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Eve Univit

Препарат Унивит Ева. РПУП "Академфарм" Республика Беларусь

Producer: RPUP "Akademfarm" Republic of Belarus

Release form: Firm dosage forms. Tablets.

Indications to use: Avitaminosis. Prediabetes. Diarrhea.

General characteristics. Structure:

Active ingredients: 1650 ME vitamins A (Retinolum acetate) or (Retinolum palmitate), 30 mg of vitamin C (ascorbic acid), 50 ME D3 vitamins (cholecalciferol), 15 ME vitamins E (dl-alphatocopherol acetate), 25 mkg of vitamin K (phytomenadionum), 0,55 mg of B1 vitamin (thiamin mononitrate), 0, 55 mg of B2 vitamin (Riboflavinum), 10 mg of B3 vitamin (Niacinum), 7,5 mg of B5 vitamin (calcium pantothenate), 1 mg of B6 vitamin (a pyridoxine a hydrochloride), 200 mkg of folic acid, 1,5 mkg of B12 vitamin (cyanocobalamine), 20 mkg of biotin, 300 mkg of lycopene, 100 mg of calcium (dicalcium phosphate), 9 mg of iron (gland fumarates), 77 mg of phosphorus (dicalcium phosphate), 75 mkg of iodine (potassium iodide), 50 mg of magnesium (magnesium oxide), 4 mg of zinc (zinc oxide), 27,5 mg of selenium (sodium selenit), 0,45 mg of copper (copper oxide), 0,9 mg of manganese (manganese sulfate), 12,5 mg of chrome (chrome of chelates amino-acid), 25 mkg of molybdenum (molybdenum of chelates – amino-acid), 36 mg of chlorine (potassium chloride), 40 mg of potassium (potassium chloride), 75 mkg of boron (sodium borate), 5 mkg of vanadium (vanadium sulfate). 

Excipients: cellulose microcrystallic, коповидон, magnesium stearate, silicon dioxide colloid, talc.

Dietary supplement to food "Polyvitamins and minerals for beautiful women "UNIVIT Eve" contains a combination of vitamins, necessary for life activity of an organism, macro – and microelements, lycopene.

Pharmacological properties:

The pharmacodynamics is caused by the components which are a part:

- vitamins A, With, E – the antioxidants reducing activity of free radicals, protecting the cells from damages which are slowing down processes of aging and development of atherosclerosis in an organism. Play an important role in regulation of oxidation-reduction processes, synthesis of collagen, an angenesis, maintenance of immunity and sight;

- vitamins of group B (B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B12) as cofactors of various enzymes take part in carbohydrate, fatty and energy balance, oxidation-reduction processes, an angenesis (including skin cells), and also in providing an organism with energy;

- D3 vitamin regulates exchange of calcium and phosphorus in an organism that promotes the correct mineralization of a bone tissue and teeth. The lack of vitamin D is the reason of development of osteoporosis and fragility of bones;

- folic acid participates in an erythrogenesis, synthesis of amino acids and nucleic acids;

 - vitamin K participates in biosynthesis of a prothrombin complex (factors of coagulability of blood), provides normal coagulability of blood;

- biotin is a part of the enzymes participating in synthesis of fats, a glycogen, regulation of exchange of glucose and a number of amino acids and by that exerts beneficial influence on a nervous system and a condition of integuments, nails and hair;

- calcium participates in formation of bones and teeth, promotes normal neuromuscular conductivity, coagulability of blood, is necessary for prevention of osteoporosis;

- iron is a part of hemoglobin, a myoglobin and tsitokhrom. Provides course of redoxreactions, oxygen transport, it is necessary for prevention of hypochromia anemia, increased fatigue;

- phosphorus, along with calcium, participates in processes of formation of bones and teeth, in energy balance, cellular regulation. The lack of phosphorus leads to development of anemia and anorexia;

- iodine is a part of hormones of a thyroid gland which regulate exchange processes in an organism, provide integrity of connecting fabric, regulate activity of a brain, nervous and cardiovascular systems, sexual and mammary glands;

- magnesium participates in formation of muscular and bone fabrics, as a part of enzymes takes part in synthesis of protein and nucleic acids;

- zinc is a part more than 300 enzymes, participates in synthesis and metabolism of hormones (generally glucocorticosteroid), carbohydrates, fats and proteins, participates in regulation of an expression of a number of genes, promotes digestion of vitamins of group B, is necessary for normal development of a bone tissue. The lack of zinc of an organism leads to anemia, secondary immunodeficience, sexual dysfunction;

- selenium has cytoprotective properties; in the form of a selenotsistein is a part of proteins which provide protection of intracellular structures against free radicals, and also triiodothyronine synthesis;

- copper is necessary for a normal homeostasis, a hemopoiesis, activity of hemadens, is a part of the proteins and enzymes participating in transport and metabolism of iron, metabolism of cholesterol and glucose, conductivity of a myocardium and brain activity promotes preservation of durability of bones;

- manganese is a part of the enzymes which are taking part in metabolism of amino acids, carbohydrates and fats, formation of bone and connecting tissue, processes of a hemopoiesis and tissue respiration;

- chrome participates in insulin synthesis process, metabolism of carbohydrates, fats and proteins, promotes decrease in level of cholesterol;

- molybdenum is a component of the metalenzymes participating in metabolism of proteins, carbohydrates, fats, amino acids and iron;

- chlorine participates in regulation of water and electrolytic and acid-base balance in an organism, functioning of digestive tract;

- potassium participates in regulation of water and electrolytic balance, in processes of carrying out nervous impulse, in metabolism and functioning of muscular tissue;

- boron participates in metabolism and utilization of various elements (calcium, copper, magnesium, phosphorus), glucose, triglycerides;

- vanadium participates in regulation of carbohydrate metabolism, cardiovascular activity, in processes of formation of bones and teeth, synthesis of fatty acids and cholesterol, oxidation-reduction processes;

- lycopene – antioxidant, reduces negative influence of adverse environmental factors (the ionizing radiation, electromagnetic radiations, etc.), promotes increase in body resistance to infections, intoxications chemicals, reduces risk of developing of cardiovascular and oncological diseases.

Indications to use:

Prevention of a vitamin deficiency, macro – and microelements: the increased physical activity, sports activities and physical culture, insufficient digestion of food (at advanced age, during the smoking and alcohol intake), unbalanced and defective food (dry food), a lack of fresh vegetables, fruit, the reduced diets (weight loss, diabetes), pregnancy and feeding by a breast, the increased losses macro – and microelements (vomiting, diarrhea, plentiful periods, strong sweating).

Route of administration and doses:

To adults and teenagers 14 years are more senior to accept during food on 1 tablet 2 times a day, washing down with enough water. Not to exceed the recommended dose. Not to apply after the expiry date specified on packaging. Before use it is recommended to consult with the doctor.

Storage conditions:

At a temperature not above 25 °C and relative humidity of air no more than 75%. Period of validity 2 years.

Issue conditions:

Without recipe


Tablets No. 28 (14×2), No. 60, No. 90, No. 120.

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