doses did not differ from prolactin level at placebo reception. At Serokvel's reception with titration of a dose at schizophrenia the frequency of EPS and the accompanying use of anticholinergic drugs was comparable to that at placebo reception. At Serokvel's appointment in the fixed doses from 75 to 750 mg/days to patients with schizophrenia the frequency of emergence of EPS and need of the accompanying use of anticholinergic drugs did not increase. When using Serokvel's in doses to 800 mg/days for treatment of maniacal episodes for the expressed severity moderated to both in the form of monotherapy, and in a combination with drugs of lithium or Valproatum seven-sodium, the frequency of EPS and the accompanying use of anticholinergic drugs was comparable to that at placebo reception.
Pharmacokinetics. At oral administration кветиапин it is well soaked up from digestive tract and actively metabolized in a liver. Meal significantly does not influence bioavailability of a kvetiapin. About 83% of a kvetiapin contact proteins of a blood plasma.
Equilibrium molar concentration of an active metabolite of N-dezalkil of a kvetiapin makes 35% of that of a kvetiapin. The elimination half-life of a kvetiapin and N-dezalkil of a kvetiapin makes about 7 and 12 hours, respectively. The pharmacokinetics of a kvetiapin and N-dezalkil of a kvetiapin linear, distinctions of pharmacokinetic indicators at men and women is not observed.
The average clearance of a kvetiapin at elderly patients is 30-50% less, than at patients aged from 18 up to 65 years.
The average plasma clearance of a kvetiapin decreases approximately by 25% at patients with a heavy renal failure (clearance of creatinine less than 30 ml/min. / 1,73м2), but individual indicators of clearance are in limits of the values revealed at healthy volunteers. At patients with a liver failure (the compensated alcoholic cirrhosis) the average plasma clearance of a kvetiapin is reduced approximately by 25%. As кветиапин it is intensively metabolized in a liver, at patients with a liver failure increase in plasma concentration of a kvetiapin is possible that demands correction of a dose.
On average less than 5% of a molar dose of fraction of a free kvetiapin and N-dezalkil of a kvetiapin of plasma are removed with urine. About 73% of a kvetiapin are removed with urine and 21% with excrements. Less than 5% of a kvetiapin are not exposed to metabolism and is removed in not changed look by kidneys or with excrements.
It is established that CYP3A4 is a key isoenzyme of metabolism of the kvetiapin mediated by P450 cytochrome. N-dezalkil кветиапин is formed with participation of an isoenzyme of CYP3A4.
Kvetiapin and some of his metabolites (including N-dezalkil кветиапин) have the weak inhibiting activity in relation to isoenzymes of P450 1A2, 2C9, 2C19, 2D6 and 3A4 cytochrome, but only at concentration, at 5-50 times, the exceeding concentration, observed at usually used effective dosage of 300-800 mg/days.
Based on results of in vitro, it is not necessary to expect that co-administration of a kvetiapin with other drugs will lead to clinically expressed inhibition of the metabolism of other medicines mediated by P450 cytochrome.
Indications to use:
• For treatment of acute and chronic psychoses, including schizophrenia.
• For treatment of maniacal episodes in structure of bipolar disorder.
• For treatment of depressive episodes for average to the expressed severity in structure of bipolar disorder.
Drug is not shown for prevention of maniacal and depressive episodes.
Route of administration and doses:
Serokvel can be applied irrespective of meal.
Treatment of acute and chronic psychoses, including schizophrenia
Serokvel is appointed 2 times a day. The daily dose for the first 4 days of therapy makes: the 1st days – 50 mg, the 2nd days – 100 mg, the 3rd days – 200 mg, the 4th days – 300 mg.
Since 4 days, the dose has to be selected to effective, usually ranging from 300 to 450 mg/days. Depending on clinical effect and individual portability the patient, the dose can vary ranging from 150 to 750 mg/days. The maximum recommended daily dose makes 750 mg.
