Foot-and-mouth disease
- Description
- Foot-and-mouth disease symptoms
- Foot-and-mouth disease reasons
- Treatment of the Foot-and-mouth disease
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Foot-and-mouth disease - acute zoonotic (i.e. transferred to the person from sick animals) a viral infection. It is characterized by the cyclic course, fever, the phenomena of intoxication and formation of specific damages of mucous membranes of an oral cavity, nose, skin in interdigital folds and at a nail bed.
Foot-and-mouth disease - quite widespread infection among animals, especially at young growth. Sick animals allocate a foot-and-mouth disease virus in external environment with saliva, milk, excrements, urine and thus are infection sources.
Foot-and-mouth disease symptoms:
The incubation interval lasts from 1 to 5 days, is more rare - 10 days. Beginning of a disease acute. There are phenomena of the general intoxication: temperature to 40 degrees, a fever, a headache, strong weakness increases. In several days dryness and burning in a mouth, occasionally an urodynia appear.
At survey of an oral cavity strong reddening and puffiness of mucous membranes, especially language, a soft palate, cheeks and lips is observed. In an oral cavity there are bubbles filled in the beginning with transparent, and then muddy contents. In 2 — 3 days they are opened, forming superficial erosion (expressions). Erosion can arise also on a mucous membrane of a nose, on face skin, brushes, feet, on mucous vaginas. Erosion on mucous membranes heal quickly, without leaving behind hems. Lymph nodes are painful. Chewing is strongly complicated. Language in sizes increases, hypersalivation plentiful. Existence of a rash in interdigital folds and on fingers of hands and legs is characteristic.
Foot-and-mouth disease reasons:
Viruses of a foot-and-mouth disease are steady in external environment, in particular, against drying and freezing, but they perish at a temperature of 60 degrees Celsius, at impact on them of ultraviolet rays and disinfecting substances.
The main way of infection of people - alimentary, i.e. at the use of raw milk of sick animals, sometimes - meat. The foot-and-mouth disease can be also occupational disease. Infection is possible in direct contact with sick animals (during the milking, treatment, etc.), an airborne way (at cough of animals), and also through the objects contaminated by their allocations. From each other people do not catch.
Treatment of the Foot-and-mouth disease:
All patients, irrespective of disease severity, need hospitalization. The sparing diet, fractional food, plentiful drink is appointed. Antibiotics are applied only in case of accession of a consecutive bacterial infection, against viruses they are inefficient. From the first days of a disease local antiviral therapy is recommended (oxolinic, interferon and other ointments). The mouth should be rinsed solution of Rivanolum or potassium permanganate.
For reduction of pain at emergence of erosion use the ointments containing anaesthesin and novocaine. During healing appoint oil of a dogrose or a sea-buckthorn. At damage of eyes apply albucid solution.
Also prescription of medicines, reducing action of intoxication, and also vitamins, in hard cases — cardiovascular means is necessary.