DE   EN   ES   FR   IT   PT Psychiatry Endogenous depression

Endogenous depression


Endogenous depression call the serious illness reducing the level of socialization of the person. Such state inflicts a lot of suffering, to both the most sick, and his relatives. Treatment of a heavy depression is the difficult task demanding an integrated approach.

There is an opinion that any psychoinjuring event shall precede a depression: divorce, long stress, loss of the family. All this is right in case it is about a psychogenic depression.

The endogenous depression can arise against the background of a small unpleasant episode or even full wellbeing. It is in that case pertinent to speak about existence of the internal, but not external reasons (hereditarily to the caused shortage of so-called "hormone of joy" — serotonin). As development of this state is directly connected with deficit of a certain substance in a brain, at treatment of an endogenous depression into the forefront medicamentous therapy acts.

Symptoms of the Endogenous depression:

The main symptoms of a disease — a so-called triad of Krepelin:

    * Mental block.
    * Motive block.
    * Steady decrease in mood.

Decrease in mood

The person having an endogenous depression is suppressed all the time. His mood practically does not depend on external factors (unpleasant or pleasant events). It is possible to describe a condition of patients as follows: "Inevitable, intolerable melancholy, comparable on suffering level with severe physical pain. The world loses bright paints, becomes gray, flat. The feeling as if all feelings are lost is created. Where there were experiences and emotions earlier, emptiness is formed, and it becomes the reason of painful sufferings".

Steady daily mood swings are observed. The peak of melancholy and depression usually falls on morning hours, and by the evening the condition of the patient improves a little.

Mental block

At patients the thinking is slowed down, ability to concentration of attention decreases. They hardly answer questions, cannot be at loss for words, solve a simple problem or make the action plan. Patients say that their thoughts as if become sluggish and slow.

Motive block

As a rule, the thinking more is slowed down, the physical activity decreases stronger. The patient slowly moves, long fades in one pose. At a severe disease patients do not even find forces that in the morning to get up.

The endogenous depression completely deprives of the person of joy of life. Between the patient and the world around there is a blank wall. The person cannot get rid alone of the melancholy, sincere sufferings and despair, but also he is not able to accept the help of people around too. At these moments participation of the psychotherapist is especially necessary.

Reasons of the Endogenous depression:

The main role in developing of this disease is assigned to genetic predisposition. The probability of emergence of frustration increases with certain traits of character: conscientiousness, heightened sense of a debt, excessive responsibility in combination with uncertainty, uneasiness and difficulty at adoption of important decisions.

Treatment of the Endogenous depression:

Treatment of a heavy depression includes the correct selection of medicines, long therapy by antidepressants and the correctional psychotherapy directed to smoothing of traits of character which provoke a course of a disease.

Drugs, drugs, tablets for treatment of the Endogenous depression:

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