a href="javascript:if(confirm( \n\nThis file was not retrieved by Teleport Pro, because it is linked too far away from its Starting Address. If you increase the in-domain depth setting for the Starting Address, this file will be queued for retrieval. \n\nDo you want to open it from the server?%27))" tppabs="">Mestnoanesteziruyushchy and anti-inflammatory drug.
Camphoric ointment of 10%
Camphoric ointment of 10%
Producer: CJSC Yaroslavl Pharmaceutical Factory Russia
Code of automatic telephone exchange: M02AX10
Release form: Soft dosage forms. Ointment.
Indications to use:
General characteristics. Structure:
The ointment of yellow color containing in 100 g 10 g of camphor, 54 g of vaseline, 8 g of paraffin of 28 g of lanolin anhydrous.
Pharmacological properties:
Ointment is applied as outside anti-inflammatory drug.
Indications to use:
Muscular pains, rheumatism, arthritises, etc.
Route of administration and doses:
Outwardly in the form of grindings.
Features of use:
There are no data.
Side effects:
Are not revealed.
Interaction with other medicines:
Are not revealed.
Are not revealed.
Data on overdose are not provided.
Storage conditions:
In the cool, protected from light place.
Issue conditions:
Without recipe
In glass jars.
a class="btn2" href="javascript:if(confirm( \n\nThis file was not retrieved by Teleport Pro, because it is addressed on a path excluded by the site\%27s Robot Exclusion parameters. (Teleport Pro\%27s compliance with this system is optional; see the Project Properties, Netiquette page.) \n\nDo you want to open it from the server?%27))" tppabs="">