Treatment of maniacal episodes in structure of bipolar disorder
Serokvel is applied as monotherapy or in a combination with the drugs possessing normotimichesky action.
Serokvel is appointed 2 times a day. The daily dose for the first 4 days of therapy makes: the 1st days – 100 mg, the 2nd days – 200 mg, the 3rd days – 300 mg, the 4th days – 400 mg. Further by 6th day of therapy the daily dose of drug can be increased to 800 mg. Increase in a daily dose should not exceed 200 mg a day.
Depending on clinical effect and individual portability, the dose can vary ranging from 200 to 800 mg/days. Usually effective dose makes from 400 to 800 mg/days. The maximum recommended daily dose makes 800 mg.
Treatment of depressive episodes in structure of bipolar disorder
Serokvel is appointed to night once a day. The daily dose for the first 4 days of therapy makes: the 1st days – 50 mg, the 2nd days – 100 mg, the 3rd days – 200 mg, the 4th days – 300 mg. The recommended dose makes 300 mg/days. The maximum recommended daily dose of Serokvel makes 600 mg.
The antidepressive effect of Serokvel was confirmed at his use in a dose of 300 and 600 mg/days. At short-term therapy Serokvel's efficiency in doses of 300 and 600 mg/days was comparable (see the section "Pharmacodynamics").
At elderly patients the initial dose of Serokvel makes 25 mg/days. The dose should be increased daily by 25-50 mg before achievement of an effective dose which will probably be less, than at young patients.
Patients with a renal failure
Correction of a dose is not required.
Paitsenta with a liver failure
Kvetiapin is intensively metabolized in a liver. Therefore it is necessary to be careful at Serokvel's use for patients with a liver failure, especially at the beginning of therapy. It is recommended to begin therapy by Serokvel with a dose of 25 mg/days and to increase a dose daily by 25-50 mg before achievement of an effective dose.
Features of use:
During therapy by Serokvel drowsiness and the related symptoms, for example, sedation can be noted (see the section "Side effect"). In clinical trials with participation of patients with a depression in structure of bipolar disorder, drowsiness, as a rule, developed during the first three days of therapy. Expressiveness of this side effect, generally was insignificant or moderate. At development of the expressed drowsiness more frequent visits to the doctor within 2 weeks from the moment of emergence of drowsiness can be required by patients with a depression in structure of bipolar disorder or before reduction of expressiveness of symptoms. In certain cases the termination of therapy by Serokvel can be required.
Patients with cardiovascular diseases
It is necessary to be careful at Serokvel's appointment to patients with cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, and other states contributing to hypotension. Against the background of therapy by Serokvel there can be orthostatic hypotension, especially during titration of a dose at the beginning of therapy. When developing orthostatic hypotension the dose decline or its slower titration can be required.
Convulsive attacks
Distinctions in the frequency of development of spasms in the patients accepting Serokvel or placebo are not revealed. However, as well as at therapy by other antipsychotic medicines, it is recommended to be careful at treatment of patients with existence of convulsive attacks in the anamnesis (see the section "Side effect").
Extrapyramidal symptoms
Increase in frequency of emergence of EPS at adult patients with a depression in structure of bipolar disorder at Serokvel's reception concerning depressive episodes in comparison with placebo is noted (see the section "Side effect").
Late dyskinesia
In case of development of symptoms of late dyskinesia it is recommended to lower a dose of drug or gradually to cancel it (see the section "Side effect").
Malignant antipsychotic syndrome
Against the background of reception of antipsychotic drugs, including, Serokvelya, the malignant antipsychotic syndrome can develop (see the section "Side effect"). Clinical manifestations of a syndrome include a hyperthermia, the changed mental status, muscular rigidity, lability of the autonomic nervous system, increase in activity of a kreatinfosfokinaza. In such cases it is necessary to cancel Serokvel and to carry out the corresponding treatment.
