Prevention of atherosclerosis
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see also:
1. For prevention of development of atherosclerosis it is necessary to reconsider a food allowance and to adhere to a certain diet. Surely reduce the use of fat grades of meat and fat dairy products, and also sugar, honey and confectionery. Eat products with the lowered content of cholesterol and salt. Vegetables, fruit and cereals prevent formation of blood clots and atherosclerotic plaques. For example, eggplants, onions, garlic, carrots, and also boiled fish, sunflower oil and berries.
2. Treatment and prevention of atherosclerosis by methods of the Tibetan medicine includes use of the phytodrugs clearing biliary tract and a liver. Also the girudoterapiya, acupressure and acupuncture is successfully applied. At disturbance of a lipometabolism the drugs normalizing process of a metabolism in an organism, in a complex with a moksoterapiya, stone therapy and acupressure are appointed. This method demands use of a rigid diet which includes only three products: oats, cottage cheese and hawthorn. From oats prepare broths and porridges, from a hawthorn – puree, juice and broths, and low-fat cottage cheese it is necessary to use not less than 150 grams a day. The diet is selected the doctor individually for each person.
3. One more way of prevention of atherosclerosis – a healthy lifestyle. One of the reasons of emergence of this disease – smoking which is the real poison for an organism. To have healthy vessels, it is necessary to refuse this habit. Also correction of body weight as at obesity there is a disturbance of lipidic exchange is not less important and the condition of vessels worsens. Increase in physical activity is extremely necessary – sports activities 40 minutes at least three weekly also interfere with development of atherosclerosis.
4. Drug treatment and prevention of a disease is carried out only on doctor's orders after carrying out the corresponding diagnosis.

Mechanism of development of atherosclerosis