
Producer: Dialek Unitary Enterprise Republic of Belarus
Code of automatic telephone exchange: V08BA05
Release form: Liquid dosage forms. Suspension of peroral use.
General characteristics. Structure:
Active ingredient: 59550 mg of barium of sulfate.
Excipients: sodium carboxymethylcellulose, sodium citrate, нипагин, alcohol, fragrance food "0428.00 lemon" identical natural, the water purified.
X-ray contrast diagnostic means.
Pharmacological properties:
Pharmacodynamics. Drug well envelops a mucous membrane of digestive tract and provides high quality of the x-ray image. The maximum X-ray contrast of a gullet, stomach and duodenum is reached immediately after administration of drug inside, a 12-perstny gut - in 15-90 min. (depending on gastric emptying speed). The greatest visualization of distal department of a small and large intestine depends on position of a body and hydrostatic pressure.
Pharmacokinetics. It is not soaked up from digestive tract and does not get to a system blood stream (in the absence of perforation). It is removed with excrements.
Indications to use:
X-ray analysis of a gullet, stomach and intestines, including method of a double contrast study.
Route of administration and doses:
Before the use contents of a bottle need to be shaken up intensively.
Inside, for X-ray inspection of a gullet, a stomach and a small intestine. For a gullet at its hard filling not divorced suspension is used. It is dosed by spoons. 1 tablespoon contains 30 g of suspension (15 g of barium of sulfate). If necessary suspension can be dissolved, adding 70 ml of water of room temperature to 180 g of suspension.
For gullet roentgenoscopy a dose of not divorced suspension – 120-180 g, divorced in the ratio 3:1 – 200-250 ml. For X-ray inspection of a stomach and a small intestine prepare divorced suspension. For preparation of divorced suspension for 240 g of suspension in the portions add 70-80 ml of boiled water to 2-3 receptions and carefully stir: on one research of a stomach and a small intestine – 300-450 ml (for children – 100 ml).
Rektalno, for an irrigoskopiya use more divorced suspension: add 700-800 ml of water to 240–360 g of suspension: on one research – 1-1,5 l. Suspension is entered in an enema into a rectum.
Features of use:
After 20 h evening on the eve of the procedure it is not recommended to eat firm food. Before rectal administration reception of soft food, is allowed in the morning (before a research) enter bisacodyl suppository. After the research it is necessary to use a large amount of liquid for drug evacuation acceleration.
For carrying out a double contrast study at adults and children of advanced age (at children of younger age it is inexpedient to carry out a double contrast study) just before a research the patient is given, depending on age, 1,5-3,5 g of baking soda (in solution or powder) which is quickly washed down with solution by 1-3 g of citric acid. The total amount of the distilled water should not exceed 7-15 ml. It can be used for studying of motility of intestines at children. After oral administration suspension passes a small intestine at children for 1-2 h that gives the chance within a short period of time to study structure and motive function of a small intestine and, thereby, to refuse special receptions of its research. Duration of passing of suspension on a large intestine of 4 h that considerably reduces time of examination of intestines and reduces beam loading twice.
Side effects:
Baric appendicitis, locks, allergic reactions.
When using gas-forming substances in the course of a double contrast study – unpleasant feelings in epigastric area.
Interaction with other medicines:
It is not established.
Hypersensitivity; perforation of walls of a GIT (suspicion on it), ezofagotrakhealny fistulas; swallowing disturbance, intestinal impassability, locks, a gullet stenosis, bleeding from bodies of a GIT, pregnancy; a state after operational interventions on bodies of a GIT; sprue, food allergy.
Storage conditions:
To store in densely corked container at a temperature not above 25 °C. To store in the place, unavailable to children. A period of validity - 2 years. Not to use after the period of validity specified on packaging. Medicine in the opened packaging is stored in the refrigerator within 2 days.
Issue conditions:
According to the recipe
Bottles on 200 g in packaging No. 1.