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Chromomycosis (chromomycosis: Greek chruma color, coloring + mycosis(es)/, Pedrozo's disease, verrukozny dermatitis) - the persistent fungal infection of skin and hypodermic cellulose caused by phaeochrous mushrooms of the Dematiateae family which representatives are eurysynusic in the environment (the earth, the decaying wood, straw, etc.).

Hromomikoz's symptoms:

The classification of chromomycosis of Carrion stated in 1950 and which underwent then, generally, insignificant changes. There are five main clinical options of chromomycosis:
1. Nodular. Eritematoidny papules sometimes with a scaly surface. It is initial type of defeat.
2. Tumorous. The large nodular educations with a papillomatous or lobular surface which are often covered with brown korko-scales. The expressed vegetation is possible.
3. Verrukozny. Rashes remind vulgar warts in the beginning.
4. Scaly giperkeratoticheskiya. The flat centers of infiltration of various size and a form, sometimes with papillomatous growths.
5. Cicatricial. It is characterized by atrophic sclerous sites in the center of the centers and existence on the periphery of fresh rashes. Form of the centers of defeat ring-shaped or the arc-shaped.

The specified classification, certainly, only the scheme allowing a possibility of simultaneous existence of the centers of defeat of various types and their consecutive transformation.

Incubation interval - several weeks or months. In the beginning on site implementations of the activator there is an eritematoskvamozny center reminding psoriasis plaques. Further depending on what it is transformed to, allocate papillomatous and ulcer, grumous or knotty forms of chromomycosis. The center of oval or oblong shape with a diameter of 10 cm and more, with sharp scalloped borders, smooth infiltrirovanny edge is characteristic of a papillomatous and ulcer form; the center is covered with crusts at which removal ulcerations with warty growths and a small amount of bloody and purulent separated come to light. Sometimes papillomatous growths reach height of 1 cm; they can remind "cauliflower".

At a grumous form the hillock of cyanochroic-red color of conical shape inclined to peripheral growth is formed. Further its color becomes dark-brown; the hillock becomes covered by a crust, around it there are new elements merging in a conglomerate in the form of dense plaques with scalloped edge. Then hillocks are softened, ulcerate, become covered by papillomatous growths.

At a knotty (gummous) form in a hypoderma nodes of 3-4 cm and more, a dense consistence are formed; they are located on dense infiltrate. Skin of a tsianotichn over them. Nodes are softened with formation of the ulcers covered with a crust, at their removal papillomatous vegetations are bared. The current is long-term, slowly progressing, usually high-quality, process dissimination chances in internals.

Hromomikoz's reasons:

Three main types of causative agents of chromomycosis are allocated: Fonsecae pedrosoi, Phyalophora verrucosa, Fonsecae compacta. All three types of micromycetes give macroscopically similar colonies. These mushrooms at microscopy on ways of a sporonosheniye differ: Cladosporium type, Phialophora type, and Rhinocladiella type,

1st Cladosporium/Hormodendron type. Sporulation occurs on the konidionosets departing from a vegetative mycelium. On the distal end two and more conidiums are formed, from them in turn there are secondary conidiums, then tertiary, etc. Long chains of conidiums form. Mycelium hyphas, konidionosets and conidiums have color dark and olive to brown. This type of sporulation is characteristic of Fonsecae pedrosoi – the causative agent of chromomycosis in the countries of Europe and Russia.

2nd Phyalophora type. At this type of sporulation the fialida located along a mycelium or terminalno are formed. Fialida are the peculiar konidionosets in the form of "vases" having roundish, the oval or extended basis and the narrowed neck. Around an opening on top of a fialida there is bent "collar". Conidiums form at the bottom of a fialida and are thrown out through a neck, concentrating clusters around a fialida. This type of sporulation is characteristic of Phialophora verrucosa - the causative agent of chromomycosis in the countries of South America and the USA.

3rd Rhinocladiella/Acroteca type. Konidionostsa simple, indistinguishable from a vegetative mycelium. Oval conidiums are produced directly on the ends and along konidionosets. Conidiums are simple, do not bud and do not create chains. Mycelium, konidionosets and conidiums of olive-brown color. This type of sporulation is characteristic of Fonsecae compacta - the rare causative agent of chromomycosis in various parts of the world. It is necessary to emphasize that for Fonsecae pedrosoi (the most frequent activator in Russia) all three types of sporulation are possible, at explicit dominance like Cladosporium.

Hromomikoz's treatment:

Treatment of chromomycosis is carried out by the dermatologist-mycologist in a hospital; appoint Amphotericinum In, potassium iodide or sodium; locally - 20% a pyrogallic plaster, Gordeev's liquid, antifungal ointments.

The forecast is favorable; at process dissimination in internals, a brain the lethal outcome is possible.

Drugs, drugs, tablets for Hromomikoz's treatment:

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