The expressed neutropenia
In clinical trials of Serokvel cases of the expressed neutropenia were infrequently noted (quantity of neutrophils <0,5 × 109/l). The majority of cases of the expressed neutropenia arose in several months after the beginning of therapy by Serokvel. The dozozavisimy effect was not revealed. The leukopenia and/or a neutropenia was resolved after the therapy termination kvetiapiny. Possible risk factor for emergence of a neutropenia is the previous lowered quantity of leukocytes and cases lekarstvenno of the induced neutropenia in the anamnesis. At patients with quantity of neutrophils <1,0 × 109/l reception of a kvetiapin should be stopped. The patient needs to be observed for identification of possible symptoms of an infection and to control the level of neutrophils (before exceeding of level 1,5 × 109/l).
Interaction with other medicines
Also see the section "Interaction with Other Medicines and Other Types of Interaction".
Serokvel's use in a combination with strong inductors of fermental system of a liver, such as carbamazepine and Phenytoinum, promotes decrease in concentration of a kvetiapin in plasma and can reduce efficiency of therapy by Serokvel.
Serokvel's appointment to the patients receiving inductors of fermental system of a liver is possible only if the expected advantage of therapy by Serokvel surpasses the risk connected with cancellation of drug inductor of liver enzymes. Change of a dose of drugs inductors of microsomal enzymes has to be gradual. If necessary, their substitution by the drugs which are not inducing microsomal enzymes is possible (for example, valproic acid drugs).
Against the background of reception of a kvetiapin development of a hyperglycemia or aggravation of a diabetes mellitus, at patients with a diabetes mellitus in the anamnesis is possible. Clinical observation of patients with a diabetes mellitus and patients with risk factors of development of a diabetes mellitus is recommended (see the section "Side effect").
Level of lipids
Against the background of reception of a kvetiapin increase in concentration of triglycerides and cholesterol is possible (see the section "Side effect").
Lengthening of an interval of QT
The interrelation between reception of a kvetiapin and permanent increase in absolute value of an interval of QT is not revealed. However lengthening of an interval of QT was noted at drug overdose (see the section "Overdose"). It is necessary to be careful at purpose of a kvetiapin, as well as other antipsychotic drugs, to patients with cardiovascular diseases and earlier noted lengthening of an interval of QT. It is also necessary to be careful at purpose of a kvetiapin along with the drugs extending QTS interval, other neuroleptics, especially at elderly people, patients with a syndrome of inborn lengthening of an interval have QT, chronic heart failure, a myocardium hypertrophy, a hypopotassemia or a hypomagnesiemia (see the section "Interaction with Other Medicines and Other Types of Interaction").
The acute reactions connected with drug withdrawal
At sharp cancellation of a kvetiapin the following acute reactions (a syndrome of "cancellation") – nausea, vomiting, sleeplessness, a headache, dizziness and irritability can be observed. Therefore drug withdrawal is recommended to be carried out gradually within, at least, one or two weeks.
Elderly patients with dementia
Serokvel is not shown for treatment of the psychoses connected with dementia.
Some atypical neuroleptics in randomized placebos - controlled researches approximately by 3 times increased risk of development of cerebrovascular complications in patients with dementia. The mechanism of this increase in risk is not studied. The similar risk of increase in frequency of cerebrovascular complications cannot be excluded for other antipsychotic medicines or other groups of patients. Serokvel has to be used with care at patients with risk of development of a stroke.
The analysis of use of atypical neuroleptics for treatment of the psychoses connected with dementia at elderly patients revealed increase in death rate in group of the patients receiving drugs of this group in comparison with group of placebo. Besides, two 10 weeks placebos - the patients controlled Serokvel's researches at similar group (n=710; middle age: 83 years; age range: 56-99 years) showed that death rate in group of the patients accepting Serokvel made 5,5%, and 3,2% in group of placebo. The reasons of the lethal outcomes noted at these patients corresponded expected for this population. Relationship of cause and effect between treatment by Serokvel and risk of increase in mortality at elderly patients with dementia is not revealed.
