
Producer: CJSC Yaroslavl Pharmaceutical Factory Russia
Code of automatic telephone exchange: A01AB11
Release form: Liquid dosage forms. Extract.
General characteristics. Structure:
Rotokan – the aqueous-alcoholic extract from mix of flowers of a camomile, flowers of a marigold and a grass of a yarrow (2:1:1) representing liquid of dark-brown color with an orange shade, a specific smell. At storage emergence of a deposit is allowed.
Pharmacological properties:
Rotokan has antiinflammatory effect, strengthens processes of reparative regeneration in mucous membranes, has haemo static properties.
Indications to use:
Rotokan apply at adults at inflammatory diseases of a mucous membrane of an oral cavity of various etiology and parodont (aphthous stomatitis, periodontosis, an ulcer and necrotic gingivostomatitis).
Route of administration and doses:
Before use 1 teaspoon of Rotokan is parted in a glass of warm water.
Treatment by drug of a parodont is carried out after removal of tooth deposits and a scraping of pathological gingival pockets.
Enter into gingival pockets for 20 minutes the thin turundas which are plentifully moistened with Rotokan's solution. The procedure is carried out daily or every other day, by only 4-6 times. At diseases of a mucous membrane of an oral cavity make applications (15-20 min.) or trays (1-2 min.) solution of a rotokan 2-3 times a day within 2-5 days.
Features of use:
Data are absent.
Side effects:
Allergic reactions.
Interaction with other medicines:
There are no data.
Rotokan's use is contraindicated at patients with hypersensitivity to the plants which are contained in drug.
Data on overdose are not provided.
Storage conditions:
Store in the cool, protected from light place.
Issue conditions:
Without recipe
Rotokan release in bottles from orange glass.