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Azoospermism (or an azospermiya) call absence or insufficient number of spermatozoa in an ejaculate (semen). At the same time there are spermatogenesis cells, seed bubbles and a secret of a prostate.



Azospermiya reasons:

Various reasons which not always manage to be established with an accuracy exert impact on emergence of an azoospermism. In case it is impossible to find the reasons and the nature of a disease, establish the diagnosis of an azoospermism of not clear genesis.

Azospermiya symptoms:

The azoospermism serves as manifestation of two different types of infertility: excretory and secretory. Proceeding from it it is accepted to allocate two types of an azoospermism: excretory (obstructive) and secretory (not obstructive).

Features of an obstructive (excretory) azospermiya.
At emergence of an obstructive (excretory) azoospermism:
natural level of hormones remains;
natural size of testicles;
there are no spermatogenesis cells in a tsentrifugirovanny ejaculate;
passability of seminiferous ways is broken.

When impassability has inborn character, its reason is connected with disturbance of formation of external and internal generative organs. In the presence of the acquired form of an obstructive azoospermism the reason of anomaly is connected with an inflammation of generative organs, operation on bodies of a small pelvis and a scrotum, an injury in various sites of reproductive system.

Characteristic of not obstructive (secretory) azoospermism.

At this kind of anomaly completely there is no development of spermatozoa in an ejaculate. In a case with a secretory azoospermism are diagnosed:
hypogonadism symptoms;
find single spermatozoa or cells of a spermatogenesis in an ejaculate;
hormonal shift;
existence of gene and chromosomal changes in the anamnesis.

The reason of an inborn secretory azoospermism is most often connected with a cryptorchism and other anomalies of development of testicles. If the disease has the acquired character, then in a basis, most likely an orchitis, an epididymite, to the varikotsela or influence of external factors (radiation, overcooling, an infection, alcoholism).

Treatment of an azospermiya:

When impassability is found, the doctor-adrolog has to analyze expediency of microsurgical intervention and perspective of a possible solution. The main complexity consists that approximately in three and a half years in the absence of passability of seed ways process of development of spermatozoa in testicles will be completely broken. So before operation usually carry out a small egg puncture. It is easier to cure an obstructive azoospermism, than not obstructive. It is only necessary to recover seminiferous ways by means of microsurgical intervention.

Drugs, drugs, tablets for Azospermiya's treatment:

  • Препарат Менопур.


    Drug of a human menopauzny gonadotrophin (chMG),

    Ferring GmbH (Ferring Gmbh) Germany

  • Сайт детского здоровья