DE   EN   ES   FR   IT   PT Stomatology Aphthous stomatitis

Aphthous stomatitis

see also:


Aphthous stomatitis (recurrent aphthous stomatitis, chronic necrotic stomatitis, recurrent afta, the cicatrizing afta, Mikulich's afta, aphthous ulcers) - the chronic inflammatory disease of a mucous membrane of a mouth which is characterized by emergence афт and proceeding with periodic aggravations and remissions. Afta are covered with a whitish-yellow fibrinous plaque on a hyperemic background.

Symptoms of Aphthous stomatitis:

On the basis of variety of morphological types афт and features of their clinical current distinguish several forms of aphthous stomatitis: fibrinous, necrotic, glandulyarny, cicatrizing and deforming. The fibrinous form is characterized by primary disturbances of microcirculation in own layer of an epithelium as a result of which there are single elements covered with a fibrinous plaque with the term of epithelization from 7 to 14 days. Preferential localization - a mucous membrane of lips, side surfaces of language, area of transitional folds. A recurrence - in the beginning from 1 - 3 in a year to almost permanent current in the subsequent is characteristic. Carry to the factors provoking a recurrence injuries of a mucous membrane, overcooling, a stress, an aggravation of a general disease.
The necrotic form proceeds with primary destruction of an epithelium. Dystrophic disturbances are followed by a necrobiosis and a necrosis of an epithelium with the subsequent ulceration. The surface афт is covered with necrotic masses. The necrotic form occurs at persons with heavy somatopathies, including blood diseases. Afta maloboleznenna, gradually turn into ulcers, epithelization comes in 14 - 30 days.
At a glandulyarny form primary defeat of channels of small sialadens is noted that is followed by decrease in their function. Aphthous elements are localized everywhere where there are these glands. Afta (single or multiple) are painful, are epithelized within 7 - 20 days. As provocative factors most often serve overcooling, respiratory infections, an exacerbation of chronic pharyngitis.
The cicatrizing form is characterized by defeat of an acinus of small sialadens and involvement in process of a connective tissue layer. Pathological elements can be localized also on a mucous membrane of a pharynx and front palatal handles. Afta are quickly transformed to deep erethistic ulcers with a diameter up to 1,5 cm. In the basis of an ulcer dense infiltrate is palpated. Ulcers in 1,5 - 3 months with formation of a hem heal. More often they are observed at young age. As a rule, this form of aphthous stomatitis is not connected with somatopathies and, apparently, is caused by genetic insufficiency of the secretory device.
The deforming form - the heaviest. It differs in profound destructive changes of a connective tissue layer, the migrating nature of ulcers which scarring leads to rough deformation of fabrics in the field of a soft palate, front palatal handles, lips. In case of localization of an ulcer in the field of a corner of a mouth the microstoma can be formed.

Reasons of Aphthous stomatitis:

Digestive tract diseases, allergic reactions, viral infections, rheumatism are considered as origins of this option of stomatitis.

Treatment of Aphthous stomatitis:

    * Rinse a mouth solution from ½ teaspoons of salt and 250 grams of water.
    * Other solution which will help - 1-2 tablespoons of Maalox mixed and a half a tablespoon of liquid diphenhydramine.
    * In a drugstore, without recipe it is possible to buy lotion on the basis of a calamine.
    * Liquids and ointments with tannic components reduce discomfort.

Treatment will help to reduce symptoms, to reduce probability of a recurrence and to prolong the remission periods.