Suicide / suicide thoughts or clinical deterioration
The depression is connected with the increased risk of emergence of suicide thoughts, self-damage and a suicide (the events connected with a suicide). This risk remains until approach of the expressed remission. In view of the fact that before improvement of a condition of the patient from an initiation of treatment there can pass several weeks or more, patients have to be under fixed medical observation before improvement. According to the standard clinical experience, the risk of a suicide can increase at early stages of approach of remission.
Other mental disorders for which therapy it is appointed кветиапин are also connected with the increased risk of the events connected with a suicide. Besides, such states can be komorbidny with a depressive episode. Thus, the precautionary measures applied at therapy of patients with a depressive episode have to be accepted also at treatment of patients with other mental disorders. Patients with suicide events in the anamnesis, and also the patients clearly introducing the suicide ideas before therapy treat group of the increased risk of suicide intentions and suicide attempts and have to be observed carefully in the course of treatment. The carried-out FDA (Administration on control of foodstuff and medicines, the USA) the metaanalysis of placebo - controlled researches of antidepressants, generalizing data about 4400 children and teenagers and 7700 adult patients with mental disorders, revealed the increased risk of suicide behavior against the background of antidepressants in comparison with placebo at children, teenagers and adult patients aged up to 25 years. This metaanalysis does not include a research where it was used кветиапин (see the section "Pharmacodynamics").
According to short-term placebos - controlled researches on all indications and in all age groups the frequency of the events connected with a suicide made 0,9% both for a kvetiapin (61/6270), and for placebo (27/3047).
In these researches at the patients with schizophrenia risk of succession of events connected with a suicide made 1,4% (3/212) for a kvetiapin and 1,6% (1/62) for placebo is at patients at the age of 18-24 years; 0,8% (13/1663) for a kvetiapin and 1,1% (5/463) for patients are more senior than 25 years; For a kvetiapin and 1,3% (1/75) for placebo patients have 1,4% (2/147) aged up to 18 years.
Patients with a mania at bipolar disorder have a risk of succession of events, connected with a suicide, made 0% (0/67) for a kvetiapin and 0% (1/57) for placebo is at patients at the age of 18-24 years; 1,2% (6/496) for a kvetiapin and 1,2% (6/503) for placebo at patients are more senior than 25 years; For a kvetiapin and 0% (0/90) for placebo patients have 1,0% (2/193) aged up to 18 years (see the section "Special Instructions").
Patients with a depression at bipolar disorder have a risk of succession of events, connected with a suicide, made 3,0% (7/233) for a kvetiapin and 0% (0/120) for placebo is at patients at the age of 18-24 years; 1,8% (19/1616) for a kvetiapin and 1,8% (11/622) for placebo for patients are more senior than 25 years. Researches with participation of patients with a depression at bipolar disorder aged up to 18 years were not conducted.
Serokvel can cause drowsiness therefore during treatment patients are not recommended to work with the mechanisms constituting danger including the control of vehicles is not recommended.
Side effects:
The most frequent side effects of Serokvel – drowsiness, dizziness, dryness in a mouth, slightly expressed adynamy, a lock, tachycardia, orthostatic hypotension and dyspepsia.
Serokvel's reception, as well as other antipsychotic drugs, can be followed by increase in body weight, faints, development of a malignant antipsychotic syndrome, leukopenia, neutropenia and peripheral hypostases.
Frequency of side reactions is specified in a type of the following gradation: very often (≥1/10); often (≥1/100, <1/10); infrequently (≥1/1000, <1/100); seldom (≥1/10000, <1/1000); very seldom (<1/10000), not specified frequency.
