
Producer: Orion Pharma (Orion of Pharm) Finland
Code of automatic telephone exchange: G03FB06
Release form: Firm dosage forms. Tablets.
General characteristics. Structure:
Active ingredients: 2,0 mg of oestradiol of valerate and 10,0 mg of a medroksiprogesteron of acetate.
Excipients: lactoses monohydrate, starch corn, gelatin, magnesium stearate, talc, коллидон 25, indigo carmine (E132), the water purified.
The drug helping to simulate a menstrual cycle reduces risk of a hyperplasia of an endometria, prevents post-menopausal osteoporosis.
Pharmacological properties:
Pharmacodynamics. The combined gormonozameshchayushchy drug of continuous action which part are natural estrogen - oestradiol valerate and a derivative of natural progesterone - a medroksiprogesteron acetate.
Introduction of a combination of oestradiol valerate / медроксипрогестерона acetate close imitates the natural cycle of hormonal activity characteristic of a normal menstrual cycle, i.e. the oestrogenic phase precedes the phase combined estrogen / прогестагенной which the menstrualnopodobny bleeding arising within 1 week after the last administration of drug follows.
After 12 months of use of Divina inflows and strengthening of sweating disappear at night.
At women in a climacteric against the background of Divina's reception the content of minerals and density of a bone tissue does not decrease, i.e. development of osteoporosis is prevented.
Drug possesses favorable action on the level of lipids in blood: reduces the level of lipoproteids of low density and cholesterol, reduces risk of development of atherosclerosis; increases the level of lipoproteids of high density which have anti-atherogenous effect.
Divina's use prevents development of a hyperplasia and a malignancy of an endometria.
Pharmacokinetics. Oestradiol valerate. Absorption. At administration of drug in oestradiol valerate is well absorbed from a GIT.
Metabolism and removal. Oestradiol valerate biotransformirutsya preferential in a liver with formation of less active estriol. Metabolites of oestradiol are brought out of an organism with urine in the form of soluble connections with glucuronic and sulfuric acids in water.
Medroksiprogesterona acetate. Absorption and distribution. At reception of 1 tablet of Divin in a medroksiprogesteron acetate is well absorbed from a GIT, Cmax in a blood plasma makes from 1 to 5 ng/ml and is reached in 2-4 h Medroksiprogesteron practically does not contact proteins of plasma.
Removal. Medroksiprogesteron is brought in the form of metabolites with urine and bile.
Indications to use:
— stopping of the symptoms which are a consequence of deficit of estrogen and progesterone at women in a climacteric;
— prevention of osteoporosis at women in a postmenopause.
Route of administration and doses:
Inside on 1 таб. / days (it is more preferable in the evening) within 21 days, then are followed by a 7-day break during which there comes menstrualnopodobny bleeding then again begin reception of tablets (see marking on packaging with a calendar scale).
During the first 11 days take the pill containing only it is oestrogenic (white).
Then during the remained 10 days - the tablets containing an estrogen combination with progesterone (blue).
Reception of tablets can be begun at any time if the normal menstrual cycle stopped or if it is irregular, and also for the 5th day of periods.
In case of the admission of reception a pill it should be taken no later than 12 h and further to accept drug according to the usual scheme.
Features of use:
The difault is contraindicated to use at pregnancy.
Drug cannot be used as contraceptive means.
In a climacteric distinctions in duration of a menstrual cycle therefore at some women bleeding can begin even during reception of blue tablets of drug of Divin are possible. In these cases it is necessary to stop temporarily administration of drug, and after the termination of bleeding to resume reception of white tablets.
Influence on ability to driving of motor transport and to control of mechanisms. The difault does not influence ability to driving of the car and occupations other types of activity, requiring special attention and speed of psychomotor reactions.
Side effects:
From a reproductive system: seldom - disturbance of a regularity of bleedings (metrorrhagia), a nagrubaniye of mammary glands.
From TsNS: seldom - a headache, increased fatigue.
From the alimentary system: seldom - nausea.
Others: seldom - heavy feeling in the lower extremities.
Interaction with other medicines:
At simultaneous use of Divin can reduce efficiency of anti-hypertensive means, peroral anticoagulants and peroral hypoglycemic drugs.
Barbiturates, anticonvulsant drugs, tetracyclines and rifampicin reduce Divina's effect at their simultaneous use.
— thromboembolic disturbances or pathology of vessels of a brain in the anamnesis (including in family);
— sickemia;
— hypophysis tumors;
— estrogenozavisimy tumors (breast cancer, uterus);
— acute and chronic diseases of a liver;
— arterial hypertension, resistant to therapy;
— pregnancy.
Symptoms: nausea, headache, breakthrough uterine bleedings. Treatment: carry out symptomatic therapy.
Storage conditions:
Drug should be stored at the room temperature (from 15 °C to 25 °C) in unavailable to children the place.
Issue conditions:
According to the recipe
21 pieces - blisters (1) with a calendar scale - packs cardboard.
21 pieces - blisters (3) with a calendar scale - packs cardboard.