Phytolitas forte, капс. No. 10kh3/№10kh6

Producer: LLC Pharmaceutical Company Zdorovye Ukraine
Code of automatic telephone exchange: G04B C
Release form: Firm dosage forms. Capsules.
General characteristics. Structure:
Active ingredients: 1 capsule contains a ninety-knot of ordinary extract of dry 150 mg, a St. John's Wort of extract of dry 90 mg, a horsetail of field extract of dry 75 mg, Avisanum of 75 mg; excipients: cellulose microcrystallic (MKTs 101), silicon dioxide colloid anhydrous, calcium stearate.
Pharmacological properties:
The phytolitas forte possesses the spasmolytic, diuretic, anesthetizing and antiinflammatory action, antimicrobic and antiseptic properties, regulates mineral exchange. Reduces the frequency and intensity of renal colic, normalizes physical and chemical indicators of urine, leads to recovery optimum urodynamic and a homeostasis of urine, reduces a leukocyturia. Promotes washing away of sand and small concrements, prevents increase in concrements or emergence of new. The phytolitas forte exerts a positive impact on a condition of a spermatogenesis in the conditions of experimental prostatitis (concentration of spermatozoa, duration of preservation of the movement of spermatozoa and percent of moving forms increases, the quantity patholologically of the changed spermatozoa decreases, in the positive direction acid and osmotic resistance changes).
Indications to use:
Treatment and prevention of an urolithiasis (existence in kidneys and ureters of primary and recurrent stones of various size and localization); the complications caused by passing of fragments of stones after a shock and wave lithotripsy; at renal colic; prevention of formation of uric concrements after their operational removal and/or an independent exit; in a complex maintenance therapy of chronic inflammatory diseases of the lower uric ways (cystitis, an urethritis) and at chronic prostatitis.
Route of administration and doses:
At an urolithiasis adults and children aged from 12 years accept Fitolit forte before food on 1 capsule 3 times a day. Duration of a course of treatment makes 20 30 days.
After a break the course of treatment can be repeated.
For the purpose of prevention of a recurrence of a lithogenesis in kidneys and ureters after a shock wave lithotripsy of Fitolit forte appoint on 1 capsule 3 times a day during 515 days, and after an operational removing calculus and/or their independent otkhozhdeniye on 1 capsule 3 times a day during 12 months. At renal colic at adult Fitolit forte appoint on 1 capsule after elimination of a pain syndrome anesthetics.
At chronic cystitis, uretrita and prostatitises of Fitolit forte apply on 1 capsule 3 times a day during 2128 of days. The course can be repeated in 2 weeks. The quantity of courses of treatment is established by the doctor depending on a condition of the patient.
In need of purpose of drug in small doses, for example at patients with chronic pyelonephritis, it is possible to pass on priyy tablets of Fitolit.
Features of use:
The phytolitas forte can be applied in a combination with antimicrobic means. At emergence of following side effects drug needs to be accepted after food, but its reception should not be stopped. For simplification of an exit of concrements it is recommended to drink a large amount of water (1,52 of l) during 23 hours.
In the presence at patients with an urolithiasis of the expressed pyuria purpose of antimicrobic means is shown.
Use during pregnancy or feeding by a breast. Drug is contraindicated during pregnancy and feeding by a breast.
Ability to influence speed of response at control of motor transport or other mechanisms. It is not known.
Children. Drug is contraindicated to children aged up to 12 years.
Side effects:
The phytolitas forte is well transferred by patients and usually does not cause side effects. The weak dispepsichesky phenomena in the form of nausea and feeling of discomfort in epigastric area, vomiting, a diarrhea are possible. In persons with hypersensitivity emergence of allergic reactions (reddening, rash, an itch) is possible.
Interaction with other medicines:
It is not known
Hypersensitivity to drug components. Glomerulonephritis. Pregnancy and feeding by a breast. Children's age up to 12 years.
Toxic effect of drug is noted. At one-time reception more than 10 capsules are possible strengthening of manifestations of the described side effect. In case of overdose the gastric lavage and reception of absorbent carbon is recommended.
Storage conditions:
To store in original packaging at a temperature not over 25 to °s.khranit in the place, unavailable to children.
Period of validity - 3 years.
Issue conditions:
Without recipe
Capsules No. 10х3, No. 10х6 in the blister in a box.