Very often (≥1/10)
From the central nervous system: golovokruzheniye4, sonlivost2, headache
From digestive tract: dryness in a mouth
General frustration: syndrome of "cancellation" 1,10
Changes of laboratory and tool indicators:
increase in concentration triglitseridov11, the general cholesterol (mainly, cholesterol of lipoproteids of low density – LPNP) 12
Often (≥1/100, <1/10)
From system of a hemopoiesis:
From the central nervous system:
dysarthtia, unusual and dreadful dreams, obmorok4, extrapyramidal simptomy1,13
From cardiovascular system:
takhikardiya4, orthostatic gipotenziya4
From an organ of sight:
sight illegibility
From respiratory system:
From digestive tract:
lock, dyspepsia
General frustration:
slightly expressed adynamy, peripheral hypostases
Changes of laboratory and tool indicators:
increase in weight tela9, increase in activity of hepatic transaminases (nuclear heating plant, ALT)3, decrease in quantity of neutrophils, giperglikemiya7
Infrequently (≥1/1000, <1/100);
From system of blood: eosinophilia
From immune system: hypersensitivity reactions
From the central nervous system: sudorogi1, syndrome of uneasy legs
From digestive tract: disfagiya8
Changes of laboratory and tool indicators:
the increase in activity of a kreatinfosfokinaza which is not connected with a malignant antipsychotic syndrome; trombotsitopeniya14
Seldom (≥1/10000, <1/1000)
From digestive tract: zheltukha6
From reproductive system: priapism
General frustration: malignant antipsychotic sindrom1
Changes of laboratory and tool indicators:
increase in activity of a kreatinfosfokinaza
Very seldom (<1/10000)
From immune system: anaphylactic reaktsii6
Metabolic disturbances: sugar diabet1,5,6
From the central nervous system: late diskineziya6
From digestive tract: gepatit6
From skin and hypodermic fabrics: angioneurotic otek6, Stephens-Dzhonsona6 syndrome
Not specified frequency
From system of a hemopoiesis: neytropeniya1
1. See the section "Special Instructions"
2. Drowsiness usually arises within the first 2 weeks after the beginning of therapy and is, as a rule, allowed against the background of proceeding Serokvel's reception
3. Perhaps asymptomatic increase in activity of nuclear heating plant, ALT and GGT in blood serum, as a rule, reversible against the background of proceeding Serokvel's reception.
4. As well as other antipsychotic drugs and α1-адреноблокаторы, Serokvel often causes orthostatic hypotension which is followed by dizziness, tachycardia, in certain cases – a faint, especially at the beginning of therapy (see the section "Special Instructions").
5. Very exceptional cases of a decompensation of a diabetes mellitus are celebrated.
6. Assessment of frequency of this side effect was made on the basis of results of post-marketing observation.
7. Increase in concentration of glucose of blood on an empty stomach ≥ 126 mg/dl (≥ 7,0 mmol/l) or blood glucose after meal ≥ 200 mg/dl (≥ 11,1 mmol/l) at least at single definition.
8. Higher frequency of a dysphagy against the background of Serokvel in comparison with placebo was noted only at patients with a depression in structure of bipolar disorder.
9. Generally arises at the beginning of therapy.
10. When studying a syndrome of "cancellation" in short-term placebos - controlled clinical trials of Serokvel in the mode of monotherapy the following symptoms were noted: sleeplessness, nausea, headache, diarrhea, vomiting, dizziness and irritability. Frequency of a syndrome of "cancellation" significantly decreased in 1 week after the termination of administration of drug.
11. Increase in concentration of triglycerides ≥ 200 mg/dl (≥ 2,258 mmol/l) at patients ≥ 18 years or ≥ 150 mg/dl (≥ 1,694 mmol/l) at patients <18 years, at least at single definition.
12. Increase in concentration of the general cholesterol ≥ 240 mg/dl (≥ 6,2064 mmol/l) at patients ≥ 18 years or ≥ 200 mg/dl (≥ 5,172 mmol/l) at patients <18 years, at least at single definition.
