Koldakt Lorpils

Producer: Ranbaxy Laboratories Ltd, Ind. Area (Ranbaksi Laboratoriz Ltd, Indus Erea) India
Code of automatic telephone exchange: R02AA20
Release form: Firm dosage forms. Tablets.
General characteristics. Structure:
Active agent: 2,4-dichlorbenzyl alcohol - 1.56 mg; amylmetacresol - 780 mkg;
Description. Tablets for a rassasyvaniye round, orange color, with aroma of orange.
Pharmacological properties:
The antiseptic agent, has antiinflammatory, analgeziruyushchy and mestnoanesteziruyushchy effect.
Coagulates proteins of microbic cells; it is active concerning a wide range of gram-positive and gram-negative microorganisms of in vitro; has antifungal effect.
Eliminates symptoms of irritation of mucous membranes of upper respiratory tracts, has dekongestivny effect on a mucous membrane.
Reduces a nose congestion. Alleviates irritation and a pharyngalgia.
Indications to use:
Infectious and inflammatory diseases of an oral cavity, throat, throat:
— tonsillitis;
— pharyngitis;
— laryngitis (including professional character - at teachers, announcers, workers of the chemical and coal industry);
— hoarseness;
— inflammation of a mucous membrane of an oral cavity and gums (aphthous stomatitis, ulitis, milkwoman).
Route of administration and doses:
Adult - each 2 h to rassasyvat (before full dissolution) on 1 tablet or a pastil. The maximum daily dose - 8 tablets or pastils.
To children since 5 years - on 1 tablet or pastils each 4 h.
Features of use:
At the accidental admission of one or several receptions the dose is not raised.
Side effects:
Perhaps: allergic reactions.
— hypersensitivity;
— children's age (up to 5 years).
Use for children. It is contraindicated: children's age up to 5 years.
Symptoms: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea. Treatment: symptomatic.
Issue conditions:
According to the recipe
4 - packagings bezjyacheykovy planimetric (5) - packs cardboard.