Solkoseril dental adhesive paste

Producer: MEDA Manufacturing GmbH (MEDA MANUFAKCHURING Gmbh) Germany
Code of automatic telephone exchange: A01AD11
Pharm group: a href="javascript:if(confirm( \n\nThis file was not retrieved by Teleport Pro, because it is linked too far away from its Starting Address. If you increase the in-domain depth setting for the Starting Address, this file will be queued for retrieval. \n\nDo you want to open it from the server?%27))" tppabs="">Dental drugs
Release form: Soft dosage forms. Paste.
General characteristics. Structure:
Active ingredients
Solkoseril - deproteined dialyzate from blood of healthy milk calfs (Bos Taurus) standardized chemically and biologically (in terms of dry matter) 2,125 mg
Polidokanol of 600 10,000 mg
Metil-paragidroksibenzoat (Е 218) 1,800 mg
Propil-paragidroksibenzoat (Е 216) 0,200 mg
Sodium carboxymethylcellulose of 22,875 mg
Peppermint oil of 2,925 mg
Menthol of 0,075 mg
Paste basis
(sodium carboxymethylcellulose, gelatin, pectin, polyethylene 350.000,
liquid paraffin) 960,000 mg
The pale beige granular homogeneous, easily distributed weight with a peppermint smell.
Pharmacological properties:
Pharmacodynamics. Solkoseril - chemically and biologically standardized deproteined dialyzate received from blood of healthy milk calfs by an ultrafiltration method. Solkoseril contains a wide range of natural low-molecular compounds weighing up to 5000 Dalton: glycolipids, nucleosides and nucleotides, amino acids, oligopeptida, microelements, electrolytes, intermediate products carbohydrate and lipometabolism. Solkoseril activates transport of oxygen and nutrients at the cellular level, increases oxygen consumption by a cell, stimulates ATP synthesis, strengthens proliferation reversibly of the damaged cells, especially in the conditions of a hypoxia, accelerating thereby processes of a ranozazhivleniye. Solkoseril stimulates an angiogenesis, promotes revascularization of ischemic fabrics, and also - to creation of the conditions favorable for synthesis of collagen and growth of fresh granulyatsionny fabric, accelerates a reepitelization and closing of a wound. Solkoseril possesses also membrane stabilizing and cytoprotective action.
Polidokanol 600 - local anesthetic; works in peripheral nerve terminations, causing their reversible blocking. Renders bystry and long local analgesic effect. After putting paste on mucous pain of an oral cavity it is stopped in 2-5 minutes; anesthesia remains within 3-5 hours.
Solkoseril dental adhesive paste forms a protective medical layer on the struck area of a mucous membrane of an oral cavity and protects it from mechanical and chemical damages within 3-5 hours, performing function of a medicinal bandage.
Pharmacokinetics. It was not studied.
Indications to use:
Solkoseril dental adhesive paste is applied at patients of all age groups to local acceleration of healing, anesthesia and protection of a wound surface at the following diseases and states:
• An ulitis and diseases of a paradont, including after operative measures, installation of implants, removal of a dental calculus
• Decubituses from removable dentures during adaptation to them
• Alveolitis
• Stomatitis
• Damages of a mucous oral cavity at a pemphigus
• Afta
• Perleches
Route of administration and doses:
Drug is intended for topical administration in a mucous membrane of an oral cavity.
The struck mucosal surface of a cover needs to be dried up previously a cotton or gauze plug. To put a strip of paste about 0,5 cm long, without rubbing, on mucous a thin layer by means of a finger or a wadding stick, and then to slightly moisten the applied paste with water. The procedure is repeated by 3-5 times a day after food and before going to bed. Treatment is carried out before disappearance of symptoms.
Solkoseril dental adhesive paste forms a protective medical layer on the struck area of a mucous membrane of an oral cavity and protects it from mechanical and chemical damages within 3-5 hours. When putting paste on undried mucous reduction of duration of medical influence is possible.
At treatment of decubituses for removable dentures to apply paste on a dry prosthesis and to moisten with water.
The recommended course dose of drug - 1 tuba (5 g).
Features of use:
- It is not necessary to put Solkoseril dental adhesive paste in the wound cavity which is formed owing to removal of molars, wisdom teeth and also - apiectomies (a tooth top resection) if edges of a hole of tooth are pulled together with the subsequent suture.
- Solkoseril dental adhesive paste does not contain anti-infectious components in the structure. In case of acute infection of the struck area of a mucous membrane of a mouth which is subject to treatment by this drug it is necessary to carry out preliminary medicamentous treatment / processing of the struck area, directed to elimination of symptoms of an inflammation.
Use of drug at pregnancy, during feeding by a breast, at children and elderly people.
There are no contraindications to drug use Solkoseril dental adhesive paste during pregnancy and a lactation though special controlled researches on safety of use of drug for women during pregnancy and a lactation were not conducted.
Concerning use of drug for children there are no restrictions.
Concerning use of drug for patients of advanced age restrictions are not present.
Side effects:
Change of flavoring feelings.
Allergic reactions (local puffiness) in case of which emergence it is necessary to stop use of drug are possible and to see a doctor.
Interaction with other medicines:
So far cases of interaction of Solkoseril of dental adhesive paste with other drugs were not revealed.
At co-administration of Solkoseril of dental adhesive paste and other drugs in the form of rinsings, paste should be applied after use of these drugs.
Individual sensitivity to any of drug components, including free parahydroxybenzoic acid (Е 210) which presence of residual quantity is caused by features of technological process by production of drug.
Data on effects of overdose of drug are absent.
Storage conditions:
To store at a temperature not above 30 °C in the place, unavailable to children.
The granular and dryish consistence of paste provides its optimum adhesive properties and is not a drug deterioration sign. When opening a tuba release of oil is possible that is also not a drug deterioration sign. Period of validity 4 years. It is not recommended to use drug after the expiry date specified on packaging.
Issue conditions:
Without recipe
On 5 g in aluminum tubas. The tuba together with the application instruction invests in a cardboard pack.