Univit cardio

Producer: RPUP "Akademfarm" Republic of Belarus
Release form: Firm dosage forms. Tablets.
General characteristics. Structure:
Active ingredients: 1650 ME vitamins A (Retinolum acetate), 50 ME D3 vitamins (cholecalciferol), 15 ME vitamins E (tocopherol acetate), 30 mg of vitamin C (ascorbic acid), 0,75 mg of B1 vitamin (thiamin mononitrate), 0,85 mg of B2 vitamin (Riboflavinum), 10 mg of B3 vitamin (niacinamide), 5 mg of B5 vitamin (calcium pantothenate), 2 mg of B6 vitamin (a pyridoxine a hydrochloride), 200 mkg of folic acid, 3 mkg of B12 vitamin (cyanocobalamine), 12,5 mkg of vitamin K (phytomenadionum), 15 mkg of biotin, 20 mg of phytosterols (ethers of vegetable stirol), 85 mgkaltion (calcium citrate and calcium hydrophosphate), 2,4 mg of iron (gland fumarates), 16 mg of magnesium (magnesium oxide), 32 mg of phosphorus (calcium hydrophosphate), 0,8 mg of manganese (manganese sulfate), 0,28 mg of copper (copper sulfate anhydrous), 60 mkg of iodine (potassium iodide), 3 mg of zinc (zinc oxide), 48 mkg of chrome (chrome chloride hexahydrate), 12,8 mg of boron (sodium borate), 30 mkg of molybdenum (sodium molybdate), 23,2 mg of chlorides (potassium chloride), 25,6 mg of potassium (potassium chloride), 0,8 mg of silicon, 8 mkg of selenium (sodium selenit), 4 mkg of vanadium (sodium meta vanadate).
Excipients: maltodextrin, cellulose microcrystallic, povidone, кросповидон, magnesium stearate.
Dietary supplement to food "A complex polyvitaminic and mineral "UNIVIT кардио" contains a combination of the cardioprotective nutrients improving work of cardiovascular system of an organism.
Pharmacological properties:
The pharmacodynamics is caused by compound components of drug.
Phytosterols (vegetable sterola) are structural components of a cellular membrane of a plant cell, in a human body are not synthesized, and arrive with food. It is proved that phytosterols show the anti-atherosclerotic action which is expressed in decrease in level of cholesterol due to braking of process of its inclusion in micelles with bile acids, the competition to cholesterol in an intestinal epithelium, improvements of the return transport of cholesterol, increase in activity of the proteins conveyors controlling transport and outflow of cholesterol, strengthening of synthesis of cellular receptors of lipoproteids of low density.
The vitamin and mineral complex is developed for recovery of health and food of a cardiac muscle:
- vitamins A, With, E – the powerful antioxidants reducing activity of free radicals, protecting the cells from damages which are slowing down processes of aging and development of atherosclerosis in an organism show cardioprotective action, play an important role in functioning of immune system, increasing resistance of an organism to infections;
- vitamins of group B (B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B12) as cofactors of various enzymes take part in carbohydrate and a lipometabolism, oxidation-reduction processes, an angenesis, in providing an organism with energy, B6 vitamins, and B12 show cardioprotective action;
- D3 vitamin regulates exchange of calcium and phosphorus in an organism, shows cardioprotective action;
- folic acid participates in an erythrogenesis, shows cardioprotective action;
- vitamin K participates in biosynthesis of a prothrombin complex of factors of coagulability of blood;
- biotin takes part in exchange processes, promotes digestion of protein;
- calcium contributes to normalization of coagulability of blood, shows cardioprotective action;
- magnesium shows cardioprotective action;
- phosphorus participates in processes of energy balance;
- iron provides breath process, is a part of the enzymes controlling cholesterol exchange;
- iodine regulates metabolism at the level of a cell and an organism, promotes development of nervous tissue;
- copper is necessary for effective control of a homeostasis, participates in eritro-and a leukopoiesis, iron transport, metabolism of cholesterol and glucose, regulates conductivity of a myocardium;
- zinc shows cardioprotective action, participates in metabolism of carbohydrates, fats and proteins;
- silicon normalizes cholesterol exchange, at its deficit on walls of vessels cholesteric plaques are quicker formed;
- manganese is a part of active forms of enzymes;
- chrome participates in metabolism of carbohydrates, fats and proteins;
- boron participates in metabolism and utilization of various elements (calcium, copper, magnesium), glucose, triglycerides, active oxygen and estrogen;
- molybdenum is a cofactor of a number of metalenzymes;
- chlorine regulates water and electrolytic balance of an organism;
- potassium participates in maintenance of intracellular osmotic pressure, in processes of carrying out nervous impulse, regulation of water and electrolytic balance, in metabolism and functioning of muscular tissue, including a myocardium;
- selenium is a part of the proteins providing: protection against free radicals, cardioprotective action shows;
- vanadium participates in regulation of activity of cardiovascular system and carbohydrate metabolism.
Indications to use:
Prevention of atherosclerosis, vitamin deficiency, macro – and microelements, promoting development of cardiovascular pathology, the active prevention of coronary heart disease and its secondary prevention at advanced age, during the smoking and alcohol intake.
Route of administration and doses:
To adults and teenagers 14 years are more senior to accept during food on 1 tablet 2 times a day, washing down with enough water. Not to exceed the recommended dose. Not to apply after the expiry date specified on packaging. Before use it is recommended to consult with the doctor.
Hypersensitivity to any of drug components.
Storage conditions:
To store no more than 75% at a temperature not above 25 °C and relative humidity. Period of validity 2 years.
Issue conditions:
Without recipe
Tablets No. 28 (14×2), No. 60, No. 90, No. 120.