13. See further in the text of the Instruction.
14. Decrease in quantity of thrombocytes ≤ 100 × 109/l, at least at single definition.
Lengthening of an interval of QT, ventricular arrhythmia, sudden death, cardiac standstill and bidirectional ventricular tachycardia are considered as the side effects inherent in neuroleptics.
EPS frequency in short-term clinical trials at schizophrenia and a mania in structure of bipolar disorder was comparable in Serokvel's group and placebo (patients with schizophrenia: 7,8% in Serokvel's group and 8,0% in group of placebo; a maniiya in structure of bipolar disorder: 11,2% in Serokvel's group and 11,4% in group of placebo).
EPS frequency in short-term clinical trials at a depression in structure of bipolar disorder in Serokvel's group made 8,9%, in group of placebo – 3,8%. At the same time the frequency of separate symptoms of EPS (such as akathisia, extrapyramidal frustration, a tremor, dyskinesia, dystonia, concern, involuntary reductions of muscles, psikhimotorny excitement and muscular rigidity), as a rule, was low and did not exceed 4% in each of therapeutic groups. In long-term clinical trials of Serokvel at schizophrenia and bipolar disorder the frequency of EPS was comparable in groups of a kvetiapin and placebo.
Against the background of therapy by Serokvel small dozozavisimy decrease in level of hormones of a thyroid gland, in particular, of the general thyroxine (T4) and free T4 can be noted. The maximum decrease in the general and free T4 is registered on the 2nd and 4th week of therapy by Serokvel, without further decrease in concentration of hormones at prolonged treatment. Practically in all cases concentration of the general and free T4 was returned to initial level after the termination of therapy by Serokvel, irrespective of treatment duration. Insignificant decrease in the general triiodothyronine (T3) and the return was noted by T3 only when using high doses. Level of tiroksinsvyazyvayushchy globulin (TSG) remained invariable, increase in level of thyritropic hormone (TTG) was not noted.
Interaction with other medicines:
It is necessary to be careful at the combined Serokvel's use with other drugs influencing the central nervous system and also with alcohol.
The isoenzyme of P450 (CYP) cytochrome 3A4 is the main isoenzyme which is responsible for the metabolism of a kvetiapin which is carried out through system of P450 cytochrome. When studying on healthy volunteers joint purpose of a kvetiapin (in a dose of 25 mg) with ketokonazoly, CYP3A4 inhibitor, led to increase in the area under a curve "concentration - time" (AUC) of a kvetiapin by 5-8 times.
Therefore joint purpose of a kvetiapin and inhibitors of CYP3A4 cytochrome contraindicated. Also it is not recommended to accept кветиапин together with grapefruit juice.
In a pharmacokinetic research purpose of a kvetiapin in various dosage to or along with reception of carbamazepine led to substantial increase of clearance of a kvetiapin and, respectively, AUC reduction, on average, for 13%, in comparison with reception of a kvetiapin without carbamazepine. Some patients had even more expressed decrease in AUC. Such interaction is followed by decrease in concentration of a kvetiapin in plasma and can reduce efficiency of therapy by Serokvel. Joint appointment of Serokvel with Phenytoinum, other inductor of microsomal system of a liver, was followed even more expressed (approximately for 450%) by increase in clearance of a kvetiapin. Serokvel's appointment to the patients receiving inductors of fermental system of a liver is possible only if the expected advantage of therapy by Serokvel surpasses the risk connected with cancellation of drug inductor of liver enzymes. Change of a dose of drugs inductors of microsomal enzymes has to be gradual. If necessary, their substitution by the drugs which are not inducing microsomal enzymes is possible (for example, valproic acid drugs).
The pharmacokinetics of a kvetiapin significantly did not change at Imipraminum antidepressant co-administration (CYP2D6 inhibitor) or fluoxetine (CYP3A4 and CYP2D6 inhibitor).
The pharmacokinetics of a kvetiapin significantly does not change at co-administration with antipsychotic medicines risperidony or a haloperidol. However, the concomitant use of Serokvel and thioridazine led to increase in clearance of a kvetiapin approximately for 70%.