    * Putting certain steroid balms directly on wounds – is rather effective. The doctor can appoint Triamcinolonum acetonide, a corticosteroid, in the form of toothpaste or амлексанокс with antiinflammatory and antiallergenic effect.
    * Tetracycline suspensions kill pain and accelerate healing.
    * Viscous lidocaine (anesthetic) helps to kill pain before meals and during sleep.
    * Liquid solution with Carafate - the medicine sold according to the recipe treats peptic ulcers, accelerating healing.
    * The doctor can also appoint folic acid, iron, or B12 vitamin additives.
    * For the unknown reasons, at some women can arise complications during a premenstrual phase.
    * In extremely hard cases, the doctor can consider the possibility of the instruction of corticosteroids if advantages of treatment exceed risks of steroids. Treats risks: increase in weight, weakening of immune system, fragility of bones, increase in the gastric acidity leading to ulcers, and another.
    * Tagametum can be used for treatment of aphthous stomatitis. It reduces acid products of a stomach and is used for treatment of peptic ulcers and heartburn. FDA officially did not approve Tagametum for treatment of aphthous stomatitis.
    * Treat additional drugs which can be used for treatment of aphthous stomatitis colchicine, a pentoxyeagle owl and диафенилсульфон. Colchicine is intended both for prevention and for treatment. FDA did not approve any of these drugs for treatment of aphthous stomatitis.

Drugs, drugs, tablets for treatment of Aphthous stomatitis:

  • Препарат Максиколд ® Лор.

    Maksikold ® ENT specialist

    Antiseptic agent.

    JSC Pharmstandart Russia

  • Препарат Мефенат.


    Means for treatment of wounds and cankers.

    JSC Pharmak Ukraine

  • Препарат Ингалипт .


    The antimicrobic combined means.

    LLC Vips-Med Russia

  • Препарат Лизобакт.


    Antiseptic and disinfectants.

    Bosnalijek (Bosnalek) Republic Bosnia-Herzegovina


  • Препарат Стоматидин.


    Antiseptic and disinfectants.

    Bosnalijek (Bosnalek) Republic Bosnia-Herzegovina


  • Препарат Лизак.


    Drugs which are used at throat diseases. Antiseptic agents.

    JSC Pharmak Ukraine

  • Препарат Гексаспрей.


    Antiseptic and disinfectants.

    Laboratoires Bouchara-Recordati Ireland


  • Препарат АСЕПТА Защитный.

    ASEPTA Protective

    Drugs for topical administration in stomatology.

    CJSC Verteks Russia

  • Препарат Сангвиритрин.


    Antimicrobic means.

    CJSC Pharmtsentr Villar Russia

  • Препарат Ротокан.


    Anti-inflammatory drug for topical administration.

    CJSC Pharmtsentr Villar Russia


  • Препарат Метромезол-Дент.


    Antimicrobic and antiseptic agents for use in an oral cavity.

    JSC Borisovsky Plant of Medical Supplies Republic of Belarus

  • Препарат Ротокан 50 мл инд. уп..

    Rotokan of 50 ml Indus. unitary enterprise.

    Anti-inflammatory drug of a plant origin.

    CJSC Moscow Pharmaceutical Factory Russia

  • Препарат Имудон.



    Solvay Pharmaceuticals, (Solvey Pharmasyyutikalz) GmbH Germany

  • Препарат Ингалипт .


    Antimicrobic means.

    JSC Binnofarm Russia

  • Препарат Стрепсилc с витамином C.

    Strepsils with vitamin C

    Antiseptic and disinfectants.

    Reckitt Benckiser healthcare international Ltd. Great Britain

  • Препарат Декатилен.


    Drug with antimicrobic and mestnoanesteziruyushchy action for topical administration in the LOR-expert and stomatology.

    LLC Mepha, Switzerland

  • Препарат Ротокан.


    Protivospalitelny means.

    LLC Begrif Russia

  • Препарат Алпизарин.


    Antiviral means.

    CJSC Pharmtsentr Villar Russia

  • Препарат Ротокан 25 мл инд. уп..

    Rotokan of 25 ml Indus. unitary enterprise.

    Anti-inflammatory drug of a plant origin.

    CJSC Moscow Pharmaceutical Factory Russia

  • Препарат Колдакт Лорпилс.

    Koldakt Lorpils

    Drugs which are used at throat diseases. Antiseptic agents.

    Ranbaxy Laboratories Ltd, Ind. Area (Ranbaksi Laboratoriz Ltd, Indus Erea) India

  • Сайт детского здоровья