Contagious mollusk
Contagious mollusk (new lat. molluscum contagiosum) represents a skin disease which reason the viral infection is. Usually skin, sometimes — mucous membranes is surprised. Most often the infection arises at children aged from one up to ten years. The infection is transmitted at direct contact with the patient or through the contaminated use objects.
The contagious mollusk is a viral skin infection which is caused by one of viruses of group of smallpox which in a typical case at adults leads to education on external genitals, hips, buttocks or the lower part of a stomach of the small knots raised over the surface of skin. They have semi-spherical shape. On color match normal coloring of skin or slightly turning pink it. In the middle of a hemisphere there is impression, something reminding a human navel. The size of these painless defeats appearing usually 3-6 weeks later after infection varies from 1 mm to 1 cm in the diameter; they have pinkish-orange coloring with a nacreous top. When pressing on a small knot from it as from an eel, the curdled stopper is allocated. Most often the contagious mollusk does not cause serious troubles and disappears in itself approximately within 6 months; therefore treatment is required not in all cases.
Symptoms of the Contagious mollusk:
Most often the papules which are direct symptoms of this disease are localized at children on a face, a trunk and extremities, at adults — in genitals, on a stomach and an internal part of hips. Most often papules:
do not cause pain, but itch
the small size (from 2 to 5 mm in the diameter)
the center has a dimple
in the beginning dense, a dome-shaped form, corporal color, become softer over time
have a core from white, waxy material
The contagious mollusk at people with normal immune system usually disappears spontaneously after several months or years. At patients with AIDS or other diseases affecting the immune system, damages connected with influence of a contagious mollusk can be more extensive.
The incubation interval lasts from 2 weeks to several months. In the beginning on skin there are small, flat small knots (1-2 mm) of whitish-yellow color with a nacreous shade which quickly become large (5-7 mm) and take semi-spherical shape with the central pupkoobrazny impression. When pressing to a small knot there is a curdled white weight at which microscopic examinations degenerative oval epithelial cells with large protoplasmatic inclusions (molyuskovy little bodies of Lipshyutts) come to light. Elements are located separately, but can merge, forming large plaques the sizes to 1-2 cm (a huge form), or to be located on a thin leg (a pedikulyarny form). The quantity of small knots varies from 1-2 to 10 more often. Cases of a generalized contagious mollusk when the quantity of elements reaches several tens are described. At the same time elements happen the small sizes (a miliary form).
Reasons of the Contagious mollusk:
The virus affects only the person, is not transferred by animals and is close to smallpox viruses. There are 4 types of a virus of a contagious mollusk (MCV-1, MCV-2, MCV-3, MCV-4). From them MCV-1 is most widespread, and MCV-2 is usually shown at adults and often transferred sexually. Also it can be transmitted through water (for example, the pool). In education there is a liquid through which he is transferred and breeds.
Infects with a contagious mollusk a virus (a virus of a contagious mollusk) which enters into group of poksvirus. This virus passes from the person to the person as a result of direct contact and is most widespread among children. Besides, it can catch at intimacy, people with disturbances of functioning of immune system are the most susceptible to a virus. The contagious mollusk can extend in the course of hackling or friction of the struck area.
Skin formations of a contagious mollusk sometimes confuse to the educations caused by a virus of an akrokhordon.
Treatment of the Contagious mollusk:
Formations of a contagious mollusk cannot be dried and damaged. If you touched it, then it is better прижечь, for example, diamond green. He leaves by means of tweezers, and then is cauterized by peroxide of hydrogen and iodine. It is better to do it at the specialist in sterile conditions. Within 4 days it is necessary to grease the struck place with iodine of times a day. After removal of education can appear still some time. It is necessary to delete them until they completely do not disappear. Also diathermocoagulation, cryotherapy is applied.
From the least painful ways of treatment "Lidocaine" in the form of spray is applied to anesthesia, a celandine for cauterization. Fukortsin and other means are applied to a stop of further spread of an infection. The drugs helping to maintain immunity (candles of Viferon, etc.), various antiviral ointments and tablets are in addition used. Prolonged treatment, prevention daily. (All above described methods are applied as an alternative and serve as addition to surgical methods, are resolved in the absence of contraindications).
Unlike herpes which for years can remain in an organism and recrudesce, the contagious mollusk affects only skin and completely disappears after dying off of the last education. However immunity to this virus temporary and the person can repeatedly catch. Also at the seeming disappearance of all educations there is a probability that remained some more small and therefore unnoticed.