The pharmacokinetics of a kvetiapin significantly does not change at simultaneous use of Cimetidinum.
At a single dose of 2 mg of lorazepam against the background of reception of a kvetiapin in a dose of 250 mg 2 times a day the clearance of lorazepam decreases approximately by 20%.
The pharmacokinetics of drugs of lithium does not change at co-administration of Serokvel. Clinically significant changes of pharmacokinetics of valproic acid and a kvetiapin at joint purpose of Valproatum of seven-sodium and Serokvel (kvetiapin) are noted.
Pharmacokinetic researches on studying of interaction of Serokvel with the drugs used at cardiovascular diseases were not conducted.
It is necessary to be careful at the combined Serokvel's use and the drugs capable to cause disturbance of electrolytic balance and lengthening of an interval of QTc.
Kvetiapin did not cause induction of the hepatic fermental systems participating in phenazone metabolism.
Hypersensitivity to any of drug components, including, a lactose intolerance, glyukozo-galaktozny malabsorption and intolerance of a galactose.
Combined use with P450 cytochrome inhibitors, such as antifungal drugs of group of azoles, erythromycin, кларитромицин and нефазодон, and also inhibitors of proteases (see the section "Interaction with Other Medicines and Other Types of Interaction")
In spite of the fact that efficiency and Serokvel's safety at children and teenagers at the age of 10-17 years were studied in clinical trials, Serokvel's use for patients aged up to 18 years is not shown.
With CARE: at patients with the cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases or other states contributing to arterial hypotension, advanced age, a liver failure, convulsive attacks in the anamnesis.
Safety and Serokvel's efficiency at pregnant women are not established. Therefore, during pregnancy Serokvel it is possible to apply only if the expected advantage for the woman justifies potential risk for a fruit.
Degree of excretion of a kvetiapin with women's milk is not known. Women need to recommend to avoid chest feeding during Serokvel's reception.
It was reported about a lethal outcome at reception of 13,6 g of a kvetiapin at the patient participating in clinical trial and also about a lethal outcome after reception of 6 g of a kvetiapin at post-marketing studying of drug. At the same time, the case of reception of a kvetiapin in the dose exceeding 30 g without a lethal outcome is described.
There are messages on extremely exceptional cases of overdose of a kvetiapin leading to increase in QTS of an interval, death or a coma.
At patients with a serious cardiovascular illness in the anamnesis the risk of development of side effects at overdose can increase (see the section "Special Instructions").
The symptoms noted at overdose generally were a consequence of strengthening of the known pharmacological effects of drug, such as drowsiness and sedation, tachycardia and lowering of arterial pressure.
There are no specific antidotes to a kvetiapin. In cases of serious intoxication it is necessary to remember a possibility of overdose of several medicines. It is recommended to hold the events directed to maintenance of function of breath and cardiovascular system, ensuring adequate oxygenation and ventilation. A gastric lavage (after an intubation if the unconscious patient) and purpose of absorbent carbon and purgatives can promote removal of not absorbed kvetiapin, however efficiency of these measures is not studied.
Fixed medical observation has to continue before improvement of a condition of the patient.
Storage conditions:
List B. To store at a temperature below 30 °C, in the places unavailable to children. Period of validity 3 years. Not to apply after the period of validity specified on packaging.
Issue conditions:
According to the recipe
Tablets, film coated, on 25 mg, 100 mg and 200 mg.
Tablets of 25 mg, 100 mg, 200 mg: on 10 tablets in PVC the blister, on 6 blisters in a cardboard pack with the application instruction Is scarlet/.
Tablets of 25 mg + 100 mg + 200 mg: on 10 tablets in PVC the blister (6 tablets on 25 mg, 3 tablets on 100 mg and 1 tablet on 200 mg), on 1 blister in a pack Is scarlet/. The blister is placed in a cardboard pack with the instruction on a medical use.